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Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1993, p. 32

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; Page 32, Whi tbyFeo Press,,iWqdnesdy., April,21 Il 1ff3 E riM. MIAATENS PRTET îFORET _____IORM: O EI O WT FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80 weekly. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. WaIk to ail amenities. Cali 666-3776 after 6 p.m. ADULT TO SHARE large home in north Whitby. Private bath, iaundry, arking. Available May 1. 723-3074, Ron or Dave. BON VOYAGE MOTEL- ten minutes f rom Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy.* 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekly rates. Cali 655-5308. BROOKLIN - 1 LARGE ROOM. Close to ail amenities. Couid be furnished. Availabie now. Cali 655-5539. CLEAN QUIET, FURNISHED room. élose to downtown. Suit mature maie for long term. Inc!udes cabie, parking, kitchen use. Availabie immediateiy. 668-3640, leave message. BROOKLIN, LARGE one- bedroom apartment for rent. Fridge, stove, parking. Cail 655-4544, or 655-8989. CENTRAL WHITBY - Very large 2-bedroom. Bright & clean. Broadloom throug hout. Appliances including dishwasher. C overed parking. $750/month. Available May 1. 668-4643. ROSSLAND & THORNTON - 3-bedroom, main floor of house. Carpet & stove. Patio. $900, includes ut ilities. One-bedroomn basement a pt., $600, includes utilities. 725-7474 or 571-2051. PERSON TO SHARE 3-bedroomn townhouse. Nice neig hbourhood. Garden/Dundlas area. $400/month plus V2 utilities. Appliances included. Available immediateiy. 668-1831 after 6 p.m. WHITBY - ATTRACTIVE, two- bedroom. Baicony, parking. $785 -inclusive. Near GO. Available mid-May or June 1. 699-5287. ONE-BEDROOM BASEMENT artent. Available immediately. Làarge livinp room, kitchen. Fridge, stove, utilties included. Close to school, shopping. $595. First & Iast. 610 Stewart St., Whitby, 668-0629. Withfyour support, cancer beaten.1 0l Pleasedgie. LARGE i-BEDROOM waikout basement apartment. Includes cable, utilities & firepiace. Aiso drapes, f rid ge & stove. $650/mont h. Call after 6 p.m. 666-0375. WHITBY - LARGE 2-bedroom in triplex. New carpet & decorating. Laundry facilities. $700/month & approx. $35 utilities. No pets. References required. 686-3402. 2-BEDROOM, MAIN FLOOR apartment in triplex. Private entrance, backyard & drive. Close to ail amenities. $675/month, p lus utilities. Caîl Sandy Herber, 668-6171. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. TWO-BEDROOM APT. for rent. Kitchen, living room & full bath, fridgie & stove inciuded. Cali 655-3281. LARGE 2-BEDROOM basement apartment. Waik-out to backyard. Laundry facilities & cabie inciuded. In new home. $800 per month. Avaiiabie May 12.430-7944. ONE-BEDROOM WALK-OUT basement apart ment. 4 appliances. First & iast. $495 + hydro. Available immediately. Gail Daniel, NRS Realty One Inc., 436-1800. CONNOISSEUR CONDOMINIUM 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 5 appliances. Indoor recreational facilities. Utilities included. $950/month. 430-8349. 