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Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1993, p. 19

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Whitby Fiee Pmes, WeÃ"nesday. Jsaiay 27,1903, Page 19 Commi1 ttee to initiate supportive housing A committeo bas been formed te nitate supportive bousing in Durham. Supportive housing combines accessible, rent-goared-te-income accommodation with 24-heur, as-required attendant services. Assistance would be avalable ini the meese of dally living routines that constwnore unable to perfori.i for themselvos due te a phyical disability. Trained attendants wouLd be eveileble o t"eset with di.ssng, feedng, bathxng, teileting, suctioming, treneferring, etc. The consumer of the service assumes repsbiity for directing deily servCOs. The supportive housiïng model offers independent living options for adulte with physical disebilities in an integraed setting close te all amenities. The most common model je an apertmnent building with 50 te 60 units, of which 16 te 20 would bè wheelchair accessible. The unique charecteristic of the current proposaI is the accommodation of four toeaight ventilater users. Although the project je in the initial stages of development, enyone who bas need df supportive housing now or in the near future are encouraged te contact the Ontario March of Dimes in Oshawa et (416) 434-5280. ~BROOKLIN Rybka-Becker acclaimed as NDP candidate By Mike Kowalski A* 30.year-old communications spcaliet will ho the NDP candi-, date in Durbam riding in the next faderaI election. Bowmanville rasidant Lucy Rybke-Becker wes acclaimed as the ridinge NDP candidate dur. ing a nomination meeting held et Durbhan Collage lest Thurae>. Makinglber firet attempt et public ofice, Rybka-Becker will tt capture the mixed urben- rural riding for the NDP when the election je held laten thie year. Created prier te tho 1988 elec- tion, the riding, that includes Wbitby north of Taunton Rd., je now beld byProgressive Coneer- vative MP Rse Stevenson. Although hoe hasnont yet been nomineted, Stevenson je expec- ted te be the Tory candidate in Durhami once agein. A former newspaper reporter, Rybka-Becker is currentl>' employed as a communications officer with the Ontario gevern- ment. In ber acceptance speech, Rybk-Beckerfoceused on the fedoral government's perfor- mance sinco ceming te power in 1984. Sho attacked the Conserva- tives for implementing the GST, «gouge and screw tex,» sud free trade with the United States, both of which, she claimed, have devasteted Canada's economy. "This counitry je struggling te get eut of the worst recession since the Great Depression,» said Rybka-Becker. She said more then 500,000 jobs bave disappeared since the 1988 free-trade deal, helf of them in Ontario. "The Tories and Liberels who supported free trade say wo need higli unemployment te fit into the global economy, but te me that's a bunch of BS,' she said. Instead of «bringing our stan- dards down» te comapete with low-wage countries such an Mexico, Rybka-Becker aeked «Why net bring theirs up?» She said the proposed North American frea-trade agreement (including Mexico) ehould be replaced with an economic stra- tegy which will "ftrein our people for the future.» As for the GST i(gonds and services tex), Ryýbka-Becker eeid it muet be repleced with a sys- tom which does net «hurt the pao ple who cen leaet afford it. W hile she e greed that Cenede's massive debt muet be reduced, Rybke-Becker eeid this would net bo an NDP govern- BOWMAN VILLE resident Lucy Rybka-Becker was acclaimed Iast Thursday as the NDP candidate in the federal riding of Durham. Raising her arms in victory are Durham East ment's highest prienit>. «I caution you thet we should not be obsassed with the deficit when food banke are growing welfere roîls are incneasing end family farme are lest.» Rybke-Becker eeid thet in in 1981 thora wan only oe fond benk in Caneda, but as of November thet number bad clim- bed te 342. «Canada is neeling from self-, inflicted wounds, it's time te throw thom (Tories) eut and replace them with a party of compassion and feeling," see seid. Although Durham riding bas nover been a bastion of NDP support, bath guest speakers told the epproimatel>' 60 part>' faith- fuI the potentiel for an NDP upset should net ho treated lightly. Oshawa MP Mike Breaugh eaid the Canadien electrate je in a "volatile" mood and peet voting patterns will bave ne beering on the election. Ho said votera cen ne longer ho taken fer granted and referred te lest Octèer'e referendum nesult as an indication of the public'e unwillingnoss te follow the dic- tatas of thair political leader-s. Durhami East MPP Gord Mille MPP Gord Milis (left) and Oshawa MP Mike Breaugh. durham riding includes Whitby, north of Taunton Rd. Photo by PAfke Kowalski, WhItby Free Press Cupid' cs dessert, card Party Feb. 10 The annuel congrgtionel meeting will be held on Sunda>', Jan. 31, noon in the Christian educetion (Cg) building hall of Brooklin United Churcb. Bring e bag lunch. Ceffée tee, and bab yitting will be proviAed. Therooklin mmn's morning group invitas aIl stay-at-home morne in the Bnooklin erea te meet ever>' Wednasday from 9:.15 te il a.m. in the CE bail. Thora are guest speakers, outinge crafte. and exorcse, sometbing different eacb week. Thora is babymittingf foifats teegae 5, at $1 per ch1Lrind n For furtber details, call Kelly et 655-8091 or Mary-Ellen et 668-0091. Ibe annuel Cupid'e Dessert anid Card Party' is on Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. 