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Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1993, p. 20

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t t ~' Page 20. Whitby Free Press Wednesday, Aprl 14.1993 Wîarehouse-wstyle store plan delayed FROM PAGE 1 benefit Whitby. "Sure, it will be cempetitive but that's the name of the game nowadays,» said Drumm. "Certainly there will be pro- blemns in the short teri, but in the long terni it will be good." Drumin said that jôb-wise, tax-wise,» the proposai is tailer- made for the Victoria Street site. "The land is idle, it wiii sit there another 10, 15 years,» if the Invar application is rejected, he predicted. Although the property is now zoned industria, Drumin stressed that the stores will net be aseessed at the lower rate. It will bo zoned proer and they wili pay commercial taxes," he said. "This je good for Whitby and our community. Why shouldn't our people be given the oppor- tunity te shop at this type of facility?» Ajax Mayer Jim Witty, for one, will net be suppeorting the erice Club-Aikenhea 'e splan. He je basing hie decision on information contained in the «applicant's ewn market etuady," Witty said. "An area the size of Durham Regien can only handie one of these type of facilities of this size," he eaid. Since a Costco wareheuseeje planned for construction in hîie nîunicipality later this year, Witty said he cannot vote for the Whitby project. Similar te Price Club, the 134,000 sq. ft. Coete store will be built at Harwood Avenue and Highway 2. The Costco dev lopment je awaiting site plan 1jproval frein Ajax council and thEn work can begin, Witty saicL .Richîard Arbiaster, a lawyer for Loblaws, welcomed the commit- tee's decision te delay the appli- cation. "One of the reasens for defer- ring it is te get more information regardinq the market im- pact... that s what we wanted," he said. Arbiaster, who had "ne opinion" on whether the project will ultimately be defeated by regional council, denied that his client opposes the application solely on competitive grounds. "By long experience and tradi- tion, whenever there is a pro- posai te change an officiai plan in a municipality, Lobiaws adheres te it," he said. "These warehouses and mem- bership clubs don't have the saine scrutiny. They spring up like mushrooms after a rain. Arbiaster contends that there are "planning problems" with the proposai and that it shouid be denied. He said planning departments in most Durham 'munîcipalities, including Whitby, "realize there is a de ficiency of material" te support the application as it now stands. (In appreving the project, Whitby council etipulated that the area devoted te food sales shahl net exceed 45 per cent of the 116,000 sq. ft. Price Club bF L*r, the area devoted te, food sales will be placed in a holding category untRl the impact on existing Whitby food stores is determined .) Arbiaster noted that an eut- side analsie of the Invar appli- cation, which was prepared for Whitby, aise determined that more information on this particu- lar aspect was required. "Yeu don't start baking a cake with haif the ingredients," he said. Arbiaster said some committee members, aise wanted more details about the project's loca- tion.. Durham's planning depart- ment, supported by Whitby, sug- gests that the area be designated as a 'regional node' in the Region's proposed officiai plan, so that additional development which compliments the proposai Price Club would captureC 8.5per cen.»,t of Whiltby food sales can occur. u&)me members had concerns about where ail this ie leading,» said Arbiaster. 'Ite not just a matter of approving Price Club and Aiken- head's, it ceuld lead te eomething much more substarrtial without controls in place." Invar solicitor ]Bob Jarvis argues that the area's future growth ehould have ne bearing on the prejeet. "That's net part of the applica- tion, it dosen't relate te what we're doing,» h le eaid. Jarvis said the regional node designation was included on a map and the commnittee merely sought clarification from staff. Jarvis said additional market studies which had been filed with Whitby, but net the Région, will aise be reviewed prier to the Aprii 20 meeting. "«Our market studies are thorough. There will be an im- pact but it's well within what's tolerated by the Ontario Munici- pal Board,"'lhe said. Jarvis said studies 'indicate that the Price Club will capture about 8.5 per cent of Whitby's food sales, whereas the munici- pal board deems «'12 te 15 per cent acceptable." As fer potentiai job leeses, Jar- vis said these wiii bo "marginai" but that the jobs created will be «subtantial.» He dismissed dlaims made dur- Mn last week's meeting that Pice Club empleyees receive only haif of what unionized gro- cery store employees are paid. Although he did net have details on wages, Jarvis said Price Club workers have "one of the bost benefiît packages, their employees swear by it." He ointed eut that a bid by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) for automatic certification of *a Price Club eut- let in London was unsucceseful. "If yeu're a union erganizer and Price Club ttirns you down,I guess that's jobs lest,-" sa.id Jar- vie. (Although the UFCW bid for automatie certification faiied, a spokeeman for the Ontario Labeur R elations Board told The Free Press that a decisien has nety et been nmade on the union's application te represent the Lon- don Price Club workere.) Jarvis je confident the Invar pr?)osl wllultimately meet "You can't stop Aikenhead's, Costco and Price Club, it's hap- pening ail the time,n he said. UFCW representative Ian Mil- ler appeared before the commit- tee te plead for* his members' jobs. The union represents about 2,500 grocery store employees in Durham Region. "«Our primary concern is lose of jobs and what we perceive will be a cut in heurs " said Miller. «There's oniy se much retail food business in the Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa area. Ail i t can d is take work fromn our union members," he saîd. Miller said the daim of 540 jobs frein the project shouid be examined carefuily. "It may create that, but don't be confused," he said. "Our experience is that from similar-sized places it creates 300 jobs. But what they don't tell you is the jobs you lose and that xt's not a net gain." Answers to Whiltby Trivia from page 14 1 . The Go Natural store en Brock Street North was used as a post offi!ce frQm 1880 ta 1910, and The Submarine Machine building at Dundas and Byron streets served as post off ice f rom 1862 te 1880. 2. The Brooklin Village Shoppe at 57 Baldwin St. was buit as a Methodist church on Winchester Road and later moved te Baldwin Street. 3. Ontario Premier John P. Robarts off icially opened the Whitby General Hospital on May 14, 1970. 4. The f irst Whitby town councils met at the Courthouse (new the Whitby Centennial Building) from 1855 te 1857. 'X ý0,4LEAR THE TRACK, HERE COMES.. EDDIE SHACK #' 150) sBargoons Galore!! 0F-5 ~'Saturday 10 arn - 2 pm Dutchnm CLASSIC 26' Fl iWHEEL scFia micuoffve, ont wfoa4el. ,,oNtoe 1ZPRKN0)I panu. auto Igit water heater. etc. 618 Indu4e W#V a cae Rear Ktch. Reg. $21.,160 KNOCK OUT $1 6,900 Incudes: Air. awning, rricrowave. LPG dtecor, tire ext. etc. Reg. $20.705 KNOCK OUT $1 6,571 by cobra' 18KARO TOP klaut M £tv. cpu. 6, ive, awning, @e. KNOCK OUT$3,800 PLUS THESE POPULAR BRANDS: STARCRAFT LigirI Weight Truck Canpos USED TINVEN TOFR- DAS e-iASJRS UEFirst cere, first served basis. 14 USED CARIMCOý Thre Cadolac of TMKc Canpers Nnhhtby 5 rndoe N. ci B<eoklin N -TORONTO OSHAWA >- WHITBY DAHON BICYCLES > Fods In HIr Rn. $59Now99 b 1

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