Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 5. 1993, Page 15 cit was estimates fta k ed t e $75in..eeina budeec..a FROM PAGE 4, why do we still have the Cadillac version af helicopters ta chase submarines that are decrepit and still in Russia, for a war that daes't exist?» McTeague said the increasing number of Canadians having ta rely an food banks is proof the government has its priorities reversed. With unemployment at 13 per cent in Durham Regian, McTeague said people want the government ta show leadership in pulling Canada out of its ecanomic malaise. "Business and labour can't do it alone. We need a cancerted effort with government acting as the prime leader," he said. New Democrat Jacklin shared McTeague's concorn about a lack of measures ta aid the un- employed. "1'mn disap pointed there's nothing specifically mentioned on job creation," she said. 'à feit they could get money from cutting the helicopter pro- posai, I'm surprised it's still on." Jacklin was critical of cuts in several areas such as funding for the CBC and the National Action Committee an the Status of Women (NAC). She said women's centres that provide counselling shelter and referral services will be affected by the NAC decision. While reducing OBO subsidies "is an effort ta stifle aur opinion,»Jacklin saîd. jackin added that the Tories "definitely had the election in mind = n didn't want to upset anyone,» by maki*n gmore cuts. "It's a lame duc budget by a lame duck government,» said Refarm Party hopeful Sullivan. "People were primed for dras- tic cuts and they wanted some sense that the deficit ' would be wrestled ta the ground ... they didn't get it,» hie said. Sullivan wondered how the gavernment could have miscalcu- lated the delicit in the manner it did. (The current,$35.5-billion defi- billion in February, 1992, and $34.4 billion only last, Deceînber.) uHaw can they be se many billions of dollars out on the deficit?» he asked. "They're a tired party eut of fresh ideas and they've blown any chances for a majerity government." Althou h he would have pre- ferred a further reductien in the deficit, MP Soetens denied that it was a ustand-pat» budget. Soetens said there is an uabso lute freeze on spending" and $30.7 billion in cuts ta gavern- ment programs during the next five years. "There are huge cuts in spend- we're winding down eight government agencies,» he said. There will be a public sector wage freeze for the next two years and 16,500 positions will be eliminated, Soetens said. "This budget does more than any of the ones I have participa- ted in (since coming ta Ottawa in 1988),l» he said. Soetens noted that provincial transfer payments account for the largest share of the govern- ment's spending but that area was -net touched. Reducing transfer payments would only increase provincial deficits and this "dosen't salve anything,» hie said. 1 IF YOU WANT TrHE 13EST VALUE, YOU'LL WANT TO SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER&U 1 0 À1 k, V'l fi 'l1 1 I 1Il xo SmartLease a Cavalier for 36 months at the low monthly lease rate of $ . .. .... ... * e2.2 litre engine * 4-wheel anti-lock brakes e 5-speed manual transmission e reclining front bucket seats " stainless steel exhaust e automatic power door locks " power steering e soft ride suspension e ali-season radial tires e Scotchgarltm protection A *é 2.2 litre engine * 3-speed automatic transmission SmartLease a e 4-wheel antî-lock brakes e air conditlonlng e AM/FM Cavalier VL Sedain stereo cassette e tinted glass e reclining front bucket monthly lease rate of1 power dodr locks and much more Ask about Canada's lowest priced car with anti-lock brakes - just one more great reason to buy Cavalier-todaye $6700 CavalierV Sedan basod on a 36 manh GMAC "sa.and capdaj cm ofaiS12.416 (QnOl i dfg5D14 da¶n prTe). Morthly paymf $ 19a Costai borwingis $462. Total anauri ?Same chargea mfay appiy See Dewaer fkrdotaW , - 0 m m - - - - - - M. A - - jýý à * -. e W, M ,à & :14 q :fmllý , 10 1 r