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Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1993, p. 34

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Page 34, Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, May 12. 1993 LEQAL LEGAL~ j [\ iéJ THE BIG ONE IS ON May 15 & 161 'From Our Hands ... To Vour Heart' Craif & Country Collect- ables show. Bowmanville arena. Doors open at 10 a.m. 985-1616. YARD SALE- Saturday, May 15, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 25 Winchester Rd., Brooklin. Lots of everything. Fastball team f undraiser. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 22, 23 Goldring Drive, Whitby - 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 15,9 - 1 p.m. 30 Wood Drive (off Nichol & GlenhilI St.) Somne furniture, records, collectables. STREET YARD SALE. Several houses on Lowder Place, Whitby, having yard sales. Sunday, May 16, 1993 f rom 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. YARD SALE. Wood crafts, books, housohold items. Something for t everyone. Everthing must go. May 15 & 16, 1011 Centre St. S., Whitby -7 a.m.- 8 p.m. TAKE ADVANTAGE et our 98 per.cent coverag e of Whitby when buying or selling yo ur wares. Wh itby Free Press. 668-0594. ROTTWEILER PUPPIES, CKC registered. Champion German and Dutch linos. Large boned, home raised. OFA/OVC stock. Excellent qualit y. (Young adults somotimes availablo.) (416) 355-5367 or 433-1915. LOVEBIRDS: Peach-faced and masked. Many colours. Buy direct from the breeder & save $$. Paul, 666-2560. .-F CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY .... ..PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, June 7, 1993 @ 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario The Planning and Development Committee ef Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby will, in 'eeping with Amondment No. 283 to the Durham Reion OfficiailPlan, consider a modified amendment to the Whitby Officiai Plan for file number OPA 91-W/5, and forward the said amendment to Whitby Council for adoption on June 14, 1993. The Region of Durhamn adopted Amendment No. 283 to the Durham Regional Officiai Plan (1976) on April 28, 1993, designating the subject lands 'Spocial Purpose Commercial' to permit the establishment of two retail facilities, one with food related sales and one without food related sales, each contained within its own freestanding structure of approxîmately 11,148 square metres in size. Whereas Council approved OPA 91-W/5 on March 22, 1993, it is now neoessary for the Town of Whitby to adopt a moditied amendment to its Official Plan in order to conform with the Regions Official Plan. The purpose of the amendment is te redesignate the subject lands to Special Purpose Commercial' in order to permit the establishment of two retail facilities, one with food related sales and one without food related sales, each contained within its own freestanding structure of approximately 11,148 square metres in size. The subject landis are located in-Part of Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession in the south-east quadrant of Thickson Road and Highway 401, as identified on the sketch below. ln connection with this application, File number OPA 91-W/5, previeus public meetings were held by the Whitby Planning and Development Committee on March 2, 1992 and March 15. 1993. The purpose et the above-noted meeting is te intorm the public with regard te the details of the Amendment and afford interested persons the opportunity te make representation thereto. lnterestod persons rnay inspoot additional information relating te the above application in the Planning Departinent. Level 7. Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LI N 2M8 during regular working heurs, Monday te Friday, or may contact the Planning Depariment LI telephoning (416> 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING y à ~ L , f j I .........S. 'LEAVE VOUR CARES at homo with us.« Professionalp et/home sittors are fully bonded & insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3-bedroom, fuîly furnished, air conditioned mobile homes. Pools, hot tubs, beachos, attractions. Children welcome. $275 weekly. Photos. 683-5503. PERSONAL LOANS from $1,000 and up for any purpese. Quick approvals. 436-8104. CALL A PRO! j FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS i A SHOCK OR r«WO! stJu: c~kthe CALL A sPR:On Wan ]I' et the prsdothe JOU "' o cn mpre and che fm 5ndCSVOI ii~tee CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Notice is hereby given to ail persons in possession of land, in accordance with-Sections 3, 16 and 23 of mhe Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. W5, mhat unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipait of mhe Town of Whîtby are destroyed by Tuesday, June 1, 199i3, and throughout the season, the Regional Weed Inspecter may enter upon thegsaid lands and have the weeds destroyed, charginq the costs against the lanid, and mhat such amounts shah hoe collected in the saine manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. The co-operation of ail citizens is earnestly solicited. D. ADAMS REGIONAL WEED INSPECTOR FOR THE TOWN 0F WHITBY DONALD G.* MKAY TOWN CLERK NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F STEVEN IGERCICH EGAN Ail cdaims against the estate ef Steven Igorcich Egan, late of the Town ot Myrtle, in the Reg ional Municipality of Durriamho died on or about the 9th day et February ,1993 must be filed wit h th e undersigned personal repre- sentatives on or before the 3 lst day of May, 1993; thereatter, the undersigned will distribute the assots of the said estate having regard only to the dlaims thon filed. DATED this 28th day of April, 1993. ROBERT S. EGAN and RONALD A. EGAN, 60 Henderson Drive Whitby, Ontario by their solicitors, RYE AND PARTNERS 1200-65 Quoon Stroet West Toronto, Ontario M5H 2M5 AUCTIONS.j. U11N CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY MAY 14 AT 6 P.M. 3 MlLEM EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 THE PROPERTY 0F MR. A. CREER 0F OAKWOOD, PLUS OTHERS Oak single-pedestal roIl-top desk, pine bonnet chest, maple dinette ste., walnut dressers, modern dressers & chests of drawers, wooden rocking chair, Inglîs 2-dr. fridge. Kelvinator electirc Steve, Kenmere upright freezer, Shop Vac, Easy clothes dryer,eaký parleur table, Hoover vacuum, vanity dresser, co-oil lamp, coffee & end tables, press-back rocker, oval.top trunk, wicker chairs, American pay telephone, 4x8 closed-in box traider, Hanna 8HP riding lawnmower, 15 ft. tilt boat trailer, bed chesterfield, maple table & 4 chairs, odd press-back chairs, plus a q ty. of china, glass. lamps, house hold f urnit ure & collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 MacGREGOR AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MAY 16 - il A.M. 4 VIEWING 10 A.*M.) AG ICULTURE BUILDING ORONO FAIRGROUNDS (ACROSS FROM ARENA, FOLLOW SIGNS) This Sundays auction features antique furniture in rotin. & orig. condition, plus numerous house- hold articles from the past & present. Partial list includes side- board, china cabinet, oak library dosk, blanket box, washstands, misc. dressers & chests of drawers, misc. tables (kitchen, parleur, hall, etc.), a varied select ion et chairs & rockers, plus a lg. selectien of glass, china & collectibles. This is a lg. sale with box lots sellîng outside at il a.m. & regular inside auction at 12 rloon. Come eut, browse & eîv;ey a Sunda at the auction. (Watch for our Holiday Antique Auction, Sunday May 23.) Caîl for ail your auct ion needs. MacGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE MACOREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 DURHAM COLLEGE a Sat& Mayl15 &Mayl16, 1993 10OA.M. ~4 P.M. 2000 SIMCOE ST. N. FREE PARKING ADMISSION: $2.00 (Children under 12 free) Cil 'jp DU RHA.M ( ;iciu .îi , i r:illil i %l Ill hi iihupi di GC i)iand îiliedi \tiI 11CCOî Iliiîî pari l(ie lilutrt-U DOG PORTRAITS by Bernan Photography. Pet, show dogs and owners are welcome. Caîl Bernard or Nancy, 668-5527.

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