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Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1993, p. 7

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j;; r '~4 w~l ci *E q l V- fw ' 3wA- > lIby Fr.. Poess, Wock>oday, Fobniasy 3.1993, Pap 7 PAGE SEVEN 'frustrati ng' By RneéSotena Ontario riding MP 'fie recent ruling by the United States daatetOf commerce, which deternad that Canada =a wlyof dumping certain steel products (selling at a lower price than in their home market), was certainly a disappointment. As International Trade Minister Michael Wilson stated, "lrade ramady action auch as this makes no commercial sense and is an obstacle te the conclusion of a bilateral steel accord." Canada-U.S. steel trade bas bean and continues -te ha mutually beneficial te bath countries. Since the friea-trade agreement, an integrated steel market has emerged in bath countries. Canadian steel exporta te the U.S. were valued at $1.5 billion in 1991 (alinoat 60 per cent of total Canadian steal exporta). In 1992, that figure increased te 75 par cent. And this was at a tinie whan other countries' share of the U.S. market had droppad significantly. Vice versa, U.S. steel experts te Canada have grown te $850 million a year and represent 25 par cent of total U.S. steael exporta. This genarates employment in bth countries. And that is why industry and the gevernmant mnust pursue the objective of concluding a steel accord with the U.S. Although the recent ruling was frustrating, the tariffs imposed were less than expected -- about three par cent (the 69 par cent number repaatadly quoted in the media was on one product at ana company). This was less than the tariffs imposed on the othar 18 countries. What is disconcerting is the reaction of frme-trade opponents, who called for the governinent te retaliate and claimed tatthe agreement wasn't working. Retaliation would ha imprudent and -would just serve te hinder an agreement that clearly is worldng. The Globe and Mail spalled this out in a recent aditorial. In it, thay axplain how the fre-trade agreement eliminated numerous barriers te trade. Just four years inte its 10-year impleniantation pase, the fr-ee-trade agreement has already graatly increased two-way trade, 95 par cent of which is conducted with ne disputes whatsoever. This steel dispute rapresants 10 par cent of the production of ana industry, and it is froni this that opponents call te scrap the deal. The deal also gives Canada an edge over other countries in deaiing with disputes with the U.S. The dispute settlement machanisni ensures a fir hearing before a binational panel. Instead of using the reactionary and outdated method of retaliation, we can rely on a fair hearing of aur casa. And instead of abolition of the deal, wa must continue te strengthen the unique relationship by.reselving the issue and fortifying the bilatera steel accord, Behind the scenes .When you think about Parlianient, you probably conjure up images of heated debates in Question Period or quick 15-second clips where MPs hurriedly exrs their views on a topic. Usuafly, this is ail that the me dia presents. One of the things that often goes unreportad is the important ongoing committe work that happens bahind the scenes. One such panel that I chaired is the subcommittee on regulations and competitiveness of the House of Commons Standing Committae on Finance, the report of which bas just been released. The subcommittee was established last April te examine federal regulatory programns and te determine how they affect Canada s competitivenes. The subcommittee aise suggeated ways te improve the procesa. Ierport details the current environment of regulation in Canada. Rlegulation ia probably the moat extensive formi of public intervention in the economy, yet- effective control over its une is lacing. Regulations serve a wide range of geais, from environxnental protection and occupational health and safety, te improved information available te investors and consumers. But they aise entail coets that increase the prices of goods we buy, and cen erode the competitivaness of our economy. The reforme that we have proposed in aur report are designed toeansure that the regulatora take these effecta fully into account when deciding whether and how te regulate. Some of the main recommendations include the proposai that federai and provincial governments adopt mutual recognition of product standards as a general principle of interprovincial trade. It aise recomrnends that federal regulators be required te notify provincial governinents of proposed regulatory initiatives. Over the course of my chairing this committee, I heard froni many residents of Ontario riding who were eager to have their viewa of the regulatery process heard. I invite any constituents who are interested in the findings of this committee te contact my office for a copy of the report. I have had the opportunity te, not only sit on, but aise te chair, numerous House of Comnnons committees that have deait with a wide range of subjects. As I have stated, although they typically do net garner a lot of media attention, I feel that conimittees such as these serve as an important component of Parliament, and the resuits that they produce are of a direct benefit te Canadians. BRKITHIEATREU, C. 1944 This popular movie theatre on Brock Street North opened on April 7, 1938 and was managed b John G. Strathy and William Goodman. It was sold by the Goodmian faxnily in 1972 and clsd in 1985. In 1990, it was gutted and reconstructed as a bar called ' Classy Q's.' Whltby Acblve. photo 10 YEARlS AGO from the Wednesday, February 2, 1983 ecition of the WH1TBy FREE PRESS 1 *Otter Creek public school is one of five construction projects that will be investigated for safetystadrs * Chssie McKiney of Brooklin was honoured by the Town of Whitby for 37 years of service on the Groveside Cemetery Board. " Royal Canaclian Legion Branch 112 has opened a 2,800 sq. ft. addition to its hall on Byron St. S. " Ten-year-old Lori Melien won five gold niedals at the provincial swimming championships. 35 YEA1RS AGO from the Thursday, January 30, 1958 edition of the WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS " The Weely News published a special 'Bon Voyage' edition for the Whitby Dunlopa as they left for the World Hockey Championships in Oslo, Norway. " The Whitby Dunlops should win the World Hockey Chaznpionships, says manager Wren Blair. " Whiitby Basebaîl Association has suspended its activities because of lack of facilities at Coronation Park. " Whitby residents do not want dump placed where a park is planned on Peel Street. 80 YEAIIS AGO from the Thursday, January 30, 1913 edi tion of the WHTBY GAZETTE AND CHIRONICLE " Prisoners building the Ontario Hospital went on strike because they did not get their favourite brand of tobacco. " A Board of Health has been forrned in Whitby with C.A. Goodfellow as chairman and Joseph White as sacretary. " The Gazette and Chronicle bas completed an addition to its building at Dundas and Byron streets. " W.M. Pringle advertises 'Good Health' chemical closet toilets for homes, echools, benks and summer cottages at $15 and $18. O-à\--b -1 "ý5

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