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Whitby Free Press, 10 Feb 1993, p. 31

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Whitby Fmeo Press, Wpdnesday, Febriary 10. 1093, Page 31 TrailIer park severance PROM PAGE 14 father clause" witb the municipa- ltëhere's no such thing, it doosn't exiat," said Brunelle. He said saine residonts may be using this ta thwart Alose's desire to seek higher rents ta help pay for the park redevelop- ment. (Tenants currontly pay $45 per week rent that includes hydro and water. A figure of $237 per month mentioned in iast week's Free Press was the rent tenants would have paid if a new park had been built in 1989.) Councillor Dennis Fox said council could not impose any conditions in the severance agreement which would guaran- tee the tenants' security. "In this economy there are no guarantees,» said Fax. "If we as a council don't try ta do everything we can ta make the par k oconamically viable, it will go under,» he added. Drumm was still not convin- ced. "We have a two-edged sword here"»said Drumm. "ýe previously gave them a United Way reduces PROM PAGE 2 received $12,000 ta, help it pro- vide such services as 'Meais on Wheels' ta seniors and the dis- abled. Over the last three years the branch bas not requested an increase in funding s0 the cut wiil only amount ta $2,400, said Boileau. Li*ndros9 PROM PAGE 4 "Mr. Lindros chose ta up the ente by spitting beer in ber face and pouring it over ber head,» she said. As for bis comments when confronting Nunney, "one can oniy hope it's because of bis y outh and immaturity and not because of any belief that ho is aboya the iaw,' said Grant. Defence counsol Levy coun- tered that it was "pure specula- tion" on Grant's part ta suggest Lindros tried ta "throw bis weight around." Levy said the fact that al defence witnesses gave different tostimony mereiy added ta their credibility." '&I suggest the very difference in their evidence is the essence of their trutb," ho said. Wbile evidence from the Crown witnesses did not stray too far from wbat appeared in two Toronto newspapers when Nunney talked ta reporters after she laid the charge, said Levy. "That's not as bad as agencies that receive a larger amount of maney," she said. In 1992, the Whitby-based Durham Region YMCA received $98,000 fromn the United Way. Community services manager Lee F'raser admits ber organiza- tion wil<feel some effects» from the cut. "We wiii look at tightening Up, pulling in, doing ail that is pas- sible"» ta avoid reducing services, said ý'raser. However, "I don't think this wiil stop us in any way,» she said. "Lt will be a challenre but one we won't stumble avr.' Fraser said that no matter "how large or smail the agency, » ail will be affectod ta some degree. "It also depends on their over- ail budget and how mucb the (United Way) funding is a part of it,"P she said. Cagt. Rick Sheasby of the Whty avation Army said it was too arly ta determnine how the cut will affect bis agency's community services pro s am.b Th alvation Armys hib and Oshawa branches received a total of $164,000 from the United Wa ylast year. irt will have a bearing upon us but I can't evaluate it at this time," said Sheasby. But he did admit that "we're taxed ta tbe limit" with existing resources. "We came out of Christmas with a bit of momentuin, but aiready we're starting ta get thin guarantee that this would not happen. I don't want to see him go broke, but we have to proteet the residents,» he said. Drumm was the only councillor to vote against the recommenda- tion. AED-S TmL Are you a mother? Is your son or daughter HLV+? You are not alone. Cali the Aids Committee of Durhamn at 723-8201 for infor- mation on a support group for mothers. There is help. fan diîng on mnaterials," said Sheasby. "Usually we don't see it until April, May." Most hikely due to Canada's current economic climate, agen- cies such as Sheasby>s are being forced to provide services that were once considered the respon- sibility of government, he saisd. "It seems we're called upon more than ever to offset govern- ment programs," said Sheasby. "Go to the Salvation Army and they>lI Iook after your need s," is often the advice given to those in need, hie said. Sheasby mentioned that a fire victim once came into the office and expected to have every piece of destroyed furniture replaced. While obviously not objecting to poviding assistance, Sheasby said he Salvation Army can only do what its resources permit. "I can't tell what it will be like by October, but I'm quite fear- fui " he said. "tBut on the other hand this community has been very sup- portive to us.. .that's whyl1 can t understand the reason for the United Way's shortfail. In last week's edition, Brian KCimbeli was -incorrectly identi- fied as president of the main- tenance committee for Athol- Green Co-operative Homes Inc. It should h ave been stated that he is chair of the maintenance cammittee. Sharon King is pro- sident of the co-op. The Free Press wishes ta apo- logize for the error. Novices lose 2 in tournament Whitby Goldwing Systems Resources Inc. major novice AA teain lost twa games in the l7th annuai Jim Johnson Memorial Novice hockey taurnament on the weekend. Whitby iost ta Bowmenvilie 5-2 and Mississauga 3-1. Scoring for Whitby were Justin