Page 26. Whi*by Free Prou. Wednesday. Januy 27 19W3 Cheryl-Ann MacKean ANDERSON C.V.I. TRAFALGAR CASTLE I thought Nd have soe peace an quiet over the holidays, but ennis and Wayne chose that time te paint my favourite afternoon nap location: the receptionrom'richl decorated in vet Vitorian settees.Ilk h feel of velvat on a coid winter's Ays well, a tearn of lectricians set up scaffolding te change al the lighting in tha school te more energy-efficient, low-voltage fluorescent bulbs. I am a great haliaver in haing energy efficient; that's why I sleep appreximately 80 par cent of the day. rmn saving mysaîf for a suddon caîl te mouse hunt in the spring. Fin loeking forward te Education Experience Week just hafore March break. This is oe of the highlights of the school year for me because the girls embark on aIl kinds of diffrent adventures. 0f course, I amrnenver invited te go on the overseas trips, but I lika te sit in on soe of the expariancos that taka place on the school grounds. One yoar, the girls took judo lassons on the lawn, but that was tee energetic fer me. Mr. Palmer organized an oxpariance in nmagic. I made the miistake of venturing tee close te ena of the girls' magic wands and she tried te make me dlisappear. In 1989 soe girls spent two weeks in Russia and Iast year aur Clebration Singers toured England and Paris. This yoar, the Clebration Singers ara going te parform in Hawaii and Hong Kong. Sometimes I haver around the chapal when they ara practising 'The Cat Came Back,' and I think they will make us very preud of theni when they represent us overseas this March. Other oxpariencas planned, and those which I want te visit, include «Chefs Training' -- I theught I might ha given a samnple or two; ' Mask Making' -- J'ni always looking for an affective disguise; <Sef-improvement' -- net that I actually need any; 'Virtual Roality' -- a course in computers and the future. inm thiniking of getting a conputer if this journalismn career ovor takes Off. Expariences i amn sure the girls will enjoy but whiich I don't plan on attending include dog-sledding, for obvieus reasons, and driver's education. I try and stay off the driveway and three or four foot on aither sida of it once the practical lassons hahind the wheel hagin. I know that you have al heard about our latest addition, a little retriever pup named CIoe. We haven't actually mat but l7d liko te get the introductions over with sean whilo I arn stiil bigger than she is. FInally, hast wishes fer a speedy recovery to Jade Bryant. Sho broke lber le1glast Friday during aur anu= ski tri pte Uevil's Elbow. For moSt afthe girls from averseas, this was their PETER HURLEY was a medieval man-at-arms at Col. J.E. Farewell public school as, he spoke to a grade 4 history class about the Crusades and mercenary bands of knights in Europe. Photo by Pater Tomblin, Whltby Free Press Lucie Rochette CHARLES GARNIER Bonjour! It's sf11l finals season haro et Garnier. I've written ail of my finals (thank goodness), but te those students whe haven't finished yet, good Iuck. You can easily spot a student wh is about tewrite afinal. That student is sitting at a table in the caf with a bunch of papars and books spreed eut around hlm/lier. He/s has a pan in oea nd and a handful of notes in the other. He/she keeps looking at the dlock, desparately trying te squeeze in as much last minute cramming as he/she possibly can. Finally the time bas coma te write that dreaded axai. The student linos up at the gym doors, ho{ing by soe miracle, he/she w rmeihar ail of the things reviewed at the very last minute. "Oh well, haro goes nothing," he/she thinka as the tests are handed out. He/she takes a deep breath and starta te write. An heur and a haif later (twe to three heurs for OAC), he/she cames eut of the gym feeling triumphant, laughing now that the stress is ever. T'he second semester brings a slight teacher shufle ta Ecole secondaire catholique Saint- Charles-Garnier. Our librarian, Mme Gagné, is now the vice- principal at Ecole catholique Corpus-Christi, a Frenchi priiary school in Oshawa. The new Most of us are awara, through the media, that each day at least ana woman has been attackad without provocation. Soe of us have aven changed our daily habita for fear of being assaulted. In North Amarica alone, personal attacka increase by 30 par cent par year. Sixty par cent of all women and 71 par cent of ail seniors are afraid of haing victimidzed. Overall 41 par cent of ail people feel unsafa in their own anvironinont. With thase typas of assault casas, police h ave difllculty identifSing tha victim's