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Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1993, p. 32

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Page 32. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. May 12, 1993 CHILI> CARI ROOMS j _ ~Jj~ST9 I H0ES L\k~O~5~jj SERVICES _ FOR fiENT IF i ~~FOR MLI ___________ MOTHER 0F 2 will give your child a second home in a Ioving, non-smoking environment with mari y1plnned activities. Hot lunches & snacks. An y age. Full- or part-time. West Lynde area. 668-3052. Specializing in Early Childhoodi Educat:ion. For Peace of Mi. - Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 PERSON TO SHARE 3-bedroomr townhouse. Nice neig hbourhood. Garden/Dundas area. $400/month plus V2 utilitios. Appliances included. Available immediately. 668-1831 atter 6 p.m. HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertised here, 1 ,000s like you would be reading this now. Cali 6684111 !CARPENTRY i WHITBY LTD. E GenersJ CarpenbryAdditions = E Home improvement E Ceramic ZMing ERecRooms E DrywallAndPainting 18 lYearslIn iDurham %, ! *Region 8-2554\2 à iCail:= ~ 68-4686 / R The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cati for quotabon 725-6564 * . -- RSP Town Window Cleaning Service INSIDE/ QUTSIDE OUTSIDEONLY $95.00 * $53.00* ADDITIONS:* .TRIACKS SCMS w.AciiMoCLEANED $ 10.00 b 10.00* *Bosed on mGdun 2%500 Sq. Ft. House No-Scrtchpot remoyvol olo avolkjble pu6688276 1427«95241 BROOKLIN - LARGE CLEAN, quiet, f urnished room. diose to aIl amenities. Suit mature maie. Parking. Available now. 655-5539. ROOM IN A 3-BEDROOM bung alow. Use of living room, TV, oichn, washroom, laundry facilities. Parking. Utilities inciude, $450. Call 725-7474, noon 10 3:30 p.m.; 571-2051 ail day. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ton minutes from Whitby, btween Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms 'available for rent. Low weekly rates. Call 655-5308. FURNISHED ROOM, private bath, cable and iaundry facilities included. Share kitchen. Next 10 Whitby MaIl. -$90/week. Call 4.30-2420, leave message. LADY TO SHARE 3-bedroom house $400/month, includes utlteUse of appliances & shared'kitchen. Thickson/Rossland area. 571-3852 aflor 6:30 p.m. AVAILABLE JULY 1 - Room in house 10 share with 3 others. Utilities included. Washer/dryer. $350/month. Mature people only. Also, available immediately one small raoom in same home, $300. 430-7103. .. Pwnp off, Remove cover, $60 COMPLETE OPEN1NGS, $110 includes.. *Pump off e Remove cover Pump set up Opening chemicals *Instail diving board & ladders .. . .... .... ... Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT.- woodfning &l deks Wrpitte ates 566969 WHITBY - TWO-BEDROOM apartmont, $595 plus hydro. Availablo immediately. 1-bedroomn apartment, $525 inclusive. Avallable June 1. 430-9768. PORT WHITBY, nico, cdean, one bedroomn apartment available immediately - $575 monthiy. Ail inclusive. Apply at 110 Victoria Street West, Apt. 5. 728-2969. ROSSLAND & THORNTON - 3-bedroom, main floor of house. Carpet & stove. Patio. $900, includes utilities. Ono-bedroomn basement a pt., $600, includes utilities. 725-7474 or 571-2051. ONE BEDROOM apartmont availabie June 1. Parking and Laundry. Utilities extra. $525/month, f irst and last. Cal 430-6109. CENTRAL WHITBY - 2 bedroomn upper duplex. Parking and utilities included. $750/month. Dave 666-0635. CENTRAL WHITBY- LARGE 3-bedroom, brig ht & dean. Broadloom throughout. Appliances including dishwasher. Cov ered parking. $825/month. Available Juiy 1. 