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Whitby Free Press, 13 Jan 1993, p. 2

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Pop 2, WNhIty Fee Press, Wschusday, Jauuay 13. 1903 Durham College to reorgani«ze administraution FROM-PAGE 1 working life, until four years ago, leading collegos ixiporer parts Of the country. So this je nothing new te, me, and ri'n up for it,» he addB. Polonsky teld The Free Pres the roorganization involves only the college's 50-member adminis- trative staff. , FaCul4y- and support staff are not affected~ although hnth groupe will b. encouraged te take advantage of the early retirement offer, said Polonsky. He stressed that there are no plans te cut programe te, reduce mos. "Not since Ive been here -have we gotten rid of programe because of money," said Poloneky. Only four proras have been cancelled since Polonsky became president and that- was due -te factors such as poor enrolment or better progranis offered else- where, he said. «J don't envision shutting down anyo. r ms for financial rea- sonse Polonenkyreiterated. H; also ninted out that Dur- ham canno- increase tuition fees te, cover coes as fees are set by the province. As Polonsky explained, the downsizing je expected te sevel earn Durham $400,000 annually. About $180,000 will corne from salaries the college no longer has te pa hile the other $140,O0 wilbe generated from new revenue. Polonsky said three vice-pro- sidents have been i. ven respon- sibility for individtuel projects which are expeted te net the college $40,0100 each. These projecte will be similar te, the Pfedoeral govyernment's Canadien Energy manaement and Environmnental Training Ini- stitution which wes estabhséhedi at Durham. Ottgwa paye the cost of the program which je staffed by for- mer Durhamn employees, thus sae nthe college mon< dvige U he could n details at this time, Polonsky said an announcement will soon be mode about another program of a similar nature for Durham. An important feature of the reorganization le the creation of a new position - vice-preident of developmont --whichi *111 in- volve extensive fundralsing, sald Polonsky. Vice-president and dean of business Don Michie wlll talce on this job. «We're expecting It will bring in hundreds of thousando of dol- lars. We don't want to underesti- mate the potentiel for eanlMîng mony,"said Poloneky. Inthe next two years, Durham wiII adopt a two-pronged approach nf Ugpend~ less, earn more," said Poloneky. It wilI be roughly. a "50150 eplit" between the two strategle's înîtially, he'eajd. «B y yearl three we hope the earnlngs will account for more of the.share," Polonsky said. Polonsky le confident these In- itiatives will pay dividende to, the collere end that Durham wilI survive ita financial difficuties. uWe will balance our budget thie year and next year," predicted. Durham le operating under a $40-million budget ln the 1992- 93 fiscal year and le not cur- rently running a deficit, eald Polonsky. uWe won't play the geme Canadai bas played the lest 20 yearoi...maneging ourselves on debt"»he said. «Vwe wlll live withln our means." $ 0 W U m m m m m u um m mm u m n i-2am I it * w m m W i 0ow M Any Mlarge, large or panty sizo pizza. 3 *Valid at any Pizza Nova Location. Limit items or more. Vaiid at any Pizza Nova *one coupon per food order $1 0.00 and Location. [imit one coupon per order. *ovor. Coupo>n not valhd in combination Coupon not valid in combination with * wid any otho offers. any othe offers 0r11430 M888 430.88 rkIneGT"PTuksàda çaOréiy. ck'«ST"PSTonf 0dWP1*. lu ........... m u ............U U U G LEASI WHITBY CORPORATE CENTRE Retail/Offie Space, Creative Leaâsing Packages, Excellent Parking, Handicap Accessibility 1 JSK ME ABOUT 8. 0% MORTGAGES! s!]

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