- ~ ~ ~~ \'ïSî Whîtby Free Press, Wednesday. April 14. 1993. Paue 9 The Oshawa & District Real Estate Board (ODREB) is hoeting their annuel general membership Civic meeting on Tuesday, April 20. Ail mayors, councillors, planning department heads, MPs and MPPs have been invited te Peapples at showcase Generai Motors of Canada pre- sident George Peappies will be Lnest speaker at t he llth Dur- arn Showcase on April 26. The showcase, hield by the Durham Region Manufacturers Association, will be at General Sikorski Hall in Oshawa and begnins at 4:30 p.m. Peapples will speak at 6:30 p.m. Cost for the showcase and din- ner meeting is $40 for members, $45 for non-members. The 'Golden' differene By Lucie Rochette The Golden Tulip is biooming in the Whitby Mail. The furniture store, open for about two months, offers more than just regular furniture. There is aise an aisortment of Enter the Copy Zone By Lucie Rochette Most customers "do their own r thin"at a new store in east Whe yCopy Zone is ideal for walk-in customers, says owner Ike Sepulueda. L.ocated in the Highway 2 and Thickson area, the store offers such services as black and white and colour photocopies, desktop publishing, Intosh and IBM computer tirne rentais and laser printing. They aise send -and receive faxes and take passport photos. There is a work area for the customers. Thinga are basically self-serve. "People can do their own thing," says Sepujueda. Sepulueda says. Uopy Zone can heip those running a business out of their home. brass furniture -- anything from brass beda te brass dinettes. They aise carry lamps, wall hangings, decorations, and a complete line of cherry items, sucli as coffee tables, jewelry boxes and other furniture items. The store is owned by Gaj Sahni and lier husband whom she calis 'The Captain.' TIe Cap- tain was a captain in the Indian The ou ple aiseo, wns another Golden Tulip store in Ajax. The Captain and his wife have been in business for about seven years. According te the Captain, it's the selection of items, the price and the quality ef service that makes Golden Tuliý different from other stores. "We really believe in the old values," says the Captain. "Busi- ness isn't Just about meney. It's about good service with a smile. It's humanity more than busi- ness."p meet with guest speakers, Gary Poionsky, president of 'Durham College, and Richard Wood, Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) political affaira committee chair. ODREB president Christine Kendall and political affaira committee chair Dale Anderson will be sharing the evening's agenda. "This year, we have a ful evening of events beginning with a trade show. The Region of Durham nard six of our municipalities will be represented at the show, a]ong with suppliera from real estate-related industries," says ODREB president Christine Kendall. 'This is the firat tume we are having a trade show, and I am sure it will be a success." 'Better Together' semi nar Professionai Secretaries International (PSI) will hold a one-day serinar te enhance the role as an office professional. The seminar, 'Working Better Together,' will be held Wednesday, April 21 (Professional Secretaries' Day), 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m., in the Durham room, Holiday Ifnn, Bloor Street, Oshawa. For more information and registration, cal L. Lackey at 576-2328 or H. Globe et 725-1232. Country Style' fundraisingSpigauGreng Country Style Donuts locations -pin ad C'rnn S AIRT in Whitby wiIl be participating in the 'Spring for a Donut' fundrai- AT JOHN BROUWER GARDEM BhTRE ser from April 16te May 16. IFYUTUHTWWEETRICBFOE. -Country Style's Richmond HillI F O HLGTW EETRII EOE. location is celebrating its 3th year of operatien this year. To recognize- that miiestone, the coflpany is sponsoring severai major events this year.. 'Spring for a Donut' is the first major fundraiser, for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada, and will be held at the company's 150 locations in Ontario. Country Style will contribute 10 cents from every donut pur- chase for the 30 days. The goal is te raise $100,000. Whitby's Subway restaurant wiil hold 'Food for Food' drive -exchanging non-perishabie food items for submarine sand- wiches -- on April 18. The event wilI start at 3 p.m. and continue for 99 minutes. Patrons who bring ini at least one non-perishable food item will receive a free six-inch sub- marine. The donations wili go to the local food bank for distribution in Whitby. Ail Subw aylocations in Canada and Lh U.S. will be conducting the same food drive on the sanie day at the sanie heur. iatrc-'g can donate as mai»r as 50 food items, and they cari bring them jît usa .ny day, not Just during tne v*-tnnute evM-e'-,, IMAINLNOT ONE BUT TWO NEW GREBIHOUSES.1 Corne in and take a peek...thEDy're almost finished. I GRAND OPENING- APR. 25. WATCH FOR DETAILSSJ RUE DO-IT-YOURSELF UNILOCK INTERLOCKING STONE SEMINAR Mark Sat. May 1sf on your calendar. Let the spring rains water in your GOLFGREEN FER TIL IZER for the healthiest, greenest Iawn ever! $lj« C 8 KG $ Reg. $74 Shop now for besi selection ]EJLj~IINA L ~~417EtI 'g Trade show- part of reattors' meeting I 7 7Jl!eg. 1.5~ LW 2 es per awstonme with thisCOMpo wWmoer~Tueà doyA0r20IW3 9 DANISH ýî Bunsz per u 1380 HopkMs Street Whtby 666-1 177 U niversity at Durham College Summer 1993 Courses are offered in Oshawa during the day or evening in the following ternis: * 8 weeks: 3 May - 29 ]une * 12 weeks: 3 May - 29 JuIy * 6 weeks: 5 July - 6-August For information or a brochure cali (416) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229. Your Family Is Growing Your new baby lus corne homne, but what is in store for him or her? That depends upon how well you safeguard your child's future - making sure there will always be funds available for a college education, for example. That is where 1 can help., I cari show you how to protect your chid's future through si-are- fully and professionally planned Metropolitari Life financial pro- gramn. Don't you owe it to the aduit you want your child to be? MiChael Shreve 213 Byron St. S. Whitby 430-3052 :0 Metropoitan Lf The Royal Canadian Legion ~?é~\Branch 1 12, Whltby, Ontario ATTENTION: VETERANS AND DEPENDENTS Mr. Scott Young, representative of the Departrnent of Veterans Affairs wiIl be at Ajax Legion Branch #322 et 111 Hunt St., Ajax on Wednesday April 28, 1993 between the hours of 9:00 arn and 12 noon, and frorn 1:00 tili 4:00 pm. If you require information on any Veterans Problems, Pensions, War Vets. Allowance, Trpatrnent or any other services, please eall Ben Severs, Legion Service Officer et 683-4793 or Dennis Delaney, R.C.L. Branch 112 et 668-0330 for an appointment. 4JOHN BRO UWER GARDEN -AN D LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakerldge Road South, Ajax, Ontario LiS 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680 H OPEN: Monday to Frday 8 -8, Saturclay 9 -6, Sunclay 9 -5. -~ - I____ 1 r- ý -a . ad-.à 6.dr à gà &- - 1 9 A IVE