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Immaculate. Private garage & yard. Walk to GO & rec centre. Aval able June 12. Cati 839-2887. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedrooms *.11/2 Baths * 5 Appliances4 * Central Air * Garage * Paved Driveway * 3 Models t i * On Site Management * Easy Access to "GO« * Rents Start at $1 ,000 per month 668-1389 K. C. MoCail Property Management 666-5794 -924-1100 HOUSIE APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertised here, 1 ,000s like you would be reading thîs now. Cali 668-6111 LCENCcO <MASTER PLUMBER a Ridentiai.- Commercial Everyli g îiiliiig the Ail, tns sink 2 years ni erience f579-8893 BEN4 HusreN SOFTWARE HpocDrilling&PostSCutifg~ Business, personal, 14Z7m9 24 educational and ente rtai nment. INCOME TAX BLUES? QUALIFIED PREPARATION 0Over 20 Years' Experience Computerized Cali (416) 430-8261 F.J. MARTIN FINANCIAL CONSULTING ICompetitive Pricing SUPERIOR'S PROPERTY MA1NTENANCE " Special Spring Clean-up " Seasonal Grass Mowing *Eavestrough Clean-out *Gardeno Maintenance 1'ree Removal Roto-tilling 10% Discount for Senior Citizens (416) 668-8844 COMPLETE INCOME TAX l- ooo- 1SERVICE SProfessional Tax Preparation Same Day Service Day & E vening Appointmnents available From $20.00 to $100. maimumi 10% OFF ieLocn g stoe*eAPINng tt I -wood tencing & decks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIMA TES UNIVERSITY WERKS 666-9690 I D &$Goncral OýCotcIng aDecloe, interlocktng Stone Fencea - Landscaping eCarpentzy 9U50412 668-5365 #FITZGERALD !CARPENTRY E Gênera] CarjentryAdditions a Home improvement Ceramie Iling iRoc Rooms i Dywa1A;id Painting 18 Year,,In iDurham ~ iRegion U54 - LCCali: %668-4686 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. @savo The Mutual Group HEBTRAN caIfor quotattor CROSS CANADA MARKETPLAÇE' I1'S5 FAST - TS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALI.- STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE SIEEî. BUILDINGS. A cheap Buildinig otiors NEEDED, LOSE UIP 10 30 LI3S ir% 30 days. rio tiexibility, inay everi cost moro morrey Ihn Try our new tirbral nutrition prograrrs CaI ariswer for Ounlity. Intogrity & Service- (807) 548-220U rI-Mn iJ STEEL. hoUsaritdsof peotrIe catît bo wrorig. CaIlti -800-6113-865.1 VAÇATIONrTRAV EL BEST 0>111 DING PRICIES - Steel Strailwail Type - tiot quonset - 32x5l $7.744, 40x72 $11.r,90; 50x90 $16,622; 6Qxl26 $25,375 olîrer sizes avaouable -Final year-errd cloat.rirre Paraq'rrî - 24 1-lorrs 1-800-261- F34901 STEEL 0UILDINGS: ONIAIlIO PACFORY OU IL El DIRECT t lîttje savittis, special sizes oîtiy. 20x30, 2rx36, 30x42, 35x46, 37x4fl, 40x64. 44x56, 46x816. fromrt$2.98B00 OC $911711 0Pionner 1-f100-GGB1-5-122ý SAI-[CISTFI.DBUILDINGS - t)oitiea t0rrd by poor quality straiglittwalbtiings.iq cal> Ie proinssiottats. Estabiislted onr OiJALtTY, SERIVCE & nIEPiJIATION Cotttractiitt avilable 24 tiotuts 1-800-561 - 2200 EDUCATION DE AN INI F1100 DCOI3Aion1witît out great ttortre-study course Cali for a FE B00K 1-800-267-10329 lTo Sttheiri Scfool, 875-38twicAttlrur Ave Ottawa. ON. KIL 6112 CAREER TRAINING LEAPIN AUC1 ioNiEEING ai te Sotitttwrsietn Scîront of Aucioner;rittg Naît Ciassa Juty 