Wh tyFee Press, Wednesday. Âpru 28,1993. Page 7 The eteronPper My namne is Georgie.Porgie, of Puddin' Pie famne. Im a private eye. This 15 my introductory paragraph to this book, The Peterson Papers. Let's begin at the beginning. I arn working the weekend shift at the local supermarket. I'm a private eye. In Canada what we do most is catch shopiifters. I nab old age pensioners. at6; V"a Between nabs I pack groceries. 1 argue that it blowsor my cover, but my boss, she don't care. Ites Saturday morning when this guy in a sweater taps me on the shouider. "You look like you work here," he says. "Can you tell me were I could find celery?" "Fresh vegetables, aisie six," I says. "But I don't work here. I'm just in town «for the day." "Thanks," he sa ys. Then he turns hack hike he forgo something. "By th e way," says,' "I'm Bob Rae, and Im Premier of Ontario. What you think of our social contract." what he's talking about. But i f he thinks he's the Premier of Ontario, who knows what he'll do whien crossed. Humour him. «Yeah, thanks," he says. Then he purses his chin, thouhtfu1l'lie. "Just occurred to me," he adds, "that yout.auiv ate eye, might help ;me." If you can pick me out, I'm not that private," I didn't hear me. "Coming up to three years ago, a set of economic predictions were presented to my pre- decessor, David Peterson. No one knows what were in the papers. But days later, Peterson called an election. Despite being ahead in the polis, he was defeated easily by yours truly." 0S?" "So 1 want you to find those papers. Te Peterson Papers. What did those papers predict that made1 Peterson cal an election he didn't have to? Did they, for instance,, predict an economy so bad that a left wing party turns into a -mean, righ-wingluac fringe just so's not to be thought sociaiist?» "Okay," I say, and throw off my apron. "l'Il take the To make a long story short, I put in a request TRAVELLING DERRICK AT ONTARIO HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION, 1913 through freedom of information and was delivered This travelling derrick ran on a narrow gauge railwa throughout the construction site. two inch-thick file folders full of papers. Next day 1 Standing ia front are Harry ' Pud' Watson and John Rdidgley, local Whitby residents who drive up to Queen's Park to hand them over. If ti were employed in the construction of the hospital. ityAcvepho guy turns out to be a fruitcake, boy, am I going to be embarrassed. He's a fruitcake ail right, but turas out hie is really the Premier of Ontario. I hand him the papers ail in10YAR G one ackge.fromn the Wednesday, April 27, 1983 edition of the former civil servants, boosting timeir veggies tryîng to Canadian Pacific Railway. get by on pogie. [ : Edward Brown purchased a house in Whitby nt an estate auction for $850. But l'Il tell you, next time that Premier guy cornes* Dutch Mowat, bartender nt the Royal Hotel, died at his boarding house on Brock Street. in, l'Il tell him to find his own celery. * R.M.1j pr is the new Ontario Department of Agriculture representative with an office