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Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1993, p. 30

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page 30. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 12, 1993 B y Iike Kowalski most concern, is the general lack spend nearly $6 billion on new More money must also be Cariada's politicians must of esteemn in Which polticians are helicopters for the armed foroes.) spent on research and develop- regain the trust of their fellow held. While "my desire is to go toenment so that Canada cari com- countrymen, federal Liberal lea- He told the story of an MP's zero on the deficit,» Chretien pote in a global econoniy, Chre- der Jean Chretien believes. daughter coring home in tears rejected drastic cuts iri goverri tien said. For the most part Canadians after she mentioned to someone ment spending. "We have to invest in training have lost respect for their politi- that hier father was a Member of Chretien noted that he 'had and educatiori, research an d cal leaders and this dees net Parliamerit and then hearirig "beeri there.before" as Treasury development, or we can't accept bode well for the country's that person lambaste politicians. . Board presiderit in the former the challenge of the 21st cen- future, Chretieri warned a "ts not true that the political Liberal goverriment and that his tury" he said. Whitby audience last Friday. class is there to serve them- fîrmnness for limiting spending Taking note of the fact that He promised to devote much of selves," Chretien said. won hlm the nickname of 'Dr. students from all four Whitby his time to restering the publi's Most politiciaris are dedicated N. hig h schools were in the faith in the political process. and responsible, with only a few Picking up on his extensive auience, Chretien added, "We're "The task is gfreat but I'd like "bad aples that surface in the " expeine as a Cabinet minister, working for the youri eo1 te restore confidence in public media, giving Canadians the Cretienc agairi referred te the much more so than working for oflfice,» Chretieri told a breakfast wrong impression, he claimed. Conservative leadership cam- us." meeting of the Whitby Chamber Turning his attention to more paen., ____________ of Commerce.prsig mtes Chten" wont apologize because I .. .. "If y ou cani't trust your politi- plue h blt fCn-have experience,» he said. .. . cal ci ass, your country cannot dians te overcome their pro- "We had a new face who was $NtalU L. work well," hie said. m. part of the new gerieration ...he Although enly moriths away "aain il e u wv.get old very cquickly, his name :i~iIg:!IlJIY from a national election, Chre- fo hleg, esicf.wats Mulroney! tien did net deliver a campaigri- îing the country's $460-billion Chretien did not specifca;tlly style speech to the appoxmately debt a challenge for ail Cana- spIl eut how he would solve The Durham Centre NDP 2 00 people in attendance at the dians te overcome. CFanada's economnic wees, but he Riding Association will hold the Heyderishore Pavillon. But adopting a partisan tone, did caîl for goverriment invest- annual general meeting on While ho did criticize its hand- Chretien said he will n et follow ment in some areas. Monday, May 17, 7:30 p.m., at ling of the economy and preoccu- the lead of candidates seekin te A massive public works pro- Thom-ton Dundee Community pation with the deficit, Chretieri replace Brian Mulroney as Pro- gram ini co-operation with the generally refrained from attack- gesv osraielae n provinces and municipalities Cntre, cerner of Thorriton Rond in hegoerrmet.sp conayservtveae re eusdterdu teand Adelalde Avenue in Oshawa. in .hfoeriiet Ily st debt rduction would b sdt eul h Special guest speaker will be Tnstad, he spent a good por- tarEets. infrastructures of the country's Gary Malkowski, parlianientary tien of his speech defendlng the Rather, threugh a combinatien cities, he said.asitnteDvCokMitr value of public service. of limiting goverriment spendlng LIBERAL LEADER Jean Chre- Ottawa would cortribute one-asitnteDeCokMitr Sirice bis return te politics and grewth in the ecenomny, tien spoke Friday ta the Whitby third of the cost, which would be Reseonsible for the new Ministry following a brief respite during Cbretien's goal is te reduce the Chamber of Commerce. recovered through lower welfare of Education and Training. the late 1980s, Chretien said he debt te three per cent of