page 18. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 12, 1993 Royal symbol stili1 a popular flower The lily has long been associated with royalty, botb fer its own majestic appearance sud its use as a heraldie symbol. Se it is net surprising that one of the mest beautiful of aIl the lilies is named Lilium regahe -- literally, the regal lily. Since antiquity, the lily bas been used as a motif in beth secular and religieus decorations. Architecture, painting, sculp- ture and weaving alI have depicted lilies, both stylized sud realistic in forni. French kings wore the lily in their coat-of-arms, and today one can stilI find a stylized lily in the Scout emblem in many countries. In the Christian faith, the white lily bas long been a prominent symbo of chastity sud innocence. The Virgin Mary is often shown with a pure white lily at ber side sud this flower has surrounded Jeseph, tee, in many portrayals. As a result, the names Madonna lily and St. Joseph lily have often been 1 used synonymeusly for the white Lilium candidum. The L. candidum bas a long history ef garden use. It was cherished and frequently found in medieval convent gardens. In the functional farm garden, a place was always set aide for this delightful srnelling bulb flewer. The Madonna lily sud the royal lily are stili especially popular white varieties. Today's lily selection, hewever, includes many ether options. Generations of cultivation sud cress-breeding with wild llies from around the world have yielded su abundant array of garden hybrids. They bloom in a profusion of soft, delicate shades as well as vvid,, exotic colours. AU illes have stately stemis sud flewers shaped like blaring trumpets, festive little bells or Oriental turbans. Planting and care The lily is a summer bulb that may be planted in either the spring or autumn, depending on the variety. For instance, some of the spring-planted types include the Asiatic and Oriental Miles, as well as L. longiflorum, L. auratum, L. regale, L. tigrinum, L. speciosum and L. hollandicuni (er L. umbellatum). In the faîl, plant the Madonna lEly, L. martagon, L. pumiluni (or L. tenuifolium) and the Chinese liY (L. henryi). Some hules bloom in early sunimer, such as the Asiaties, L. candidum and L. martagon. Hewever, there are others that blooin until early autumo, including the Oriental hybrids, L. longiflorum, L. auratuni, L. hansonli, L. henryi, L. regale, L. speciosum and L. tgrinum. Most lilies may be treated like perennials in that they can remain in the saie location for many years in succession. Se locate them among perennials and give thern the- protection of low-growing, ground-covering plants. Altbough they like full ligbt on their faces, lilies cannot tolerate any sun on their roots, bence the expression that ' liles like te have their heads in the sun and feet in the shade.'In addition, ground covers aIso, provide winter protection for the plants. Unlike most other bulbs, Miles do net store well in their unplanted, dry state. To ensure success, always buy them from a well-respected retail or xnail-order company and do net keep them out of the greund for even one day longer than necessary. If you must store them for a brief time, place them ini moist sand or peat moss. Plant Mies fairly deep: about three times as deep as the vertical diameter, L.e. 15 cm. (6 in.) deep for a 5 cm. (2 in.) bulb. The only exception is the Madonna lily that should be planted only about 2.5 to 5 cm. (1 to 2 mns.) deep in late sumnier. Use only fertile, well-drained soil with plenty of humus (organic mnaterial). They do net do well in molat, sogg locations. Place liles in sunny, sheltered spots, among ground covers if possible for both winter and summer protection. If this 15 net possible, be sure to mulch well throughout the year. NMW AT COLOR YOUR WORWD Window Treatments 4O'fo5Olà F A lDEL MAR CUSTOM *.LLWINDOW TREAIMENTS Su q.eiR . I Il .eaI1 t ENIONMN CHOICED PANT Environnient Canada cerifispou bereEnvirnen t aa ceespodu EcoLogo. Ail of Color Your World's latex paints display the EcoLogo alonig ith a growing ist of our solvent based paints. ENVIRONMENTAL CARE® PRODUCTS At Color Your World we care about your envirvnnent and this concern is thc msiraion bchind a vaniety of innovative paint products - EnvirorirnSial Care 0 palots! They contain no Volaile Organic Ceomd (V.OC'S) before tinting. That means Enviiuimnental Care 8 paints are solvent free and xsult in cleanrair in yow envu.nninL Color Y=uWol offes a selection of EnirontalCaree latex pmoducts and ecd of dhese paints wlll pcrform up o the high standards you've corne toc xpect fnxn Color Your Worid. Enviimmenal Care® pamlo. y ame Color Your Werd's way of saying we realy docmm about your envivm=enL Il -~ L - LILIES HAVE GRACED summer gardens for centuries and have long been a symbol of royalty and religion. Toqay, countless hybrids are available. They do best when planted in fe6kile, weil-drained soul, among ground covers that protect their roots from strong sunshine. Remember that liles turn their faces toward the ight, so f ind a place for them in the garden that wilI enable you to see their blossoms head-on as the sun moves across the sky throughout the day. 'Dead-headi ng' helps flowers bloom longer Did you know that.. 9Lilies hast longer if their flowers are cut off as soon as the blooms fade? By removing witbered flowers immediatehy, the plant net only stays looking attractive but it cannot produce seeds, the formation of wbich robs the bulb of strengtb. Witheut seed production, alI the plantes energy goes back into the bulb, enabling it ta flower successfully the following year. Remember net te cut off stems until the foliage starts te, turn yehlow. *Removing withered flowers is called 'dead-heading' and it enables many plants te continue te bloom for a longer period than they would if the flowers were left te die on the stem? Gladiolus, tuberous begonias and inest summer-flowering bulbs will continue to flower profusely straight through until the first frost of autumn. eAltheugh lilies generally need bright sunlight, they perferm botter when they are planted among low-growing, greund-covering plants? That's why it is said that lilies like te bave 'warm heads and cool feet.' Well-drained, slightly acid soil, mixed with plenty of humus (erganic material) is best. - Allium bloom in late spring and early summer and se make a perfect natural bridge froni the spring-flewering bulbs (such as tulips, daffIis and byacinths), înte the suminer garden? Summer-blooming bulbs include dahlias, gladiohus, begonias and a hest of lesser- known varieties, such as Acidanthera, Tidia, Ranun- culus, Agapanthus, Ixia, Calla, 'Canna and many more. il lié, Imm à 1 à 0 IN oit m %wed Mt VI We «l'tome ow promi or Q.-C YN 1 té" fo'd 0 b- ont WWW 30 we 1 few 14 Oreme ut imwwed mih m sexe w 8 wd ?oý 0 vuhe " ta In ý yw mihm Su ln out flou dom UWnsmwf" =J..%,Ign ?w el ëfflu Co au »Ores. F ul: or IV