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Whitby Free Press, 10 Feb 1993, p. 33

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Whitby Free Press, Wednec&Ày, February 10, 1993, Page 3 CIilD GRE IAFATM~tsj PRMNS~ OE QE LOVING MOTHER WILLING to P rovideý day càre in her home. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of TLC. Please cati 430-3361. LOVING & RELIABLE day care for infant in my home. Please cati 668-0748. WANTED: Responsibie babysitter on occasion, in my home, for 2- year-oid. Please phone 668-4598. WHITBY- FURNISHED bed- sitting room in quiet, dlean home. Share laundryý, kitchen. Close to al amenities. A/C parking. Female preferred, but not a must. $350/month. Available now. 430-3497, ieave message. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ton minutes from Whitby, between .BrooklinlPort Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms avaiiable for rent. Low woekiy rates. Cati 655-5308. BROOKUN - LARGE ROOM. Close to ail arnenities. Aul inclusive. Avallahie now. 655-5539. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/weekly. Share bathroom & kitchen. St udent or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenities. Cali 666-3776 affer 6 p.m. Derek Dutka Speciaiizing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. Authorized Servicentre For Most Major Brand VCR's " Camcorders - TV's " VCR's - Stands arnd " Microwaves Accessories 723-6373 SHWROM 1300 Kng St. E, Oshawa AJAX 1FROM $750 * ,2 and 3 Bdrm. Suites *5 Apliances mcl. en suite laundry * Pool, Whirlpooi, Sauna * Exercise equipment * Tennis court, Playground * Wood burning fireplaces NEAR GO TRAIN & HWY. 401 Reniai Office Hours Tues. -Fr.l1pm - 7pm, Sat. 10 arn - 5 Pm Lake rivewaest j 68636872 H RGIONA G!U MAIN FLOOR 2-bedroom apts. with W/O to private backyards. $7lslmonth & $695/month. Also, 1-bedroom, main fioor, $525/ month, plus utilities. Clean bidgs. Close to downtown Whitby & GO. Cati Sandy Herber, 668-6171. TWO-BEDROOM APT. for rent. 1000 sq. fi. Stove, fridge, washer/ dryer. Only steps to GO train& 401. Whttb. Cai 668-8551. 1'ASEMEN1 LEAK? CALL ameiWaerprooflnq (416) 4M-7313 ARCHIES CLEANING SERVICE Est. n ]1970 Now Oftering Janitorial Servus In Oshawa/Witbyj (Toil vFree Pager> 1-416-552-8964 pjThe Mutual Group HERB TRAN cali for quotadon 725-6564 Save upIo $250 off Vour Insurance Deductible WHITBY - 11-bodroomn basement apartment & don, 4-pc. bath. Inciudes Iaundry, cablo & parking. $475/month -+ haif hydro. 430-3072. CENTRALLY LOCATED in quiet residential area of Whitby. Minutes from shopping, schools, ibrary and buses. Two-bedroomn apart ment in newly redecorated triplex. $678fmonthrly plus hydro. Phone 723-1386, 668-6026. BASEMENT APT, West Whtby, in family home. »Working non- smoker. Share iaundry & ktchen. First & las! and references. $400/month. 668-9780, ieave message. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: Avait- able A pril 1, one- & two-bedroomn apt.Two-bedroomn apt., $685/ month. One-bedroom a pt., $625/ month. Each apt. includes fridge, stove, utilities & one parking space. Also available, outdoor storage for April 1, $35/month. 728-9679. PICKERING SPACIQDUS 3-BEDROQM APARTM ENTS - 4 appliances - Close to GO Transit, Pickering Town Centre, Highway 401 *immedi ate occupancy FROM $800 PER MONTH CaI 420-6305 I 635-2919 or visit rental office a! 1480 Pickering Parkway, #1 10 BROCK ST. N., in 6-plex. One- bedroomn apt. Fridge, stove, 4-pc. bath. Available immediately. $470/ month + hydro (negotiable). First & iast required. FCo more informa- tion, catI 1-416623-4782 or 630-6784. TWO-BEDROOM APT. in house, near 401 & GO. Availabie March 1. Laundry facilities, cable, utilities, curtains & dishwasher included. $725. First & iast. References. 430-1746. BROOKLIN: ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Ciose to ail amenities. Available ncow. Cali 655-5539. BROOKLIN, 1,100 sq. ft. base- ment apt, one bedroom. Separate walk-out. Fridge, stove & parking. Pets welcome. First & last. $650. Available April 1. 655-5293. APARTMVENT AVAILABLE in quiet home. Single woman pre- ferred. Separate ent rance, laundry facilities, parking cabie. $450/ month. First & as req uired. No pets. 666-9453. FOR RINT OR SAUI WHY RIENT WHEN YOU can own your own home for iess than ý u thinki Cali Dave or Diane aylock, Sales Reps, ReMax Summit Reaty (1991) Ltd., 668-3800. WHITBY, 3-BEDROOM house on V2 acre. Huge workshop, 8garage, f irepiace. Cati Tong, BROOKLIN, 3-BIEDROOMS, 2 bathrooms, dining room, kitchen, front room. Lots of land. Availabie now. References required. 655-8656. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTUONEERING ai the Southwestern School of Auctioneerlng. Next Ct ass: March 13 - 19. Inormation, contact: Southwestern Ont ario Schooi of Auctioneering, R.R. 05, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNiTIES' GUIDE. Train ai home for careers n Accounfing, Air conditloning, Bookkeeping, Business, Eiectronics, Law Enforcemnent, Medicai Secretary, Paraiegat, Travef, etc. 263 Adef aide St. W. (5A) Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ and DZ courses. Aiso air brake, dangerous goods, defensîve driving, log book and border crossing. Rodgers Schooi. Ontarios oidest. Caif 1-800-668-0031. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT SUMMER EMPLOYMENT REOUURED for Ontario canai shlp. Live aboard May 14/Oct. f0. Require Cooks, Servers, Decktîands. Apply n handwrlting, Ontario Waterway Crulses, Box 6, Orilfia, L3V 6H9. SALES HELP WANTED WHOLESALE FURMS SEEKS 2 individuals f0 dispfay merchandise n extabfished sfores. Potentiai carnlngs $950-$1,500 weekiy. Serîous applicanis oniy. Benefit s, profil sharlng. Training provided. (416) 398-0919, (416) 398- 0924. MORTGAGES MORTGAGES FOR HOMEOWNERS. Pay off bills, credif cards! Low rates, iow paynienfs. Ex.: Borrow $10,000, repay $13000 monffîty. We make if casyf Caf t Infransicon Financiat toIt -fiee 1-800-268- 1429. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ARIE YOU between the ages 18 and 30? Enjoy travelling and farm flite? Contact flhe International Agricultural Excliangp Association, 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W., Calgary AB, T2T 0E2. WHITBY - SHARE spacious new home with one or two working people. Aul inciuded. Non-smoker. 666-8590. WHITBY, SMALL ROOM in 4-bedroom house to share with 3 others. Washer, dryer, utiiities inciuded. Mature people oniy. $300/month. Cal 430-7103. I had a very good response to my ad - a lot of phono caîls.' E.M. EDUCATION BE A SUCCESSFUL MRITER ... wif h our great home-study course. Cati for a FREE B00K. 1-800-267-1829 The Writing School, 1867-38 McArtfîur Ave. Ottawa, Ont. RI L 6n2. flEAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND mernbershlp or tîmeshare? Weil take fIl Americas iargest resal clcearingfîouse. Cati Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). PROPERTIES: Farmil 776 acres. Rlairîy River, N.W. Ontario, near iake. Catie or recreationai. $150,000. 1/4 section farnm: New house, Evansburg, Aherta. $99.500 firm. (403) 727-4634, (807) 852-4422. STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDINGS: Slraighit-sldcd and utillty. Manufacturers ROCK- BOTTOM PRîCES. 20x3O $2,988.00, 25 x 36 $3,888.00. 30 x 40 $4.988.00. 37 x 48 $59ý95.00, 44 x 56 $6,944.00, 48 x 86 $1 1,888.00.Pioneer t1-800-668-5422. THE LAST STEEL BIJLDING YOU'LL EVER NEED. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGOS is the recognized leader in affordlabte, top-quality, Arch Style Steel Buildings. Why pay more? Cai1 -800- 668-8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS. Take the guesswork ouf of buying a steel building. Talk to the prolessionals. Establishcd on quality, service and reput ation. 24-hours 1-800-561-2200. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm.i storage. Comnmercial, indusîriat. New types. steel/wood, quonset, ctaddiiîg. For truc value, action & answers - WalIy (416) 626-1794 FREE brochures. Clip- save. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRIANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Federal & Provincial) for your new or existirîg business. Informàtion: (514) 937-2422 ext. 98, j our ad couid appear ln community newspapers ln Ontario, or rght across Canada, i or any Individual province. Space Is Limited, so Cail This Newspaper Todayl "CROSSee CAN&PA0A AR<TL CE To roach a wder miarket, adverise throughoul the reg.onaI momb.'r5htp of the Ontaro and Canaaian Communty Newspaper Associations netiOto5 ewspapers- S$160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 newvspars - $350 lfoi $wo 1-1- i Caada M nMMpm- $1,121 Io25 wotds For furiher Information piease cail the WhItby Free Press ClassIfieds - 668-0594 WhibyFr? Pes '68-054 * ffoe--Iur: oncly -rdy 0avnt ~0p Fxý 66-0"594, BRADLEY ESTATES WHITBY TOWNHOUSES 10 6ASSETT BLVD. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) FEBRUARY 13, 145,20 & 21 , NOON TO 4 P.M. (RENTAL INCENTIVE) - 3 Bedroom - 3 Models :5;%Appiancos- Easy Access to "GO" 0 n ie Management - Rents Star! At $1 ,000 Per Month 668-1389 K.C. McCALL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 666-5794 924-1100 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE TS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CAL, ONE BILL MOES iT AIL.

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