668-4643. BROOKLIN - 2 bedroomn apartment, living room. kitchen, f ridg e and stove included. Full bath. 655-3281. WHITBY: CLEAN & QUIET one-bedroomn apartment in century homo. Includes private parking, laundry facilities & yard . Availabie April 1. Caîl Ron at 668-3011 (message) or 666-3883 (evenings &weekonds). ONE-BEDROOM 1BASEMENT aparmont. Available immediatoly. Larg ivinp room, kitchen. Fridge, stove, utilties includod. Close 10 school, shopping. $595. First & last. 610 Stwart St., Whitby, 668-0629. WHITBY -ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom, bright & dlean, $785 inclusive. Also 2-level, 1-bedroomn & don, $795 inclusive. Parking, near GO. Available July 1. 699-5287. WANTED- HoLse 10 Rent, 3 or 4 bedrooms in Whitby area. Cal 430-1713 atter 6:00 p.m. BUSINESS MAN with family rqurslarge house 10 romt. Os w/Whit by area. References available. Please leave message, 430-3462. OPEN OUS FRIDAY & SATURXDAY. 2 - 4 P.M. 24 Ennisclare Place. Whitby e 2,600 sq. ft. plus ~ Fallingbrook area , 4 bedrooms, master en-suite with corner Jacuzz i e Central air & vuc e Double garage with openers *Large kitchen with centre island, lots of cupboards, back-sjPlash *Large patio e Ail fenced e And much more e Close te achools Tel. O666-4307 No agenlts please WHITBY - Legal duplex with addi- tionai basement apt. Low prico. PICKERING - 3-bedroom home with full in-iaw basement apt. Large assumable mortgage. Soul or rentwith option b purchase. NORTH OSHAWA - 3-bedroom bungalow with basoment apart- ment. Cali Davo 666-0635. 5-YEAR-OLD BUNGALOW: Three-bedroom, finished family- room, one 3-pc.& one 4-pc. bath. Largo dock looking onto lake. 15 minutes north of Port Porry. $1,100/month, plus utilities. References required. First & lasI. Availabie Juiy 15. Caîl Phil or Sandi, 986-5558 anytime. (If not home, beave message & tobephone number.> BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhousos 10 Basset BIvdl. (Brock St./Manning Rdi.> * 3 Bedrooms * 11/2 Baths * 5 Appliancos * Central Air * Garage * Paved Driveway * 3 Modols * On Site Management *Easy Access 10 "GO" * Rents Start at $1,000 per month 668-1389 K. C. McCail Property Management 666-5794 -924-1100 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE TSFAST - ITS EASYI ONE CAI.L, ONE BILL DOOES fi ALL.____ ADOPTION SALES HELP WANTED A WABM. LOVING, PROFESSIONAL CDN. QIL COMPANY IS SEARCFIING FOn COUPLE eaqer to adopt your white baby. REPRESENTAI IVES in OOntaria & Qunbec. I tappy home. briglht future. corinig exlended This is an excellent corner opportunity for hard- ftmily Contidenitial. Please calt Joanne and working individuals seeking to operata own Rob 1-800-668-3150. business. Kno.wtedge or contacts in - - - --Agriculture, Manulaciuring, Conitracting, EMPIQYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Machine Shops, an assef. Min. investmpnt. ARE YOU BETWEEN the ages oi 18-30? Witt Train. (416) 42-3t869. Enjoy travellinig and tarin fle? Contact the International Agriculturat Exchrange STEEL BUILDINGS Association, 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W.. Catgiry AB. STEEL BUILDINGS. rlnd ouf why more and T2T 0E2. 1-800-263-t827. more people buy and recommend Future for quaify. Inîegrity and service. Cati now for B3E AN AUCTIONEER. Now one week faim, specisi prices on Hay Storage Buildings. 1. lime 14-19193. Free Catalogue: Contineirtiai 800-668-8653. Auc ion Sctîoois, PO. Box 346, Mankato, Minn. 56002-0346. Phone: (507) 931-0977. LOVE FASHION? OUTGOING' LOVE MONEY? Weli-connecfed? Distribute fabulous sweafers. tee-shirts, teggings. stirrups, kidswear. tncredîbte opportunity. Become a leader. Join Knitpicks foday. Earn wfîat youre worth (416) 513-7601. