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Whitby Free Press, 17 Mar 1993, p. 17

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F 1 1993 Canadian Scout Jambee in Alberta. Any articles, includ- ing~ garage sale leftovers, are welcorne. F'or Ipickup, cal Doug at 668-1646 or 668-6493. EPILEPSY MONTII March is Epilepsy Month, and the Golden Griddle Rlestaurant at Kendalwood plaza in east Whitby is holding a fundraiser. Anyone who has t he restaurant's bue et on the March 20-21 and March 27-28 weekends and who states "I would like to support Epilepsy Durham Region" willl get a $1 discount. The restaurant will donate dollars to Epilepsy Durham Region. COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECTION now neets on Fridays instead of Saturdays. If you are single and would like to meet other singles, corne to our get-together for cofree, cards and conversation. For more information, cal 430-7022. PANCAKE WEEKEND The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will host the annual 'Pancake Weekend' on March 27 and 28 at Purpie Woods Conservation Area, north of Oshawa, at Simcoe Street and lOth Concession Road. The diferent stages of maplo syru]? production wil ho described, and pancakes will ho served from 9:30 a.m. te 3 p.m., by the Durham K.M. Kiwanis Club. There will aise be horse-drawn wagon rides and face-paining. For ore initormation caU 579- 0411. PHOTO CONTEST The deadline is March 31 for the submission of entries in the province-wide photo con test heid by the Council for Tobacco-free Ontario. Categories are 'Best thing te do instoad of smoking' and 'Babaies wearing the official picture-perfect bib' (available from Council for Tobacco-free Durham Region for $4). Submit ontries to 1615 Dundas St. E., suite 210, Whitby LMN 2LM. For entry forrns and more informa- tien cail 723-8521. SCIZOPHRENICS The- Durham chapter of Ontario Friends of Schizo- phrenics will meet tonight (Wed- nesday), 7 p.m., at Whitby Psy- chiatric Hospitai building 30. Dr. Ken Seaiely, from t ho hospi- tal's acute intermediate treat- ment unit, will be guest speaker. For more information cali 404- i 1301. 01>11 IECERTIFICATION St. John Ambulance, Whitby Branch, is offring a special one-night CPR recertification course on Thursday, March 25, 6 te 10 p.m. The course will recertify CPR leveis from A - D. For more information, cal 668-9006 or 668-4159. DANCE The Loyal Qi-dem of Moose, Whitby Lodge will hold a dance, featuring 'Chaser,' at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby on Satur- day, March 20, 9 p .m. te 1 a.m. Tickets are $5. Caîl 668-4570 for more information. 'LIVING WELL' WORKSHOP The next five-week sories of 'Living Wel' workshops will be held at Harvest Place, 102 Rossland Rd., 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., beginning Wednesday, March 24. Workshops involve seniors leadling seniors in discussions on how toe enjoy a henithy lifestyle. DANCE The AIS Society of Durham Region is holding a 'Public Awareness Dance' at the Oshawa Naval Veterans Club, 320 Viola St., Oshawa on March 27, 7 p.m. Buffet and cash bar. Tickets are $10 at the door or cail 728-7243. 143DS ON THE BLOCK Kids on the Block (Durham Region) is a non-profit orDanzation that visits chiidren inschools or groups to bring an awareness of disabilities and social issues te, children. This year's topics are streotproofing and cerebral palsy. The gi-oup is now taking bookings to visit Brownie and Scout troupes in the ai-en. Dates available: March 22, 29, April 5, 13, 19 20, 26 and 27, and in May, open ail Mondays and Tuesdays. For further information or te book oui- troupe, cail Bemnice Brown at 723-3397. YMCA WORKSIIOPS The Durham Region YMCA is still accepting registrations for « Spi-ing Country Crafts' workshop at Whitby Baptist Church, Marc h 29 te May 3 (cost is $37.45 te, $48.15). 'Setting the Scene,' Mai-ch 4 and 'Chinese Cooking,' Mai-ch 25, will ho held at Anderson CVI, roorn 244 (cost is $9.63 each). For more information or ta register, caîl the YMCA at 668-6868. BIG SISTERS ORIENTATION Big Sisters NOW (Newcastle- Oshawa-Whitby) will hold the monthiy orientation session on Wednesday, Mai-ch 17, 7 te 9 p.m., at the office, 179 King St. E., Oshawa. fig Sisters has 41 unmatched children on the waiting list. For more infor- mation on how te become involved and help a needy child, cal 436-0951. EUCIIRE The Whitby Legion Branch 112 Ladies Auxiliary wili hold a ouchre on Thursday, Mai-ch 18, 8 p . at 117 Byron St. S., Whty. Cost is $2. A light lunch wil ho soi-yod. DANCE A 'Country Lino Dance' will ho held on Friday, April 2, 8 p .m , at the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Osh- awa. Dance instructors will show fun steps, and there will ho cold buft unds raised helpý support the MIDS Committee of Durhlam Region. Tickets, for $5, are avail- able at the MIDS cornmittee office, 78 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa or at the door of the Moose Lodge. For more information cal 723-8201. ONE PARENT FAMILLES The Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association will meet for coffee, cards and conversation on Tuesday, Mai-ch 23, 8 p.rn., at Simcoe Hall Sttement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. New members and guests welcome. For more information caîl 436-5089. FIRST AIl) COURSE St. John Ambulance - Whitby branch will ho ofering a standard fi-st aid and CPR course on LEARNING DISABILITIES The Learning Disabilities Association, Oshawa Chapter, will hold a meeting on Thursday, Mai-ch 25, 7 p.m., at Gandview Tmetrent Centre, Oshawa. Dr. Jeanette Holden, director of cylogenetics and DNA research laboratory, Ongwanda