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Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1993, p. 19

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.Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. April 14. 1993, Page 19 DANCE RESCIEDULED The Moose Lodge will hold a country line dance in support of the AJDS Committee of Durham on Friday, April 16 (original date was April 2), 8 p.m., at the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Tickets are $5 per person and are available at the AIDS Conmiîttee office, 78 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa or at the door. Ail cowboys and cowgirls welcome. For tickets or more information, cali 723-8201. MASSAGE WOIIKSHOP The YWCA will hold a massage workshop on Sunday, April 15, 9 am. te noon. The workshop will cover very basic massage techniques. To register, cail 576-8880. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet on Sunday, April 18 at the Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa City Hall. For more information caîl Earl Macean at 728-1352. CPU RECERTIFICATION St. John Ambulance - Whitby branch will hold a special CPR reoertification class (levels A to D) on Saturday, April 17, beginning at 8:30 a.m. For more information, caîl 668-9006 or 668-4159. MARJUAGE ENRICIMENT The Whitby Christian Assembly's second annual marriage enrichment semnar will be held Monday, Tueeday and Wednesday, April 19 te 21, at 7 p.m. The subject is parenting, from toddlers to teens. Topice such as discipline, street-proofing and the role of fathers wilI be discussed. WMhy Christian Asembly je located at 100 *RoelandRd, W., at the corner of Rossland and Brock. For more information cail 666-2556. COURSE FOR GM WORKERS St. John Ambulance - Whitby Branch is offering special standard first aid and CPR classes for shiftworkers at GM. Classs will be held Tuesday, Apil 20, Thursday, April 22, Tuesday, April 27 and Thursday, April 29, 6 to 10 p.m. For more information, caîl 668-4159 or drop by the office at 1517 Dundas St. E. ONE PARENT FANUIES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association will meet for 'Kids Craft Night' on Tuesday, April 20, 7 p.mn., at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. New memrbers and gueste are welcome. For more information, calI 436-5089. EUCILRE The Whiby Logion Branch 112 Ladies Auxiliary will hold a euchrê -on Thursday, April 15, 8 p.m., at the Legion upe ire hall, 117 Byron St. S., Whitby. Light lunch wil be served. Admission is $2 per pereon. CULTURAMA The 1993 Junior Farmers of Ontario 'Culturania' wilIlibe held on Saturday, April 17, beginning 4-at- a4m.,n at EastalnCllegriate waiting liet. If you can spare a few heurs a week te give friendship te, a child or youth, call 436-0951. The next orientation session will lie held April 21, 7 te 9 p.m. To register or for more SC]HJZOPIIRENICS The Durham chapter of Ontario Friende of Schizo- phrenics will meet on Wednes- day, April 21, 7 p.m. at Whitby Psychiatric H'ospital, Luilding 30. Nancy Redner, director of the founcdation dep artment at Clarke Institute, will discuse postron emission tomography (brain-im- aging). For more* information cal 404-1301l. B(Y[TLE DRIVE lt Whtby scouting grop will hold a bote drive on Satur- day,t April 17, starting at 10 a m. in the Queen's Common anct Otter Creek areas . Bottles should be left on the doorstep. For prior or late pick-up, cal Jack at 430-0641. ge drive is p art of fundraisingactivities to help pay for the secrut trip to the Canadian Jamboree this sum- mer. CLOTHIING SALE The Durham Region.Parents of Multiple Births Association will hold a spring clothing, toy and baby equipment -sale on Saturday, April 24, 9 am. to noon, at Kingsview United Church, 505 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa. Cash sales only. Snacks, baked goods and drinks will be available. Due to lack of space, strollers will not be ailowed in the church. For more information, call 686-5456. QUILT 5SHOW The l3th annual quilt show will be held at St. Mares United Church, corner of Coiborne and Centre streets, Whiitby on Friday, April 16, noon te 8 p.m., and Saturday, April 17, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. Fifty full-sized quilte and other emali quilted items will be on display. Light refreshments are included in the $3.50 admission fée. CILRONIC FATIGUE The Durham Region Chronic Fatigue Syndromee.E. Support Group will meet on Wednesday, A nil 21, 7 p.m., at A.E. King eèmorial Complex, Kingsway College, Oshawa. Ail welcome. For moreinformation caîl Renee Leahy at 655-4398. PHOTO.CLUB The Whitby Photo Club will meet at th'e Pamily Tru st Build- ing, Dundas and Hickory streets, Whitby, on Monday, April 19, 7 p.m. Tere will lie a business and information exchange, and the final elide clinic. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, April 20, 7to 9 p.m., in the cafeteria at O'Neill CVI, Oshawa. Stampe, postcards and collections can be exchanged, appraised or sold at auction. F or more information, caîl John at 725-7962. SENIORS' FLEA MA&RKET The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a flea market on Saturday,, April 17, 10 a.m. te 2 Âfm.Ai donations are welcome. Èring donations te the cpntre at 801 Brock St. S. by Wcdnesday, April 14. For more information, calI the centre at 668-1424. YLmBvRALS'-%" 4PA cI'A NiGHT' RECERTIFICATION COURSE St. John Ambulance - Whitby Branch wilI hold a standard firet aid and heartsaver recertification course on Thuredays, April 15, 22 and 29, 6 to 10 p.m. For more information, call 668-9006 or 668-4159. T1UBUTE TO DENISE HO01)E A tribute to the Denise House will be held on Tuesday, April 20 at the insmen Community Centre, 108 Coiborne St. W., Oshawa. A reception and cash bar starts at 6 p.m., with dinner served at 7 p.m. Guest spaker is Muriel Wilde, who wil discuss 'Violence - The Sulent Epidemic.' Tickets are $40 for dinner. For more information, cali 728-7311, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PARENTS' PRESENTATION The Children's Services Council (Durham) Inc. will hold a presentation- for parents who want to gain a better understanding of services available for children and adolescents with special needs. The presentation wilI be held on Monday, April 19, 7 to 8:30 p.m., and Wednesday, April 21, 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Grandview Rehabilitation and Treatment Cen tre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa. Cail 433-4100 to register for the session of your choice at least one week prior to the date. Admission is free. Al are welcome. EVENING 0F MUSIC 'An Evening of Music' with Bobhy Watt and Friends will be helzi on Friday, April 16, 8_,.rn. to 1 &.m., at H eydenshore Pavi- lion. The event is a fundraispr for the Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club under-14 boys rep team. Tickets are $15 per person, and include cold plate and dessert. Tickets are available at Soccer Scene on Sunray St. anid at South Mill Deli, Whitby Mail. For more information caîl San- dra HamilI at 430-0610 or Judy Da Silva at 666-3692. DANCE The Loyal Order of Moose, Whitby- Lodge will hold a dance at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby on SaturdaY, April 17 9 p .m. to 1 a.m. Music by ôhaser. Door prizes, spot prize. Tickets are $5. Caîl 668-4570. Non-Lrit communltygroupe which are baed ln Whitby or have a substantiel Whflby membership may 1 place their upcomifl9 meeings or activifes on is pagb et no cost. Preft mtq CW gh y'. c .d5 FUNDRAISING DINNER The Reform Party of Canada Ontario Riding will hold a fundraising dinner on Thursday, Apnil 23 at Annandale Golf & Country Club. Meet Don Sullivan, Reform Party candidate, and William Trench, author of 'Only You Can Save Canada,' at 6:30 p.m. A hot and cold buffet dinner will lie served at 7:30 p.m. Cash bar. ickets ($30 per person) should be purchased at leant one week before the dinner and are available at the Reform Party office, 235 Bayly St., Ajax, telephone 686-1885 or 686-0278. EAD INJURY The Head Injury Association of Durham Region, 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa will hold support group meetings on Wednesday, April 21, 7:30 p.m. The survivors group will meet on the main floor, the t'amily and caregivers group upstairs. For assistance with transportation, caîl the office at 723-2732. PARINSON WEEK The week of April il to 17 han been proclaimed an 'Parkinson Awareness Week' in Whitby. The Durham Region Chapter Parkinson Foundation Of Canada wan formed in 1981 te help fulfil a need for information, social and moral support for Parkinsonians and their fanijlies. Memnlers mneet