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CANADIAN COMPANY RAPt DLY EXPANDING has the fundraising and premium toot ot the '90s. Distribufors needed lmmedleiy. Minimum Invesiment $995. Federai Music and Video Club 1-800-263- 1900, WORIM GROWERS WANTED. Compeote worm growirîg packages. Eîrvironmenfalty triendly. Reteririces availabte. Niagara Bait & Ecology. 5513 Elcfro Rd., RR 413 Wellandporl. Ontario LOR 2J0 (416) 386-6661. MUsr' SELLI Esfabiished Vending Route Fiîîarîcing Available. Cail 1-800-568-2134 0V., Co. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baitworrns in your basemerit or girage. Odoiless operation Low invesirnent. Markef guararîteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecotogy. R.R.0t. Smlthville, Onîario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. CAREER TRAINING L E ARFN AUCTIONEERIPNG aethfe Souttiwestern Schoot of Auctioneeirig. Nest Classý Juty 17-23. Information, contact: Southwestein Ontario Sct'oot of Auclîoneeriing. R. R U5, Woodstock, Orntario N4S 7V9 <(519) 537-2115. VACATIONITRAVEL TIME-SHARE RESALES and rentais. Your Carradian conneclion! Want to seit or buy pre- enîoyed resoit tîme-share or campground mprinbersfnip7 Wortdwide Network'i 1-800-565- 3q 15 or Calgary 1411l) 255-5650, BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straiiwall Type - nof quonset- 32x54 $7,744: 40x72 $ 11,690; 50agO $16.622;, 60x126 $25,375 ottier sizes available - Final Spring clearance Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershtp or limeshare' Wattl take lit Americas largesi resale clearlnghouse. CaltI Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). FLAGS FLAGS' FLAGS! Whatever your needs trom our large inventory or cuslom-made for you. Non-profit organizalions. clubs, seniors receive discounts. Cali House of Fiags 1-800-668- 3202. SAWMILLS ENERCRAFT OFFERS 5 MODELS 0F BANDSAW milis, Portable Edgers and related equipment For more inormation oni equipment and upcomirîg shows, cali (705) 734 -12 11. FOR SALE INVISIBLE FENCINO - fhe original and proven dog conlairimert systeni. Over 250.000 dogs stand betrind Invisible rencinig. indoor and outldoor systeins Guaranteed 1-800-661- 62866 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardlop- Foldown, Fith-wheel, Travel, Park modela, Truckcampers-caps. Fibreline & Leer Fibergiass & Atuminuro Truck Caps. Parts- Service form most makes including Bonair. Lionel-Lextra. Royal Traiter & R V Centre in Teviodale. Oint (5191 343 2122. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MATURE. RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS WOMAN wishes to relocale 10 rural area as manager of PO IGenerat sîore/Sjndwich shop. Future option ta buy (4 16) 338-3661 (mensage) Yora ould apprar in comrrunhty newsPapers in Ontario, or riglit across Canada.-. or any1I indi.'iduat province. Space i. L,îmted, sa Cali This Newsp.iper Tod:ryf 'CROIC:SS CANADA YU MAIAKETPLCE To reach a wdar ma,*94 adveduse e's'oughoul lse ragona membersh'p of thre OntwwK and Canadia,, Community Newspap«r Assoclatiors Cenrral Ontario 55 rwwpapers - 5160 for 25 words - AJIl (tamne wipap.ru - 535010f 25 wOrdg 5fdrua72 nowepçon- $1.121 for 25 words Fer fut lrinmadon pies..cM d t d Wby Fie.Pres CIsstfI.ds.-668-0594 -l pel ....rees to,*---fridavý- 9:00 affi lo Fax,668 05,94

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