Whttby )Mé Pm , We&âWaY#; M*& 103 P. Logo eontest held by Durham Deaf Services A conteet je being held for the designi of a new logo (may have colour) and name for the newsletter of Durham Deaf Services Inc., previously known as the Oshawa Deaf Centre Inc. The contest je open te everyorle. A $100 prieè will be awarded for the chosen logo and $50 for the chosen name for the newletter. Entry deadline je March 8. Winnere will be announced March 31. Submnit entries te Durham Deaf Services Ine., c/o 750 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont. L1H 1G9. Local MPPs White, MI*ilis appointed as parliamentary assistants Premier Bob Rae last week announced the appointment of Drummond White, MPP Durham Centre, as Parliaznentary Assistant te Ed Philip, Minieter of MuncipalAffaire. hIgte will assiet the minieter in hie Greater Toronto Area repnaibilities. r Wite says Durham's place as an integral part of the GMater Toronto Area needs to be asserted. The office of the GTA deale with the planning and integration of services te, the Greater Toronto Area which includes Durham, alo; Peel, Ydrk and Metropolitan Toronto. White has served as chair of the Legilative Committee on Justice and as chair of the Standing Committee on Regulatione and Private Bille. He je also chair of the Goverriment Caucus Committee on Justice Policy and je on the t caucue executive. Gord Mille, MPP for Durham East, has been appointed parlianientary assistant te Solicitor General and Correctional Services Minieter David Chrietopherson. The announcement was part of a reaeignmeiit of 13 goverriment b caucue members to different reeponsibilities following the changes te the cabinet announced Feb. 3. Mlle hae been parliamentary aitant te the Miister of Municipal Affaire; for the past 13 monthe. He wae firet appointed a parlianientary assistant in 1990 when the goverriment was formed after the last election. Valerie SmtPice ring je i n terbues of elling Cued bridi gonsnacesoDrhaes. Al dressehaEviod codtinmetaletwdrycE)andPbereing wsoreld ton be outfitted. WheibSy brdesof tein1990 e bin ess off to a goosd environmental etart if they attend the upcomning bridai fashion show of previously-worn gowns and béal attire, sponsored by Valerie 'esfashions. The event will be at Pappe Restaurant on H-wy 2 at Brock Rd., Pickering on March 16, 8B p.m. Tickets are available by cafling (416) 839-5335. Ail proceeds will go to the Canadian Cancer Society. Do you have a shop that takes in previouely-owned items? Let Recycler's Report know. This je the decade of reuse. Vf you are invited te a bridal shower, choose a gift with the environment in mmnd: water-saving devicee, energy-efficient ligh bulbe, homemade preservatives, travel muge, cloth shpping bage, battery recharger, loth coffee filter, cookbooks; even bulk purchases of baking soda, borax, vinegar and biodegadable waehing soda te be used as cleanrng agents are juet a few suggestions. A blender as a wedding gift le useful, and one way te euggest that the couple cari make many types of homemade soupe, such as this recipe taken from the Glad Use-lt-Up cookbook. Quick Cream of Vegetable Soup 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 teaspoon onion, minced 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon saIt daeh paper 1 eupcookd, pureed vegetable (such as carrots, cauliflower, celery, s p mach, peas, broccohi, asparagus, summer squash) 4 cupe milk (part vegetable broth or chicken broth may be used) In medium saucepan, saute onion in butter. Blend in flour until mixture je smooth and bubbly. Stir in vegetables. Bring to boil and cook one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Oradually stir in milk, heat until warmed through. Season with saIt and pepper. Serve immediately. Serves four to six. Active C&Apt&DiESO iCeramis advings on selectd tuetsecau rde ELECTONICF'L LJSVALAL Limit oe rerns Nt aled wbef yoe r f Active Carpe t & Tue " 843 KssaingSt.W.Osaw e No .S.T. on laebourTomon on Suh ie