the firet Monday of each month at St. Marks United Church in Whitby at 7:30 p.m. Refresh- mente are served and meetings are open te everyone. For more information, caîl 430-8475. ITC SPRING SEMINAR The Firet Oshawa ITC Club, will hold a spring seminar, 'Future Focus,' on Saturday, April 17, 9 a.m., at the Embassy Suites Motel, 8500 Warden Ave. at H-ighway 7, Markham. Workghops. include ' Brain Power -- How to Develop Creativity and Navigate your Future through the Waves of Change.' Arabella Bengeon will lie the luncheon speaker; the topic, 'Design your Destiny.' The cost, including lunch, is $65. For information, caîl 725-9179. BABYSIITING PROGRAM The Oshawa YWCA will hold a six-week babysitter training prograrn, May 4 to June 8, 7 to 9 p.m. CaRl 576-8880 te register. FrCWI 4g SPM. Progressive Conservative Association p+ B of The Federal Riding of Ontario NOTICE 0F ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Executive of the Ontario Riding Progressive Conservative Association, in accordance with the Constitution of the Association, do hereby notify ail Members of the Association that an Annuai General Meeting, for the purpose of selecting a new Executive for 1993/94 has been called for Thursday, April 29, 1993. Ajax Community Centre H.M.S. Ajax Room 75 Centenniai Road, Ajax, Ontario 6:3Opm NOTICE 0F DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING The Executive of the Ontario Riding Progressive Conservative Association, in accordance with the Constitution of the Association, do hereby notify ail Members of the Association that a Delegate Sellection Meeting, for the purpose of selecting Delegates to the National Leadership Convention, has been called for Thursday, April 29, 1993 Ajax Community Centre H.M.S Ajax Room 75 Centennial Road, Ajax, Ontario 8:OOpm These shail be open meetings. Those entitled to ballot upon the selection of the Executive and the Delegates shahl be Association Members as defined in section four (4> of the Association's Constitution. 0 £w 2m -, CANADIAN CITIZENSHIF National Citizenship Week 1993 will take place April il te 17. Established by the Prime Minister in 1987, the week coincidee with the anniversary of the adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedome. For more information on Canadien citizenship or te find out more about how te participate in National Citizenship Weelc, contact the court of the Canadian citizenship neareet you (the address je in the blue pages of the telephone book), or write te Citizenship Registration and Promotion, Multiculturaier and Citizenship Canada, Ottawa, Ont. KIA 1K5 SUPER CITIES WALK Durham College will be one of il locations in Ontario for the Super Cities Walk to be held on Sunday, April 18 to raise funde for research into the cause and cure for multiple eclerosie. Walkers raiso money by securing pledgee. Prizes are available. To register or for more information, calll1-800-268-7582. OSTOMY MEET]ING The Oshawa and District Oetomy Association will hold a monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 21, 8 p.m., at the Oshawa General Hospital, roomn 1002F. Guest speaker will be Rev. Richard ileiden who will diecusse hie battle te conquer Hodgkine Disease. Family and frienda .-are welcome. For more information, cali 576-9516. POT LUCK SUPPER Christian Singles Serving Christ will hold a potluck supper at the Christian Life Centre, Ajax on Saturday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m. For more- information, cal 686-6193 or 728-9720. CWL A field workere' presentation, sponsored by St. John the' Evangeliet CWL, will lie held Monday, April 19, 7:30 p.m., at St. John lh- Evangeliet parish centre, 903 Giffard St., Whitby. Topice will lie discussed te inform, afirm and inspire CWL members and others in their mission. If you plan te attend, contact Lynne Childerhousp. at 668-5206. PUBLIC FORUM The Oshawa Branch of the Arthritis Society will hold a public forum, «Research and the Patient,' on Tuesday, April 20, 7 p.m., at Faith Place, Auguetana Hall, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Guest speaker will be Dr. Katherine Siminovitch, basic research scientiet, Mount 5mnai Hospital, Toronto. Admission is free. Ail are welcome. Transportation is available. For more information, caîl 434-7221.

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