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Whitby Free Press, 13 Jan 1993, p. 3

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t. ib y ýe Pr d , îdîf J - ,1 ,3 . P~ I t Items from 7hitby Council agenda(s) [fonday, January 11,199M Etecommenda- Lions from the Plannig and Development Recommenda- tions fromn the Operatiofle Committee That an application for $1 07,414 ln tax writeaffs for the 1992 taxation year be aprved. The majority ai the loi applications ftiled during 1992 involved businesses na longer operating. Caied That a bylaw be passed authorlzing the tenporary borrowIng of Up ta $4 million for the 1993 calendar year. The Town of Whitby annually passe a bylaw ta authorize terrçorafy borrowing requiroments. These borrowings may be required ta caver expenses IncIJITOd eariy ln thie year until the tIrst tax Instalîmnent Is recelved and late ln the year due ta uncoliected recelvables. The Town borrawed $500.000 ln 1992. cmrrieid That the annuai repart of the Whitby Seniors' ActMvty Centre be received for Infarmnatian. During 1992 the centme's menbership surpassed 1,450 which represented an Increase af approxlniately 100 over 1991. The building iund naw tMais $162,013. The money wiil go towards a new centre when council decides tao ee wfth the proiec. By Mike Kowalold An ail and gasoline spill at Kendalwood Plaza in Dembar is naw omptying into Lick Pond. But the Ontario Mixustry of Environmient doos not expect any lasting damage to the p>ond or surroundino area from te pre- Christmas incident. For the paet few weeke, people walknin i the marsh noar thle east Wby pond have noticed a mystenrous liquid occasionally mixed in with runof from a Storm sewer pipe which emptios into a creek niortheast of the According to environnient ministry spo-kosman Rob Lyons, the substance in likely diesel fuel and ofi that app ent1y came from atruck parkedrat the plaza durn h ih of the major Lyons said the spiil was dis- covered the noit day when the truck was no longer on the lot. «It wae a spill cf what appoars ta be diesel fuel and oil. Some of it went into the Storm sewer,» said Lyons. He did not know if the spili wae deliberate or had accidently leaked frorn the truck nor did hae know how much wae involved. "Tlhe truck was long gone and it's only speculation that it was a truck. No one saw it,» said Lyons. Although plaza management hired a local Mlm ta dlean up the spill and Town cf Whitby aiea responded, Lyans said not al cf the spili, could be contained. SSome of itfound ite way intoa catch basin about 20 foot fromn where the truck was suppasedly parked, he said., L4ans said area residents will notice liquid coming from the pipe over the next several weeks because the cil/fel muet work its way out cf the pipe on ita own. As the water level in the pip roaches the height cf the ail an the sides more will be washed eut said Lyons. «it will take some time ta corne off the sides cf the pipe, but basically it's (cleanup) ah <fane,» hoe said.' Sleigh rides at Heber Down Horse-drawn sleigh rides will be at Heber Down Cnevto Area on Sunday, Jan. 17 and 24, 1lto 4p.m. Rides will start from the day- use area (not from the winter parkinglot). In the event cf inadfcluate snow conditions, a wagon willI be substituted or rides will be cance- Please support The Kidney Foundatior' of Canada's March Drive Campaign. Ie THE KIDNEY FOuHNDATION 0F CAADA led. Check the bulletin board or caîl 579-0411. 1Cost of rides is $1.75 par por- son par ride. To raach Hebor Down, take Taunton Rd.eg north on Coun- try Lana . to the park entrance and continua north through the park ta the day-usa parking area. Saturday e Jan. 16 '93 - 9am-3pm FREE CLASSES &1TRIMARK WE MANAGE. MIUTUAL FUNDS ToO UTPERFORM. AUl rtt ur11tý.11tuitttt )Fi h& rut i ung.i ,cirttrtd At t(,iriiti, a rc hisitnriw,îI innuat tîiipnundt'd ttî. ti utit t e i rl cliti t.iiuge, in uniti idut aand tltirilltttîiflt itiîîîttttI Ihey do tint itketttt J- 1 t L ii gt- ni i dil itttrai.ttt\t c, papi vi iii tiitltrs %'ili wh Id lia.î rtttc.ed îtimsn 11.1,1 lcilorma tc o, n t p.tritt, e luit ue restit. Ytiti i t \ductand iuncsiiiiciut tetu ru. ut ll lttmitt 11t1tti't 1.11t1îlu uîttttt I itt i)îîu ittuil luntl is tîtttton ii i ii iuiplited pitispet us Re.il Contact TPA INVESTMENT PLANNING INC. DONALD R. DASTI 666-0896 Commlttee That a site plan application ftram Avida Development Partnershlp for a 3,200-sq. metre commercial deveiop- mont an the sautheast corner af Thicksan Rd. N. and Dryden Blvd. b. approved. The devolopment wlll Include a Na Fril15 food store and three addltlonal units. cm-lied That a revlsed site plan application ftram Scugog Marine Services Inc. for the northwest corner cf Hopkns St. and Bums St. be appraved. The applicant has revlsed the parking layout and InternaI road pattem ta imprave the marine service business. That an officiai plan amendment application t ram Brooklin Meadows Ltd. for a major subdivisan ln Brooklin bo referred ta Whtby's officiai plan revlew. The amendment seeks ta Increase population densities ln Broaklln ta a level comparable ta that ln sauth Whitby. Brooklin Meadaws plans ta bulld a 1,247-unit development on 260 acres af land bordered by Columbus Rd., Winchester Rd., Queen St. and Thickson Rd. Carried BRING THIS AD FOR YOUR SPECIAL GIFT CUPON.,v We lookforward to he!ping you _______ ______ 116 Atiiol Street Whitye 666-4236 1 agenda 9 &rand eninq RAGS 2000 HAIRDESIGN LMSEX 1 1 Under new rnanagement ~ December 21, 1992 9:30 arn - Moderato Low Impact a I 4 11:00 arn - starter stop 12:-30 Prn - Moves & GrooveS 2:00 prn - Moderato Stop JV Refreshments* Ad-Lib Wearables On Sale Balloon Burst Win A Prize (one pr peson) HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO REACH YOUR FINANCIAL GOALS?-2 1$5.00 OFF PERMS E iN! j- -1 ýj 1 1 1 1

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