attacker. Savon years ago, former police officar Jim McReary hagan researching a way te "mark"' the criminal until ha could ha discovered. What McReary devalopad was a criminal identifier to ha used as a parsonal saaty device that ha labelled as ' DyaWitnass.' DyaWitness is a controllod product for which one doesn't naed a licence. It's not an alarm, or shield or a weapon that can ha used against you. This non-toxic product is safe on eyes, unlika mace, and is semi-permanent. It will stain al clothing parmanently and will aise soak into ail textiles including neoprîm and rubhar, lasting for weeks. However, it can ha wiped off plastic, glass and files. The green dye is fired up te savon foot with a 70-lb blast on impact. Within four seconds it foams ail over the attacker's face, Concert ~* saxophonist ~ at Trafagar On Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 2:30 p.m., Paul Brodie, concert saxophonist, will perform eat Trafaigar Castle School as part of a schoi concert teur. Brodie was bora in Montreal. Sinco 1960, ho lias parformed more than 2,500 concerts in Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Franco, England, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Israel, Australie and China. Ha is considered te ha the Most recorded concert saxophonist in the histery of the -instrument, with 32 albums recerded for Golden Creat Records, CBC International Service, CBC Enterprises, Truly Fine Records, Classic Editiens and Music Minus One. Warren Beatty features Bredie's saxophone pa1 ngonth seundtrack efte Academy Award-winning film 'Heavon Can Wait.' He was aise included on 'Clyde Gilmour's Favourites, an album celebrating Gilmour's 25 years en anaeof the meat famous prograins on CBC radio. Bredie bas appaared as a solost with Most of the leading orchestras in Canada, and bas eften been featured an CBC AM/FM radie and CBC television. He is the author of «'A Student's Guide te the Saxophone' and three books of saxophone solos, published by Frederick Harris Music. In 1969, ha founded the World Saxophone Congress and is a consultant/artist for the Selmer Company of the U.S. snd the H&A Seimer Company ef Canada. librarian is Mme Rochette (Hi, inom!) AIse, welcome te Mme Faubert, whe raeturas te us efter ber maternity beave. I aise heard through the Garnier grapavîno that a new teacher is arriving for the second semester. Ill hava more info in the coming weeks. Gotta fly! A la proshaine. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 21 1 . Cormack Station is on the site of George Cormack's lumber yard and a short distance south of the old Whttbyj and Port Perry railway station site. 2. The Globe Hotel stood on the Grass Park site from the 1850s until it burned down on Feb. 11, 1883. 3. The Bigelow Block on Dundas St. W., now the home et Lafontaine Trading Post, is recognized by Heritage Canada as a unique building in Whitby. 4. The Canadian National Railway opened as the Grand Trunk Railway through Whitby in August 1856. obscuring vision while not harming the eyes. Within seven seconds the DyeWitness 19 totally dispensod over the attacker, leaving a green stain for up to seven days for easy identification. The obscured vision helps the victim to escape. Green fcain leaves a trail from the scena of the crime and an unniistakable seven-day green stain on the attacker. Tharefore the assailant will not be able to among others without raising suspicion. DeWitnoss has a safety lýckngWin tht can be removed atthe firat sign of danger and if net needed, may be replaced when the situation is peacefully resolvos. The blast of this product bas an effective range and cannot ha washed or scrubbed away with any amnount of soap and watar or cleaners. This topic is not directly related to the echool or its prograins. Hewever, I firmily believe that it should be. Iam angored, and so are many others, about the many helpless girls who have bean attacked. I feel strongly that we should pull our headas out of the sand and take a stand beforo someone else we love is cruelly victimized. I want overy girl at Anderson, Henry and Austin, and ail other schools, ta, wake up and realize that anyone could ha attacked. No amount of pretanding will prepare you for the day whea you could ha in a helpless situation. HISTORY came alive tor a history class at Glen Dhu pub- lic school recently as Canada's first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, portrayed by David W. Morris, spoke to students, offering humorous anecdotes and quotes from Macdonald's writiNgs and speeches. Photo by Peter TornblIn. WhJtby Free Press