Hospital, Kingsten, will discuss 'Fragile X Syndrome and its Impact on Learning for Disabled Childi-en.' This is a parent support group, and aIl ai-e weîcome to attend. Admission is free. For more information, cal 436-7706 or 623-4934. VISITORS DAY Visitors Dayh will be heli Saturday, Mai-ch 27, 9:30 or 1 a.m., at Kendalwood Sevent' Day Adventist Church, on Ker dalwood Rd., bchind K-Mai-t, i Whitby. AIl welcome. SAVE-A-IIEART MEETING Durham Save-a-Heart wi hold its llth annual meeting o Wednesday, Mai-ch 24 at nooni 1450 Hopkins St., suite 101 Whitby. Ail are welcome1 attend. For faither informatic or te reserve a seat (by Marc 19), caîl the office at 666-0995. Non-rot wtmch are e Wlyor have amnÎgmel, subantalWhltby membership flaY place their o'ueZgentý?s page at no cost. ffI mwgo ý6p te INFORMATION (416) 6928 Whitby Froe Press, Wednesday, March 17, 1993, Page 17 BIG BROTHER Kevin McFadden and 1111e brother Jeremy McQuay try a 1111e tandem bowling in preparation for Big Brothers' Bowl for Millions fundraiser this Saturday. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whitby Free Press $30.9OOO is target of Bowl for Millions By Lucie Rochette The 20th annual Bowl for Millions for Oshawa-Whitby will be held Saturday, March 20 at North End Bowl in Oshawa. 'Bowl for Millions' is a national event held every year by Big Brothers associations across Canada. Funds maiser1 help pay association operating costs. At last year's 'J3owl' in Oshawa, $24,000 was raised, not quite as much as hoped for by the Oshawa-Whitby association. This year "We are certainly hoping to get more than that," says Jane McCarthy, member of the local association's board of directors and Bowl committee member. The goal this year is $30,000, and McCarthy is confident that target can be reached. Last year, about 350 people participated in the event. This year, McCarthy says that they've sent out approxi- mately 600 pldge sheets. 'Bowl for Millions' is "extremely important for fundraising,» says McCarthy. About 60 per cent of Bi Brothers funding cornes frorn the Unitd Wa. Bu 0Unite cutbacks, due to a shortfall in the recent carnpaig-,n, have resulted in decreased funding to the association. Big Brothers have other means of raising money, such as sellin g lotter" tickets, holding raffles and car washes. McCarthý says there will be a lot of corporate participation, as well ap participation by doctors, lawyers and schools, in the 'Bowl'. "Absolutely anyone can par-ticipate,» she says. Sorne players f romn the Oshawa Generals junior A hockey team may be at the 'Bowl,' depending on their schedule. The Generals would be bowling with some of the Little Brothers. There are curirently about 80 Big Brothers in the area, but 24 Little Brothers are on a waiting list for a match with Big Brothers. McCarthy says tlîat often, due to unfortunate family situations, young boys rnay be in need of a positive mnaIe influence. McCarthy says that the 'Bowl for Millions' is "«an excellent fundraiser, an excellent way to increase the profile of Big Brothers ini the cornmunity." liq aieâo fwQ wow, WS~ -3 Fr"y et, so-m a STORYTELLING The Durham Folklore Society will meet on Thursday, March 25, 7:30 p.m., at the Micheal Starr Building, Oshawa. New members and çquests are wel- corne. For more information, cal Carolyn Hart at 434-1975. TAXTIME A represontative from the Revenue Canada taxation office will be at the Whitby Public Library on Friday March 26, 2 p.m., and Wednesaay, Aprîl 7, 7 p.m., for a question-and*,answer session about filing tax retumns. Space is limited. Ilegister at the library. BIG BROTEIEIIS The annual general meeting of the Big Brothers Association of Oshawa-Whitby has been resche- duled to Monday, March 29, 7 p.m. at 1050 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. The March 8 meeting was cancolod due to "irrequlari- ties containod in the notice.' 6BREATI-10F LIFE' DANCE Join Don Daynard at the lîth annual "50s and '60s Breath of Life Dance,' featuring Craig Smith, Don Baker and the Dazzettes. Hosted by the Durham Chapter of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation te help fight cystic fibrosis, the dance will be held on Saturday, April 24, 8 p.m., at Iroquois Park Arena, Whitby. Tickets are $20 per person and will go on sale at the arena on Saturday, April 3 at 8 a.m. SENIORS' DANCE A dance for members of the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will be held at the centre, 801 Brock St. S. on Saturday, March 27. Doors open at 7:30 p.ni. and dancing begins at 8 p.m. The cost is $3 at the door. Light refreshments will be served and a cash bar will ho available. AQUAFIT 'Aquafit for Hearýt,' a fundrai- ser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, will be held on Saturday, April 3, 10 a.m. te noon, at the Whitby Recreation Centre. Pledge forns ai-e avail- able at the centre's reception desk. Minimum pledge is $7. Cal the centre's fitness programmers at 666-1991 for more informa- tion. AMNEÉTY INTERNATIONAL The monthly meeting of Amnnesty International Group 90 (Ajax-Pickering) will ho held on Tuesday, March 23, 9:30 a.m., at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N. (Pickering Village. For more information, caîl 668-7171. Ail are welcome. FOCUS ON WOMEN Focus on Women will meet for c<ilfee and dessert on Tuesday, March 23, 7:30 p.m., at the Salvation Am-my Oshawa Temple Corps, 570 Thornton Rd.N., Oshawa. The evening will bo include wrapping and decorating giftboxes, a ladies' trio, and Carol Fisher will ho the Christian speaker. Admission is $3. For information, cail 725-5062. Welcome to Canada's Iargest

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