the Photo by Mark Reesor, Whilby Free Press and unempleymient paym ents Electioris will ho held for al noticed a difference in the rele of Gross National Poduct. and more taxes collected as a executive positions. a politician and the publie's per- "If we have three te four per result of more people working, Anyone wishing te submnit ception of that role. cent growth the next four years "We can get out of our difficul- Chretien said. reselutiens te he onrsidered and 'Public service has changed for and centrol expenditures, we cari ties, we have te be more strict on "Lt will cost us some money, sent te provincial couricil or the me. It's more demanding, the achieve it ',he said. expenditures," wns as specific as yes, but the work must be done next convention should aise bring scrutlny uribelievable, the press- But Ch7retien did net indicate hie would get. eventually ... Canadian people these for discussion. ure's there al the time," he said. what areas of geverriment spend- (Chretien later told reporters want work, they don't want wel- For more information, caîl But what causes Chretien the ing would be centrolled. hie would scrap a decisien te fare," he said. Susari McDonald at 430-8813. Trench urges Canadians '%o do sornething' By Mark Reesor William Trench came te, Canada in the 1960s wheri, as he puts it, "this country was pro- sperous.' When he saw taxes rise and goverriment spendîng get eut of control, he asked hîmself 'Why doesn't anybedy do semething?' Taxes continued te riseanard things get worse se "I did what any other red-bleoded Canadian ABOUT 40 people turned out at the Oshawa Holiday Inn Thursday night ta hear Conservative leadership hopeful Jim Edwards. Although polis put him in third place in the race, Edwards maintains he can win, and predicts he wiII be "at Ieast in second place" when the firsi ballot is Photo by Mark Reesor, WMhy Free Press would do; I complained te my wife." That didr't help, se, he cer- plined te his boss, his ce-wer- kers and his friends, but nothing changed. Se Trench decided that ho himself would look into Canada's preblems. He turned bis findings into a book calied 'Only You Cari Save Canada.' Trench told a recent Reforni Party fundraiser that his for- mula for savlng the country in- ludes reducing the national debt, which he says is increasing at $100 million a day, by cutting goverriment spending. igh taxes are another sore pitwth Trench. "More than haîf of' yeur life you're working for somebody else... wby dees eur goverriment need more thark 50 per cent when 10 per cent is good enough for God?... "I was taught te live withiri my income," he observes; "now I'm beirig taught te, live witheut it.» State-contvolled medicare, pen- sion plans, welfare and un- employment pregrams have lul- led Canadians into thinking the government should support us, says Trench, "but where dees the governmerit get its moriey? "They've spent 25 years tryîng te, cure poverty; the way taxes are, they sure as bell are geing te, cure wealth." Canada was built by indivi- duals, net politicians, Trench says anid individuals need te get invoived again te help solve the country's problems. He says a Toronto radie station recently asked what the biggest preblem in Canada is today, ignorance or apathy. "The typical Canadian said, Iden't know and I don't care... "My message is 'do somnething, even theugh you're a Canadian." He urged party supporters te read whatever "alternate infor- mation" they car i fnd, think about it and then speak up; "keep the pt boiling... te on ly differenice beween us anid the special interest group s is we neyer speak up and they neyer shut up.» He says people need te gfet involved, supportirig erganiza- tiens tbey agree witb both with their timý and meney. It's mu'èh botter te try and do something and fail then te try anid do nothing and succeed." WILLIAM TRENCH, author of 'Only You Can Save Canada,' spoke at a meent Reform Party fundraiser. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Suillivan t» dscuss 'Justice' Don Sullivan, the Reform Party candidate for Ontario rid- ing, iwill discuss the 'Criminal Jutce Systeni' at a public infor- mation meeting in Whitby on May 19. Sullivan, co-founder of Victims of Violence, will be at the Cen- tennial Building, 416 Centre St. S. The meeting, te include a questien-and-answer session, begins at 7:30 p.m. F or more information caîl 686- 0278.

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