Giles, Lucas Naylar, end Jeif Pichut with assists going to Chris Simpsan two, Giies and Nayior. The stars of the games for Whitby were goaltenders Julian Owen and Darryl Forsey. In an exhibition game, Whitby came up short against Bowmanvil e 5-3. Scoring for Whitby were Simpson, Nayior and Andrew Greenen on a booming shot from Atoms turne up for playoffs PROM PAGE 29 Gretzky Tournament in Brantford (3-2 in double overtime in the final). On Feb. 7, Whitby played an exhibition game against the Whitby major atom A tours and skated weii with their aider oppanents, iosing 4-3. McBride, Harrison and Robert Lalonde scored for the minor atams while Lalande, Down and McBride added assists. Througbout the season, Whitby>s success bas been attributed ta their well-balanced attack. Entering the playoffs, tbey wili need strong efforts from forwards MeBride, Lalonde, Down, MacRury, Matt McKay, Steven Farquharson, Kylo Branch and Jason Poymaa. Wihitby .wîlii. be. without. forward Jeif Fraser who injured bis elbow in the Markham gaine. Witb several piayers sufforing fromn illness and injury during the lest week of the regular scbedule, Whitby received help from minor atom A forwa2rd David Morasse during the Richmond Hill- Vaughan game and their two exhibition metcbups. On defence, the Wbitby squad will dress five rearguards: Harrison, Fisher, Linidater, Sean Walsh and Mike Morrison, with Mike Nemisz and Ian Watson sbering the goaltending duties. The minor atom players received same ijisight and assistance recentiy from guest- coach Mfike Primeau, father of NHL'er Keitb and OHL'er Wayne Primeau, wbo assist ed coaches David Brancb and David Peyman at rocent gnrnes end.practices. the point. Assists went te Naylor, Giles, Ryan McMficbael, Scott Wilson and Simpson. N vces:,. s The Whi.by minor novice AAA hockey teain, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiiiary, lost its firat gaine of a round-robin playoff series to Markham 5-1 on the weekend. Markham led after the first period 1-0 in a very physical gaine for both teams. Whitby tied the score early in the second on a breakaway goal by Brandon Fowler, set up by Wade Brancb. Markham would, however, add two more goals in the period te take a 3-1 lead. Whitby had their chances in the third period but couldn't score, whiie Markham added two more. Chris Nemisz played a strong gaine in goal, facing 21 shots. Whitby's home gaines for the playoffs are on Feb. 11, 7 p.m. in Brooklin (vs Markham), Feb. 13, 3:45 p.m. at Iroquois Park, pad 2, (vs Peterborougb) and Feb. 21, 4:15 p.m. vs Richmond H1ilI- Vaughan. - X3 By Const. Grant Arnold Duhm Regional Police Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the pubiic's heip in solving a robbery that occurred in Oshawa on Wednesday, Dec. 1. Just after midnight, a female victim ieft her friend's apartment building at 584 Bloor St. E. and waiked to the corner of Wilson Rd. S. and Bloor St. E. The victim entered the phone booth iocated on the Petro Canada lot and was looking up the phone number for a taxi. The suspect, who had been watching the victim enter the booth, confronted ber and smashed ber head twice against the wall. The victim fell to her knees and had ber hair puiied as the suspect grabbed ber purse and ran northbound from the scene. The suspect is described as maie, with a stocky build and collar-length, dark hair. He was wearing a blue T-shirt or jacket. If you have an y information on this or any other serious crime, cali Crime Stoppers at 436-8477, that's 436-TI.PS. Crime Stoppers wili pay up to $1,000 for information leading te an arrest. Caloers are neyer asked ta identify themseives or to testilS' in court. Sorgeant Grant Arnold writes this article ta help combat crime. OBITUARIS- SANTO BERTE Santo Berte of Whitby died on Saturday, February 6, 1993. Ho was 76. Ho was born in Milazzo, Itaiy an Marcb 28, 1916. Ho lived in Whitby for 32 years. Ho is survived by wife Rose, daughters Josephino and Cathy and son Vincent. The funerai was held on Mon- day, February 8, 1993. VIOLET CRAWFORTII1 Violet D. Crawforth of Whitby died on Saturday, January 30, 1993 at ber rosi dence. She was 63. She was born in Pinewood, Ont. on June 3, 1929, deughter of Frank and Catherine (Asslin) Duclos. She married John W. Craw- forth on February 27, 1960 in Whitby. A bomemaker, she lived in Whitby for 34 yeers. She is survived by daughter Lucie and son Robert, bath of Whitby, sister Theresa of Mon- treal, brathers Jerry of Port Cre- dit and John, Don and Gilbert of Timmins. She was predeceased b y ber husband (November 11, 1972). The funeral was beld from the W.C. Town Chapel in Whitby on February 2, 1993, Father John Henry conducting. 6 Generations of Service, Quaity & Trust " Famnily Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 3 18 lundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 Aftcr Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointments gladly arranged Sylvan SLearning Centre- *Ioost yotur childs gradfes. *Build self-esteern. * Prograrns in reading, mawti, algebra, ~writing, stldy skills,J:oeeork sup- ~port apdtie anaepp en 1102 syl1a' -üdlodPakIlz BeginFeb,13,W jjs Sou sore or dtai .1501 Hopkins St., Whitby No prchau ncessry. 430»8081 Fax 430-0795 Top. Gun '93

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