Pago~~~~~hitb SWbuyFisPis, ohssa, au.y131s Crupizz a anniversary at a new location By Elizabeth Hooper Now at a new location, Cru- pizza is celebratixi its' sixth anmiversary in Whitby and manager Don Crupi expects it wlll b. business as usual for many more years. buIna er cnfidient in my busnes, s Icould tel you right now, the business will probably be open 25 years from now.» Previously located at 1121 Dundas St. E. and now at 701 Rossland Rd. E., Crupi says only the "freshest of inaredients" are used with Crupizza s own freshly mýade dough and sauce to make pizzas. To mark the anniversary, a draw is bein held - 10 peple could be e* le for coupons for six free pizzas. Discounts of $1 and $2 on the cost of a pizza have a]ready been offered. Crupizza has always offered haif-price pizzas when picked up by customers. «When w. first opened, we knew this form of business would be very competitive, s0 we had i mind a competitive idea with the 50 per cent off pick-up,» says Crupi. Business-wise, Crupi says, "I wish finies were better, but con- sidering the recession we're in, business has been doing very Weil." Computer info session Jan. 27 There will be a 'computer ini- formation panel' at the Jan. 27 meeting of the Durham Business & Professional Women's Club. The panel will provide infor- mation relevant to ail levels of computer comfort and know- ledge. Leah Murray wil be modera- tor. The meeting, at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa, bEgins at 6 p.m. (reception), with dinner at 6:45 'Cost is $25 for members, $30 for non-members. CRUPIZZA OWNER Don Crupl-demonistrates his pizza-maklng sidils. crupizza recently re-opened its Whitby outiet at 701 Rossland Rd. E. (Rowland and Garden. Phooby MrkRsoeor, Whitby Free Prous A teller with a good memory for faces foiled a man attempting to withdraw moneyftrom someone else's account Friday. Police say a nman walked inte the downtown branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- merce Friday afternoon and handed the teller a withdrawal slip for $400. The teller recognized the man, who had apparently tried te pull the sanie stuntinNovember. Police say the suspect apparently sensed Something was wronlg and left ini a wine- coloured Ford Tempo or Topas. He's described as a 28-year-oId white maie, around 5' with a slinny build, moustache and a cou ple dava' growth of beard, withi reddish-brown slicked-back hair, sbort at the back. Across 3 Oceans, 5 Cninns Antiýd 66 Countries 1113,300 Off-ices, Over 2 Billion Served. As a memiber of-'one of' the world's largest business and personal-banking orgraiiza,,tioils, we can offer- an array of services and a level of expertise second to none. Frorn personal chequingy to facilitatingL- Canadian exports, frorn car loans to termn deposits, we're the Canadian bank with a local focus and a global perspective. Not to mention service with a sniile. Hongkong Bank of Canada Now, what can we do for you? 1200 Dundas Street 666-2300 Jans 26, Feb. 3, Feb, 10, Feb. 16 Learn About: M The New RRSP Rules (carry forward, spousal, over contributions, higher limits). M "The RRSP with 40% more tax savings! f DEREK DUJTKA M Today's Best Mutual Funds. M What 10 do now that interest rates are low. 0 How RRSP's fit in your overail plan. M How asset allocation can maximize your returns & minimize risk. M Caîl 666-R RSP to reserve your seat.