17-23. Inftormation, contact: SouliwpstertriOntario Scltoot of Aurtioneeting, FIJI. N5, Wooctstoctt. Orrtarin NMS 7V9 (519> 537-21li. BUSINESS OPPOFITUNITIES IIIE FUNDIIAISING 'TOOL OF ME1 90S Imraginte purcltasirro curtetît casspttes tot $7.47. CD's $14&35 or LOWEI1 No GSI or PST witt radrraIlMtics 'ts mt1 00-261- 1900) WITII1 JUSIT0ONE PI 100E CAtI. riscovet tiow yoi cai heoIpart ot attn xrîtttg tauittesa% oppflunity oiietrrtg tnward for elInt? Uftimîîr'd icorne poiettiral. Cal now (4 Ir) 550 2830 LIGHTNING PROTECTION NEW INSIAII.AI IONS. UPDAIF PIIESENI -systerri For ait type biltdings: limotes. collagna. batn%, iiitiîses Prine ,sittrs. 40 years* Pxpertt'ace.Calit(613) 264,0456 Dox 214, Perlh. OtIK 71 3F4 DeerîrursiFliesadrt, Offtarios mîont comrpinte grataway wilirindoor & ouldoor sports, spa, kits ptogtatrt anîdmort- Airit ratps rotrt St l$49 50 pp/dbi 1 10046t-4353 REAL ESTATE GO T A CAMIî[UUNI) trtrîasîpor tirietrre>Wni akr? it' .itagesi reaeciîrarirtqtouso Cai l esoilSaier, Inîternationmal 1800-423-5967 (24 trolîrs)ý OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPIFIT lES 10 BE SOI O tor t:rtrid taxas Crowrî Land avaiiabitîty. t'ot r itoim a tiot on taoli, write. Properties, Dnjtl CN, BIo 53810, Ste r, Ottawa K2C 3J 1 ADOPTION Oui tîves wîll liever Un. corripte %viliout ttte privilege ol taisirîg anîd tovirtg a ctîtl Pregrari? ADOPTION rrtay ire th iraswt'r for holot us nPleann alr ollect (613) f825 9319 SALES HELP WANTED GO0LDEN OPPOIUNITY ttrrraira ttarketiriq corporattori seeks 2 rt'iiahtr' irîdividuals to buid soliid touiriaturrrt u di-spIay tnercthanrdising Expect rriintttrîi $900 00. commrtission wtrekiyt Dualîtifpiliiirt«; ( t6) 39R-09 19, (416) 198-0924 PROPFRTIES FOR SALE LI CENCED IESIIAUTtANI Itriir, lncatiott excelletnt cash flow, large livintg rîtar tnr, $279,0110 Cali AI Mayo ( 705) pari 2011 Comtmrerctaltitrîilrftirq , Mitrrrtn S290r.000O ittcome s$t00rt,OO lk towns. Ao.IittIlýaily (705) 281,6 4441 TRAMPOLINES 11t1AMt'OLINFS riinesaatand tîtin rthritCnttt tarrîiy.1-l rounid Jittt itKrrîrj Ttattrpoittns $500.O0 ittcludes paddittq Catil 0FI '1N ENtIEprPTIiSFS al (519)> 638-36140 or 1519>) 638 20216 MISCELLANEOUS 13ASKATOOT4 13F lIlY SEi TJ'5itri Aberta Hfardy arms Carratti î ry ttrtsý derciniits itntort yotttlatta rtr gardon Sattstacmott ginratten'i Cailt )to In igifornation anti ralaforjirtin 1Poo41.3 21 ci Vaut .d caulfd ppear ln corntunity ncwapapra IOntatio. ori rigtrt acta.C41act,, oe nny I I lndidupmruince. Space i Limitd. s Ce)) Yhis Nwipnper Tdyl t CFCeCSlANADA 1IFKELC To rofta wder market advrfe Uifuotug l Ute giormi mmb.oe;hp o! Wr. T OnS and Canadian Comm uruy Newspaper' Associato&w ^il Cons" 572 nmwpopsr - $1.121 lor 25 words Fmr furu lnbemnton ou» s« dub.WNby Fm. PU .CbIMsuJ-bds 66806 I NW~i1~yE~~~eSS~$-094 Oflv~ ous; onda 0: frdy9:0O ant5OOp *Fx6-0594 [9!con*xwct1af« oand Busines - Additions, etc. Interlocking stone ~,~a&*~w-655-4418 Ï4 yrs. exp. POOLS swlmmlng Pool Openlngs Competitive Rates Beat The Rush - Book Now Weekends O.K. e 579-9533 108 Brock St. S. Whitby 430-1986 a à . 1 11 i 1

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