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Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1993, p. 33

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WhIfl*Fm~' Pres& Wecà oe~àY~Pebnmky S, 1~G~ P~gé~s - CIlL ~ .. . 0...I AARM NTjAPRT ET..PH ImmICE ....O..E...R NT FO RNTF r - - --O---------------n--ouse, QUALIFIED TEACHER & mother wishes to care for your child in her home. Prinpte Creek area, Henderson Drive. Cati 668-2378. WANTED: RESPONSIBLE day care in our home for infant. N/W Whitby. Long-term commitment. non-smoker. References. Start Aprit or May. 668-2384. Wee Care Day Care Centre Ages 2 to 5 Fuitluâme rate $99 Day care Full days, Nurscry school, Haif days, Junior kindergarten Etablished 1978 686-1161 (Ajax) Wee Watc Prim Dayaxe The system that provides... " Unscheduled home visits ensure quaiity care for your child " Fuliytrained providers receivo ongoing Agency support " Reiabte local back-up covers Provider iinoss or holidays " Complote insurance coverage " Income tax receiptS *Chitdren six weeks and up " Full or part-time For more Information cali: 686m3995 BROOKLIN - FURNISHED. Livng room/bedroom/bathroomr combination. Shared kitchen & Iaundry. Telephone. cable. Suit sing le person. $90/week. 655-4640, 655-4951. BROOKUN - LARGE ROOM. Close toalal amenities. Ail inclusive. Available now. 655-5539. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/weekty. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk toalai amenities. Cali 666-3776 after 6 p.m. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes from Whitby, between Brookiin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms availabte for rent. Low weekiy rates. Cali 655-5308. ROOMS & 1-BEDROOM APT. with private entrance availabte in Pickering Village. $525, everything included. Rooms $90 & up per week. App>Iy at 2 Eizbth St., PickeringVillage, Ajax. BROOKLIN - ROOM with private bathroom & kitchen. Own ent rance. Older persan preferred. $350/month. First & last. 655-3012. DOWNTOWN WhitLy, exceptional - clean, quiet, f urnished room. Includes use of kitchen. Parking, cable. Availabte immediately. Suit mature maie. $85/week. First & last. 668-3640. I a Icensed Agency I ACOMM0Aflt4 HOUSING WANTED.Familz of 4 WHITBY - SHARE spaciaus new home with one or two working people. Ail lnciuded. Ngon-smoker. 666-8590. A WHITBY STEAL: $115,900. Luxury condo, 2 bedrooms, 2 bat hs, 5 appliances, underground parking, security TV monitor, indoor swimming pool, whiripool, sauna, billiard room, ibrary, exercise room, party room. Prime location. 430-8349. A NEW BABY? ln this world, there's always roomn for one morel Cal! your Welcome Wagon Hostess now- 668-6653 SINCE 1930 ITO Iooking for 3- or 4-oeoroom nouse to rent in Pringie Creek area. Contact Ron or Penny, 668-5230. 5A51EMEN1 L5AK\? GALL W1 g"(' aspmrent watc p ool nq (416)432-7313 The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cali for quotatron 725-6564 Derek Dutka Specîattzing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. WjM- iaca $618IMONTH. LARGE modemn, 3-bedroomn apt. in duplex in Whitby. Large yard & appliances. Parking & private entrance. 668-4197. APARTMENT AVAILABLE in quiet home. Single woman pre- frred.* Separate entrance, laundry facilities, parking, cable. $450/ month. First & I ast required. No pets. 666-9453. BASEMENT APT., West Whitby, in family home. Working,. non- smoker. Share taundry & kitchen. First & last and references. $400/month. 668-9780, teave message. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: Avait- able A prit 1, one- & two-bedroom apt. Two-bedroomn apt., $685/ month. One-bedroom a pt., $625! month. Each apt. includes frid9e, stave, utiities & one parking space. Also avaitable, outdoor storage for April 1, $35/month. 728-9679. ..*.*.* . ~~~.*.* .* *****~****.. ..*. * .** .. **.. ....* .....*. Aparments & Townhousês avallable ln four locations Dean Ave., Bloor St., Wentworth St. (Oshawa) &Cumberland Lane (Ajax) - New or newly upgraded Close ta amenities Opportunity ta rent-to-owru, or to receive a f ree m icrowave Oatyconshuctonf« om anad Business - Bathrooms - Kitchens - Custom trim -*Decks -'Gazebos - Addidons, etc. Complete FINISHED BASEMENT for $6,875. Colt for detilis 4 32 -2266 or 427-5763 Authorlzed Servicentre For Most Major Brand VCR's " Camcorders * TV's " VCR's - Stands and " Microwaves Accessories Snoe 1982 o vlslTWm 723-4373SHOWROM 1300 King St. E, Oshawa, BROOKLIN: ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Close to ail amenities. Available now. Cai 655-5539. AFROM $750 *1, 2 and 3 Bdrm. Suites * 5 Appiances inci. en suite laundry * Pool, WNhirtpool, Sauna AExercise equipment *Tennis court, Ptayg round *Wood burning fireplaces N EAR GO TRAIN & HWY. 401 Rentai Office Hours Tues. -Fri.l1prfl- 7pm, Sat. 10 arn - 5 pm Hwy. 401 > near 401 & GO. Available March 1. Laundry facitities, cable, utitities, curtains & dishwasher inctuded. $725. First & last. References. 4.30-1746. BROCK ST. N., in 6-plex. One- bedroom apt. Fridge, stove, 4-pc. bath. Availabte immediatety. $470/ month + hydro (negotiable). First & tast required. F or more informa- tion, cait -416623-4782 or 630-6784. BROOKUN - 1- & 2-bedroomn apt. at different locations. Frklge, stove, parking. H1-ydro extra. Large, newV decorated. Close ta ait services. Reasonabie rates. (Days) 655-45.44, (evenings) 655-8989. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whit by. Creative rental arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE1 ITS FAST - ITS ESIOECLON ILDE AL. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpatd taxes.t Crown Land avaitabitity. For Inormation on bath,c write: Propertles. Dept. CN. Box 5380. Stn. F.1 Ottawa. K2C 3JI.i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOW TO SEW BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES - ON 1 YouR MACHINE! New videa instruction. Learn protessionat techniques. Foi FREE Information,i wvrite: Canadian Homne Learning Systems, Dept. V2. 103 - 1054 Etis. Ketowna. B.C. VI1Y1iZ 1. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odoress operatton. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology. ..l ,Smîthvitîe. Ontario, LOR 2A0. (4t6) 643-4252. WORM GROWERS WANTED. Compete worm- growing packages. Environmentatly fiendiy. Reterences avaitabte. Niagara Bait & Ecotogy. 5513 Etcho Rd., R.R. #3, Weîîandport. Ontario LOR 2J0. (416) 386-6661. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS - ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES. Ontarlo Manuacturer Direct. Straight-sided and uliIiIy modals. Examýpte -t4x2 $1,689.00. 40x6O $6,363.0O.Order for spring and sexe. Pioneer Steel 1-600668-5422. THE LAST STEEL BUILDING YOULL EVER NEED. FUrURE STEEL BUILDINGS is the recognized leader in atlordlabla. lop-quaîiîy, Arch Styla Steel Buildings. Why pay more? Cal1- 800-668-8653. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND memborship or tineshare' Well lake il! Arericas laîgnot resala clearînghousa tÇall Resorl Salas Inernational. t- 800-423 5967 (24 hours). PERSONALS MALE IMPOTENCE easily. salely correcîad or proenlid wilh naw. druq-lreo strateqy. Free information Wfite or cal. Perormance Medical Lid.. PRO Bo 418, Vailorounî . C. VOE 2Z0 1- 800 663-0121. VISTA GOLO CARD- GUARANIEED APPROVAL? No credit checks, applications. or co-signers. Cash boans of $1.000, S>A.S E.: Hiuxlord. P.0 Box 57506, Jackson Station. Hlamilton, Ontasrio L8P 4x3 WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unallaclîed Christian peuple across Canada lor coropanîrisliip or marriage? Ashgrove. PO. Box 205, Chase. DC.. V0E 1iMO. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GR.ANTS. LOANS & assistanca prograros (FaderaI & Provincial) lot your new or exinting business. Information: (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. VACATIONfTRAVEL CRUISE CANADAS CALM Rt VERS la exquisite comiort aboard elegant reptica stearîrboal. Outstanding scenery. wold-ctass attractions. Frm $839. Free brochure 1-800-267-7868. KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenic Trent-Severa Waterway oq Rideau Canal, primae stateroorns. meats, trae raochure. Write Captain Marc. Box 6. Oriltia, 13V 61-19, (705) 327-5767 .. . CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Soutlrwostern Schoot of Auctloneering. Next Claos: March t3 19. Intormation, contact: Soulhwestern Ontario Schoot of Aucloneerlng. R.R. 45S. Wnodstock. Ontario. N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. MAKE MONEY: SAVE MONEY. Tax deductible incarne tax course. Free brochure. Jacks Insitute Box 52028- 2 Atpine Avenue. Winnipeg, Manitoba F12M 5P9 (204) 255-1550, lax (204) 254-6172. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ aird DZ courses. Also air brake. dangerous goods. datensive driving. log book and border crossirîg Rodgr-rs Schoot. Ontarios oldeot. Colt 1-800-668-0031r SALES HELP WANTED STARI NOW! AN EXCtTING, PROFIIABLE lt- or part-lime careerr Dyaarnic lingerie cornpany lookirig tor managers. representatives. Earn extra rooney. Excellent liostess. rpproentativP benetits. Cal (416)>637-7591. MUSIC LESSONS LEARN THIE SECRIETS 0F CIIORDING ON GUI lAR. New hoine study course. Fast. ea-îy mettîod. Guaranteed' FREE inormnation Write- Popular Music. Studio (BGI 103 - 1054 Ellîs. Kelowna. B.C. V 1Y 1 Z 1-0 00-667-0050 extension 770. FINANCE EARN A SECOND INCOME hircoîrii- tax/Bookkeepirig courses by corrospondence Free broclîrures. No obliqation. U & Il lix Services Ltd. 1345 Perr4iina Iiighyiay. Wirinipieq Manioba R3T 286 r.800 66r, 5144. NEWSLETTERS TRY US FREE' Reapîng pennie$. nickle$. dirneS and dollarS. Innovaliva newsltnretaurinig money-saving ips. Sarrple S AS rEIlîougîr lin Grapevîne Publications Ltd., JR t41. Mîllaîîk. Ontario NOK 1 LO MORTGAGES MORIGAGES FOR HOMEOWNERS. Pay oIt buils, credît cardor Low rates. tow payrnenrs Ex - Borrow $ 10,000. repay $130.00 morithly. We make it easyi CatlItnlraosicon Financial toî-tîe 1 800-268-r429ý Vour ad couid appear ln communlty newspapers In Ontario, or right nefross Canada, jor any Individuat province. Space ixLLmited, so Colt This Newspaper Todayl To ceacir a wrdier market, advertise thmoughouatht/e regionaa membership of thre Ontaarioarnd Canadan Communiry Newopapor Associationrs central Ontano 55 newsoapers -S$160 for 25words - AII ntareo 171 newsoapers - $350 for 25 words NCiad572 81 l2foe2words Fo uterifrato lae ai te hty Fre PesCiassiiecis - 66"-594 ~Xfi pur; M nda ji4 y~. ;OQa i~oprn Fa .a a à m -J 1

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