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Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1993, p. 27

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i 1*Ji 'i. * c%" Whitby Free pîeg.Webnesday. March 24,1993, Page 27 'JUNIOR' ANYDERSON '90210' spoof written by former student By Cheryl-Ann Macean "Someday P'l ho a success,1 says singer, writer, model. and aspiring directer Euhart Ander- son. Anderson CVI is preducing a play writton b y the versatile, former studen thetter known as Junior' Anderson. The play, a mock performance of the prime-time soap opera 'Beveriy His 90210,' is appro- priately clIed 'Smells Like Teenage Television -- 90210.' It emphasizes the "bad acting and unreal over-emotional situa- tions of Beverly Hill 90210," says Anderson. The play, te ho presented in mid-May, has beth lightheartod and serious elements. "I realized that for it te ho a 'real' play I had te ýincorperate some dramatie sequonces into the it," says Anderson. Anderson started writing the play in April last year as a spoof of Beverly Hilîs 90210. "It was just a way for me te make fun et the show." When sehool ended, ho left the script, but Anderson began writ- ing again in September 1992 and that's when the school's dramna department found eut about it. "I enjoyed writing the play immensely. Sonietimes 1 cracked myseif up laughing," says Ander- son. Although Anderson had ne help in writing the Iplay hoe did get somo ideas fromn others. Victoria Jackson, an OAC student at Anderson is the direc- tor et 'Smelis Like '1ýenage Tele- vision--90210.' Anderson approached Jackson about directing the play because she'd encouraged hini te write it. Ho aise wantod te give hier the opportunity te use the directing s ills she already had. Mike Trites, a drama teacher at Anderson, discovered the play and it was thon acce ted by the Engihandraa lepartnients of tho schoel. The school was iooking for inaterial from a former student, te encourage other students te write. Executive producers of the plajare Trites, Marge Rodgers an &Cravon. The assistant directer is OAC student Otilla Vargo. "Whiie writing the play I kept in mind the real actors frein the show ('Beverly Hilîs 90210') and envisioned th ose actors in District 17 et the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) and the Durham Board ef Educatien are jointly sponsoring the eighth annual Student Recognition Night te ho held nt Harwood Secondary, Ajax on Thursday, April 1 at 7:30 pa. Up te four students froni each ef Durham's 19 public secondary schools will ho rocognized for their contributions te sehool lite and for achievenient ef porsonal excellence. The award winners were chosen by their teachers according to the following criteria: e a student who gives et hiniseîf or hersoîf for the good et the whole school community or the larger community- * a student who has achieved persenal excellence through unique, distinguished effort; * a student who has evercomo EUHART ANDERSON auditions actors for his play, 'SmeIIs Lke Teenage Television - 90210.' The former Anderson student wrote the play that is being presented at the school in mid-May. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press my reles," says Anderson. I think I get interested in script writing in Grade 10. I started with an assignment te, writo a script for my drama class. My teacher loved it and encouraged me because ho didn't know about my writing skiils. '.My journal that I keep and the things that I wrote about heiped me te decido how I shouid write," says Anderson. he la is 25 pages in length whc ake s for about a 90- te achieve personal * a student who demonstrates good citizenship; On Friday, March 26, the Anderson Music Parents' Society (AMPS) will ho hosting a show et fashions froni the Tops 'n Trends spring '93 collection. The program wili begin at 7:30 p.m. in the gyrnnatorium at Anderson CVI. Tickets for the fasieon show are $2 per person and may ho purchased froni musie students or at the door on the evening etf the show. The ticket price încludes light refreshments. Orders will ho taken nt the conclusion et the show, with profits going te, the Anderson music students' fundraising minute production, excluding the intermission. In the first haif of the play, dono for laughs, the characters are the ame as they are on the original Beverly His 90210. The second hait ef the play is a drama and involves reai teen- agers with real probiems. Anderson derived the titie of the play frein a song, 