Whitby Froo Preas, WOdflSdY An --, Hlighland to take 105-lb. thank-wyou to Blue Jays By Cheryl-AnnMcean tHi Iando Van& Storage will be transporting 0 b tnyucard to the Toronto eJay p ril 9. 0 b Th ad, wvhich is two fetby thee A in size, will be presented to Jaya manager Cito Gaston at the teamn's home opener at the Skydonie. Thegigantic card bas been signed by more than 500,000 pec l romail over Ontario, each also making a contribution tWote ArhriisSociety. The card will be embossed in leather by Hallmark Cards and will contain pae with the signature,. «You have tthnl that 500,(000people are signing the card and each is giving a minimum donation of $2 ... that is going te make $1 million for the Arthritis Society,» says Crstal GlaspelI, vice-president of Highland Van & Storage. Highland Van & Storage has been transporting the card al over Ontario to ha signed and will take it to the Skydome this week. Along with Woolco, another major sponsor, Highland bas been working on the project since Dec. 9 of last year. "We are auI working on this together, and we'ro ail doing a wonderfui job3,»says Glaspell. Possible aron nvestigted A intentionally-set fire in ai portable at Anderson CVI over- night Wednesday caused an esti-i Loses race, youth eharged A Whitby young offender is1 charged with assaulting police and breach of probation after losing a footrace witp officers Wednesday afternoon. The 15-year-old YOA took off wben police attempted to arrest hlm on Newman Or. Ho led officers through several backyards and over a few fences before they caught Up with bim. One of the officers suffored a sprainod knuckle in the ensuing struggle. Counterfeit b MIlppassed A counterfoit $20 U.S. bill tur- ned up at a Whitby gas station last week. Police say the fake $20 was p assed to an attendant at the Shoîl g as station at Dundas and Thickson around 5 a.xn.Tusa ba pedestrian who was buying cigarettes. Ho asked the atten- dant if they're were any motels in the area before walking off. The case is unusual, says Staff Sorgyeant Jim Adams, because thebogus bill was «really smooth -- the problem is, the guy who received it has no feeling in bis fingertips so ho couldn't detect AMO's uréban meeting lin Oshawa The Association of Municipali- ies of Ontario will hold the Largo Urban Section conference in Oshawa on April 15 and 16. The scheduled keynote speaker will be Ed Philip, Minister of Municipal Affairs. Amon~ the sessions wili bo 'Waste Management -- The Kirk- land Lake Option and Others,' 'Community Economic Develop- ment --Governments Working Together' and <isentanglement -- Large Urban PreparatioTis. The conference will ha heid at the Holiday Inn. ESTER SPE AS mated $5,000 te $10,000 damnae. Police say the culprit(s) smashed a window, poured a flammablo liquid inside and thon lit it, burning two desks and damaging the floor and ceiling -- there was also extensive smoke damage. The blazo, which fortunately burned itself out, was started somotime between 4 p.m. Wed- nesday and 7 a.m. Thursday when a teacher opening up the classroom discovered the mess. Police are continuing their in- vestigation but note they have five suspects. It should have been stated in a photo caption in last week's edi- tion that the Legion has pledged to pay the full cost of a $73,000 laparascopic video equipmenýt system at Whitby General ospi- taI The $12,000 donated rocently was only the first payment. The Free Press wisbes to apologize for the omission. EIaIdL~[~4 Rrii t Giant Easter Bunny seen at Cullen Gardens, handing out Jelly Beans .- Ukranian Easter egg display and demonstration - 1-4 p.m. Live bunny display and spinning demonstration - 1-4 p.m. Kids scavenger hunt Puppet show - 2 p.m. April 9th to l2th 10 arn to 5 pin 668-6606 300 Taunton Road West, Whitby Corne help us celebrate the opev, IIEART AND STROKE FOUNDATIONPS "DRF Sat. April lOth at 11:00 arn in th m teram ring of the AM HOME" CAMPAIGN ie lobby. mwý 9,93 SPIRIT