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Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1993, p. 34

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-I-- -l--------R-A--------I-L-- -1 WHITBY, IMMACULATE three- bedroom, finished basement, dock. 5 appliances. Centrai air. Private drive, garage. Sohool, park. $1,100+. Feb. 1. John, (416) 395-5040 (days), 430-9734 (oves.). PARKIGIBB, OSHAWA. Two- bedroom semýi. Fully fenced yard, gardon shed, centrai air patio. Available March 1. $795. lýirst/last & utilities. Smail pets ailowed. 668-3640. HALIBURTON AREA: Owner must relocate. Spaciaus waterfront home ln smaiî hamiet. $144.900. Cal Mary Harnden, Sales_ RM., L705) 448-2311 or 448-2032: Bos & Cocks Llmited, Reator. REPOSSESSEDPowGr af sais properties available now in Oshawa tramn under $80,000. Flnancing available. Cali Carol Ros, Saes Rpresentative, Guide Realty Ltd., 723-5281 or 723-6610. COUNTRY PROPERTIES: 1/2 acre ta 25 acres with 3+ bédroom homos available, starting from $130000. For mare information, caîl Carol Ross, Sales Rop., Guide Roalty Ltd., 723-5281 or 723-6610. 189 FORD ECONOLINE VAN 150. Automatic with overdrive. Customnizêd. Gaod on fuel, excellent condition. $8,500. 725-3917, alter 6 p.m., ask for Bob. 1990 ASTRO VAN - LOADED, $11,400. Privato. 430-0643. 1980 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, $500 or bust aller. Caîl 655-8612, fram 4 to 9 p.m. FIBREGLASS TRUCK CAP, 76" long, ta fit import-sized pick-up. Excellent condition, premiumn Fibrobec model. $575. 430-2075. INeed a ar - Çredit problems?1 - W. have i"se takooers (repassassions) aLa ss t own any m k or modal Scash forbarde - Cellnow for Irasquotas 'LEASEGUIlDE AUTO LEASING A2436-9837 -. Jff MATTRESSES and box sng ai hait price. McKeen Furnir, 524 Slmnco. St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181 FILTER OUEEN VACUUM cleaner. New, with ail attachments, $1,800. $900 f irm. Excellent con- dition. One year old. Cail 430-0222. MOVING SALE: Gênerai Electric stove, white, 3 years aid, $250. Maffat almond fridge, apt.-sizêd, $225. Pine blanket box, $125. RCA W4 colour TV, $85. Noma artificial Christmas tres; $25. Fuji 12-speod bike, $175. 1/2* white Levelor mini-blind, fits 5 ft. patio door, $50. Other assorted blinds, $5 & Up. Bauer mon's Suprême skates, new, sizé 7, $110. 12* B/W Sears TV, only $35. Credênza, $35. 430-7656. GREYHOUND BUS TICKET. Toronto/Vancouver return. Paid $525, asking best aller. Cali Chris at 430-6921. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Wel- seasoned hardwood. Hait-f oce, face cord, , bush cord, kindling. Pick-u or delivered. .(416> STORKCRAFT CRIB, $30. Fisher-Price high chair, $30. Sears convertible stroller, $25. Change table, $30. 725-3531. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, lave- seats, sectionals, less than half price. Large selectian. McKeen Fumiture, 524 Simcoe st. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181 SECURITY ALARMS - home, business, ato, persanal. Simple Installation. No monitoring lee..CallI 430-8794. FIREWOOD - SUPREME quality. Maple, bosch. WêlI- seasonod. Vêry dry. AIl spîit. Honost measuroment. Free delivery. Try thé best quality. 416-753-2246. BOB PROCTOR instructional audio success tapes, in original jackets. 430-2075. HUNDREDS 0F MO VIES for sale at $14.95 or léss. We have children's, drama, comêdy, horror & sci fi. For invêntary list, pléase send S.AS.E. ta 17 Mowat Crt., Whitby, Ont., Li1N 8H2. INSURANC! I I ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE _______________________gétting auto insurance because af age, poor driving record or suspension af license? Perhaps we M OCCIjI% can hêlp. Phone 666-2090. 1981 SKI-DOO 340 SS, $1,100 Snowblawer, 5 HP, $175. 430-0643. P AB SNOWMOBILES: 1990 Ski-Doa Mach 1, 2,900 kms, mit condi- tion. $4500. 1985 Formula Plus, 8,400 km, $2,300. Trailer, 1988 double, 900 wide, $400. Must selI. 668-2742. UCENSED -TECHNICIAN at Errors Applianco Répair. Ail major appliancos. W. buy used appli- ances. Ail repàrparts guararteed one yêar. onay ta Saturday, 432-7734. OPENING A BUSINESS? For sale-.best afer: Meridian Norstar telêphone system for business. 2 poests, conferencin9, hands- tre spakesheadset interface, atornats. language capabilities, spWe dial, message centre, and many more features. For further info, caJi (416) 666-8083. CD PLAYER, $150. 21r single- stage snowblower with 4HP Briggs & Strattan éngine, inoperative, $100. 19n Viki gas lawnmawer, inaperative, $50 .ÎHeavy duty car j ack., $50. Single bed with box- spring & matress, $60. 