'flckets are $4 eecb. Contact Mar Wilson et 655-4559 or the cbguh office for furthar deteils. Thene will be ne ticket sales et the door. Maxiene and Rev. David King bave a son, Paul Caineron, born Sunde>', Jan. 24. It is a new experience for the congregatien te bave a baby in the maanse. recalled that prior te, the 1990 provincial election, the NDP was at 17 per cent in the p elle while the governing Liberels had the support of more than 50 per cent of votera. "In four weeks it reversed itEclf,» seid Milîs. «If you want an example of whet cen be done, rmn it,» ho said. Following the meeting, Rybka- Becker was uncertain as te whether the current unpopu- lenit> of Ontario~s NDP govern- ment will be. a hindrance te bher in thecaemnaign. «I don't know wbat *impact the provnial scene will have,» seb said. «Ail I know je that people are fed up witb the Tories and a conservative agenda. The>' want a government which pute people finst.» Rybka-Becker je the second candidate te be nominated in the riding. Courtice.resident Ian Smytbe will run for the Reform Party' in Durbham. Stevenson muet stili be nominated and the Liberals do net yet have a candidate. Scugog Township residents Alex Shepherd and- Glenn Mal- colm are both seeking the Liboral nomination. In addition te, north Whitb, Durham also includes north Osh- awa, the Town of Newcastle, Uxbridgo and Scugog townships. PCs to meet in Brooklin The annuel meeting of the Brooklin & District Progressive Association will be held on Wed- needa>', Jan. 27, 8 p.m. The meeting, et Brooklin United Church will include get speakers froas Stevenson, Durham riding MP, and Judy Mintz. Ail welcome. While giant corporations get mont of the headlines, smal businesses also formn a very significant part of our national economy. More than 900,000 emali firms account for about 95 per cent of ail business in Canada. They hire more than one-third of the private sector worlcforce, and croate four out of every five new jobs for Canadians. That's wby emall business somotimes is called the engine that powers the economy. And it's the reeson that a number of mensures ta help smali business grow and prosper were so prominently foatured in Finance Minister Don Ma.zankoWski's economic statement last Dec. 2. Businesses that paid less than $30,000 in Unemployrnnt Insurance premiumns during 1992 will not have te pay a higher amount this year, even if they tako on more employees. Businesses tarting up in 1993 are exempt from paying up te $30,000 in UT promiums thie year. This is expected te free up $500 million te help smail busindsses become botter establisbed. The smail business financing prograrm that allows firmes in financial difficulty te rofinanco at lower then commercial interest rae asbe extended until the end of 1994. Under the Small Business Loans Act, the ceiling for loan maximums that was doubled last February has been increased again te $250,000. As well, the criteria for éligible emal businesses hes been more than doublod so that it!s now $5 million in annuel revenues. Last year this particuler program provided $395 million in boans te assist more than 10,000 emal business operations. The economic statement provided a 10 per cent investrnent tex credit for smali businesses buying new machinery and equipment that should bring these companios a tetal tex eaving of approximately $300 million. Other new moasures will help entrepreneurs by encouraging increesed investment in smaîl business through Registered Retirement Savinge Plans, Registered Retirement Investment Funds end labour-sponsored Venture Capital Funds. Recognizing that smaîl firmes must have good people with the right sIdIls, there is a 1993 faderai commitment of $3.8 billion for training and adjustment, while new tex incentives will help privato businesses cover the cost of training workers. A detarminad effort is undarway te cut or aliminate the burdan thet federal raguletions often impose on smafl business. One specific aim is te make the goods and services tex accounting raquiremonte simpler end easier te comply with. Healthy emnaîl business is a vital factor in craating the growth, jos and nrosnerity we all went, net only now but for our countrys utre Ie varieus new incantives announced in Docembar sbould ansuro the economic angine is opera±ing et full tbrottle for everyone'e benafit. If youd like more information about the acononuc stataniant write te me, postae-frea, et the House of Coinmons, Ottawa KIA 0A6.

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