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Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1993, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Free Pross, Wednesclay, March 24, 1993 - À--A ,nf ,r~nmiitv 1nlan- The Durham Region District Health Council is starting work this month on a planning process te redirect leng-termn care ser- vices in the regien. The province announced late last year that health ceuncils would take the lead role in-plan- ning. An extensive notwork of regional leng-term care services is used largely by se nier citizens and people vhe are disabled or who are living with chronie iii- nesses. Frances Lankin, thon Miister of Health, suggestod that coun- cils develop a 90annn g process te, ensure broad community input The Durham health council will hold mneetings with small groups of provi dors and con- sumers to begin developing options for regional planning. nigmetings will ho held.later thssrng for further discussion. For more information cali the health council at 433-4262. a{BROOKLN1 I Sports exehange at sehool Meadewcrest public sctk00l will hold a sports exchange fundraiser on Saturday, March 27, 9 a.m. to neon. Wanted are new and used equipment and clothing for lacresse, soccer, baseball or any seasonal sports, etc. Bring in priced items to the school gym on Friday, March 26, 6 to 8.-0 p.m. -iworty per cent ot ail sales go to student programs. Unsold items can ho picked up frorm 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on March 27. An autographed Brooklin Redmon lacrosse shirt will be raffled off, and Redmen will also be on hand to meot the public. For more information, eall Sue i3orrey at 655-8896 or Sonja Graham at 655-4079. THE REGIONAL MUNIJIPALITYOFDRA 0FUDURHA REGION NO I E F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee will consider at a meeting to be held on: TUESDAY, APRIL 6,1993 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMVENT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUILDING, WHITBY MALL AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, proposes two retail/wholesale/wareousing operations, one a controlled mombership fàcility (Price Club) having a variety of goods (food, clothing, applianoes, ec)and the other, a home im provempent/garden oentre <Aikenheads). ýThe subject property i s locatod at the site indicated on the map below. Subsoquontly, the Regional Council will consider the recommendation ef the Planning Committoe at a meeting to be held on: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1993 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related te the proposed amendment is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Departrnent. 1615 Dundas Street East, 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building, Wliitby Mal, Whitby, or by calling Grant McGregor, Planning Department. (416) 728-7731 (Whitbyy686-1 651 (Toronto). Requests te make a presentation before the Planning Committee concemning the proposod amendiment must be forwarded te Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissionor et Planning, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Floor, Lang Tower,.West Building, Whitby Mal, Whitby. Ontario LI N 6A3 and sheuld be reoeived by Friday preceding the meeting. Requests te make a presentation before the Regional Council cocening the proposed amendiment must be forwarded te the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Ressland Road East, Whitby. Ontario LIN 6A3 and should be receîved 48 heurs prier te the Regional Counicil Meeting. FILES: OPA 92-002 GARY HERRWMA REGIONLCHAIR cQW. LUNDY, . kCT. REGX»»N LEPI Physiotherapist is speaker at WI meeting By Elicen Young The Brooklin Womea s Insti- tute family and consumer affairs meeting was held at the Brooklin Icornmunity centreon March 17. Tho meeting was opened by alù repeating the epaening ode and Mairy Stewart Cellect. The motte, 'Smile, and the werld smiles with you,' was answered by aIl. RoIl call was 'A helpfulsuggestion.' eÏGuest speaker was Helen Alves, physiotherapist at Osh- awa General and Port Perry hos- pitals. She suggested, for- anyoae sitting for a long tim o, placing a relled-up cushion or towel in the centre of the back te relieve back problems. Those whe are short and sit- ting for a long time ean elevate their feet on a stool. Thore were many other holpful hints. There was a crib quilt, suitable for a boy or girl, on display. The quilt, made by members, will be on sale in the near future. The Brooklin WI annual mneet- ing will be held at the comn- munity centre on April 21, 1:30 P.m. There- wil pregram reports, and the motto will be 'A now be 1ning is always holpful.' foli1ca1lwill ho 'Comment on last year's meeting, and ideas for a new year.' Visitors are always welcome. To suit WI members, the heurs of the meeting, held on the third Wednesday of each menth, cati ho changed te morning, after- The district annual meeting will be held at Stoufiville United Churclh on May 27. Registration sat 9 a.?u\. Guest speaker will be Peggy Knap p, area president for Canada. She will discuss 'Entre- preneur-ship'-- new businesses in hornes.' IHealthy food I oiees tourj A 'Healthy Food Choices' su- p ermarket tour will be held at Brooklin IC A 0on Thursday, March 25, 6:30 p.m. The tours were oî-ganized by the Canadian Cancer Society and IGA stores. A public hiealth nutritionist will lead tours and discuss fibre, fat and healthy food choices. To roser-ve a space, cali the Cancer Society office at 686- 1516. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 10 1 . Pearson Lanes is named alter the late William Pearson Litle, father of the developer Bill Littlo. 2. The only non-Scottish burial n Burns' Cemeter, Ashburn is that ofEdward Olver (1798-1882) who was born in Corranhaven, Cornwall, England. 3. The David Brigg s home ai 175 Myrtle Rd. E. was buiît in 1856 and occu pied by his descendants until 1987. 4. The first municipal government meeting for Whitby and Pickering was held in Pickering Township on March 7, 1803. vis .-W 1

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