'I Love Th-at Band,' by Nirvana. "For the title I wanted seme- thing that sounded outrage- * a student known by staff and students as the one te count on for help or enthusiastic support; a dependablo, conscien- tious worker. program te help offset travel costs te MusicFest'93 in Edmonton. For information, caîl Sheena Hunter at 668-5171 or the Anderson music departmoent at 668-5809, ext. 241. Registration for Durham Col- loge continueus learning pro- grams ln spring and summer ho gins Ari 5. For inforation or te obtain a caiendar, eall 721-2000, ext. 507. osn.lk eeaes"sasAdr sonde nwsasueta Anderson rfieas a tnt jrEd An ngsnfrh v er and draina. in ruglihoutdhisaear nhg scuhoo nes epar'ed nyg pscoi neoon productions. acteas ColonelPuckerin. in Andss onmusic'M rFirg Lnad' ona s alaydyGodirh productiaon e '&enGodCn tes T lton Bafstn you Don'tBur i To a.' yuDn' ur h Toweer Adrsn.ayb mo ememrnefrs port e most ce in'The ChurchisLady' in whinchThe aedtchurch Lady. i "hI uso pad the for ian loady as sirents.frmayofm Asindesnseatiiatdl Adrafstial atite schon whre hofepiaod the p artof Harrison ergae e at ofie anioner een tSvso Neounyc anAdesn rt scrit andcatAbutrhocn waise si% was invoived in the jazz and jazz technicai concert choirs at the school. Ho sang in the musical 'My Fair Lad y' and aise in a variety show attLeschool. Anderson started his own a cappella band eutside of the school and they did a summer concert in Rosedale. The band broke up because, "We're tee tar away te practice." There were four band mem- bers and Anderson sang the bass and tenor parts. lie has aise sang at the scheol in two of their Christmas con- certs, two of their Music Marath- tice." There were four members in the band and Anderson sang te tenor and bass parts. Anderson aIse sang at Ander- son in two Christmas concerts, twe music marathons, and two fali concerts. Ho aise sang in the finals of the Ontario Vocal Festi- val. In the future Andersonsy "I want to write and as wel direct. im going for a master's degreo in directing. "York and Ryersen beth have great film and video and cinema courses, and 'vo appliod te some experience directing a variety show last April for charity. He is registered with the M. Hunter--Professional Model and Talent Centre of Scarbourough, an agency for tolevision acting and modeUling. "Right now, I'rn ooking for office work. "My ultimato goal is te bc a director," says Anderson. He wouldilike to do video and musical films involving drama and music. The school may use the play again next year for the Sears Drarna Festival where awards are presentedi. fh e festival includes many schools in the Durham Hegion and helps actors to get a start in the entortainment field. Anderson is currentl4' working on a skit for Toronto s Second City'. Ritçht now I'm basically look- ing atit as a school production. 'However, I hope that it will go as far as a Toronto producý- tion ... possibly even Second City," says Anderson. Auditions for parts in the play took place March 4 Those trying eut were each given a sec tion of the script ahead of time to prac- tice. Each feniale played the part of Chantel fer the audition and each maie played the part et Dylan. The audience for the play is basically expected te be students. Howevor, it is aise directed at parents because they may be concerned, says Anderson. Syvan FilLearning Centre- * Boosi your ehiId's grades. * Build self-stemil. *Programs in reading, math, algebra, uriting, study skillsI ioWrk sup- ~port and ti>e nanawCflt.~ THE TOWN 0F WHITBY .........CQMMUNITY SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOL SPRING PROGRAMS Registration for community sohool spring programs wiII be held on: THURSDAY. APRIL 15.,1993 SATURDAY, APRIL 17. 1993 10:00 - 11:00 A.M. Registor at the school where your program is being off ered. BELLWOOD COMMUNITY SOHOOL 30 Beiiwood Drive, 571-4770 GLEN DHU COMMUNITY SCHOOL 29 FaIingbrook Street, 666-0969 PALMERSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL 400 Palmerstonl Avenue. 666-0959 PRINGLE CREEK COMMUNITY SCHOOL 80 Rbbiesdaie Drive. 668-0666 SPRINGISUMMER ACTIVITY BROCHURE CORRECTION BELL WOOD COMMUNITY SOHOOL Tuesday night -.AdiuI1FoIk Art Saturday - Kindernastics56 -r.- i0ý45ilL1i40-a.mn. Saturday - GIrna=1 Hetsef sfi 71 r il1:50 arn. - 12:50 p.rn.- $25 (5 weeks) Saturday - Creative Crafis 5 - 7 yrs. - 9 00Q-10-0 a m~ Board, OSSTF recognize students obstacles succese; Fash ion show at Anderson

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