666-9250. DESK TOP PUBLISHERSI Great clip-art. 618 ariginai images.for only $99.95 (plus shipping, hanidllng & taxes). Please cal 666-8527 for information and ta place your arder. Sowing Machine Repairs q AiYlPMakes Compéeté Tune.tJp $39.95 Rieoendiiianed Sewing Machines 00ram $5900 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE Renjt(571-1385 400 Ki(ng St W. Oshawa AR.....AF.. . LUKEMAN COUNTRY STUDIO Reg istér now for f un pottery/ sculpture weekend warkshop. Individual instruction. For buginner/ advanced. B&6 optional. Phone Bewdley, (416) 342-3544. ....... E .....RS NAL DOG PORTRAITS by Bernan Photography. Pot, show dogs and ownors are welcome. Caîl Bernard or Nancy, 668-5527. CATS FREE TO GOOD HOME! Goorge & Cuddles are,3-1/2 yr. aid brother & sistor. Trained, noutered & spayed & extremely aff ectianate. Canbec separated il necossary. CalI 430-7179, beave message. MORTGAGE LOANS - lst& 2nds ta 95% af value. AIl property types, prime rates. Quick service and appravals. Cal CityCan Financial Corporation, 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go whon youir bank says "NO." Sorvng Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. Ç............... dINS.* F« Rat Hsuaifsda Hwni b Rut Hase b Si. h Mmirta Lmi & Faut Pmrsoei u% a Roi Es nomi b Rut Trâlig Suit TalVacstus w-tw k- kkg bSi. kAs/rnuioe kgSi. Nuu Boat a &%»Ws RAmnsapeu Cuad ,fTha*s Mi Cm s 5*m b Pat a Si. FUMWAoeMs Fa.ÇÇ mr PERSONAIL LOANS ftram $1,000 and up for any purpaso. Quick appravais. 436-8104. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Friday 9ac.m. to 9pm 430-1328' PRAYER ta thé Holy Spirit. You wha make me sêê êverything and who show me thé way ta rêach my Idéal, You who give me thé divine gift ta lorgive and forget thé wrong Ehla is dane ta me and Yau who ail instances af- my Ite are wif h me in this short dialogue, I want ta thank you for êvêrything and confirm once more that I nover want ta bu soparated lrom you no matter how groat material désirés may bu. I want to bu with you and my loved onés in your po rpetuaî glary. Amen. Thank you Tor your love towards me and my lovéd onos. Pray this prayer throe consécutive days withaut your wish; alter tho third day yaur wish will bu granted, no mattér how diflicult it may bu. Promise ta publish this dialogué as soon as passible after your favour has buen grantêd. RW. PSYCHIC PAULA. New in Oshawa. Tarot card & paim reader. Tells past, présent, future. Advice on ali lie's problems. Lavé, marriage, business and heatth. 99% accurate. Known on radia & TV thraug haut Canada and United States. For apintmênt, cal 432-7909. FRIDAY, FEB. 12 AT 6 P.M. New pine hutch, new oak corner caieplus a good selection of a=iqe, modern furnture, appli- ancos, china, glass, tools & collectible items. Moare dotaIls next week. To consign ta this or up- comlng saies, contact: DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. #1, LIT1'LE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 COCHRANE AUCIlON SERVICE ServkngDUýramRéegion for 15 yemi seoing Estates, Real Estate. Faim Eqlulpmnent. Llvetock, Antiques & Appralscis. Now booklng 4xig& Summer dates. We aiso buy and soul antiques and goad. used fumiltu. by the houseful. or by the unit. DON COCHIRANE 416-985-2788 .RATII u~ PROFESSIONAL PARALEGAL SERVICES LET US SOLVE VOUR LEGAL PROBLEMS: - Cii & CriminaI Law - Divorce/Custody/upport - Landlord & Tenant - Immigration - Trafflo Tickets - SmaII Claims/ Debt Recovery - Mortgage Referrals - Legal Aid Certs. Accepted Tel: 1 (416) 721-2770 PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, cheque received bel are deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; > ($5.61 + 390 GSI) 150 each additional word; (140 + 10 GST) BILLED WORD ADS $8.25 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS 930 per agate lune (14 agate linos per inch) minimum charge: $1 3.86; PLUS GST DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, picturos or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 990 per agate Ilne Minimum size 1 column inch $13.86 CONTINU-OUS RN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $10-89 PER COLUMN INCH. GST is extra on al ads unless othorwise indicatod DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 Please chieck your advertisément for errors on the first day af Publication. Thé Whitby Fre Press will net belhable for faiure ta publish an ad. or for typographi mc rrrsin Publication beyand thé nest of the space occupiéd by the errer Up gtaa maximum coot ai thé insertion. The Whitby Free Press resérves thé right ta dlassify or reject ail ac&ertsemenls. 7-11 -i 1

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