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Whitby Free Press, 26 May 1993, p. 19

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Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, May 26, 1993. Page 19 ASK THIE GAIDENERS The Pickering Village Museum will open on Sunday, May 30 and the Brooklin Master Gardeners will ho present te, answer gardenîng questions. FAMILY FUN DAY A Family Fun Day will ho held on May 29, 9 a.mtn e3 pan. at St. Marguerite d'Youvifle Separate School, .250 Michael Blvd., Whiitby. There will ho garage sales, face painting, baby and toddler con tests,hotdogs and burgers, ice cream, portraits with ehildren's eharacters ($2) and a raffle draw with $3,000 in prizes. AUl proceeds go te YMCA Family Resource Centre. FIELD NATURAUMT The Durhama Region Field Naturalists will hold a meeting on Monday, May 31, 7:30 p.m., at Northview Public Library, Ritson Road North and Beatrice Street Eat, Oshawa. There will ho a 'Mystery Night' slide presentation of people, places and things. New members are weleome. NO TOBACCO DAY On May 29 the Council for Tobacco Free Durham Region will hold a mail display and contest at the Pickering Town Centre te celebrate World No Tobacco Day (May 31). World No Tebacco Day is celebrated eaeh year and is intended te disceurage tebacco users from censuming tebacco and te encourage governments, commnunities, groups and individuals te become aware of the problem and te take appropriate action. The council's theme for 1993 is 'Health services: our window te a tebacco-free world.' They will be providing' information on smoking, environmental tobacco fsmoke and smoking cessation. GARAGE SALE The first annual 'Neighbour- hood Garage Sale,' organized by Whitby/ Brooklin Block Parents, will be held on Saturday, dune 5, 8:30 a.m. te 3 p.m., at the Region of Durhamlcourthouse parking lot (corner of Rossland and Garden). Two parking spaces can be reserved for $10, and those sellinig items can take home their profits. Craft tables are aise, welcome. CalI Lynda Drake at 666-1203 for more information. Limnited space still available. FIDDLE CLUB The Oshawa-Whitby Old Time Fiddle Club will meeton Wednes- day, June 3, 7:30 pm, at Hey- denshore Pavilion ,Whitby for an evening of old-time round and square dancing, singing and gui- tar-playing. AUl welcome. Admis- sion is $2. For more information caîl 436-9019 or 655-3023. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 15 1. Windsor Place was named ater Windsor, the original name of the Town of Whitby. The community was named in 1819 by John Scaddinig after property he owned in Devonshire, England. 2. Prince Arthur, the third son of Queen Victoria, was entertained at a luncheon at Trafalgar Castle on Oct. 6, 1869. 3. John Shier (1808-1882) lived at 800 Centre St. S., a regency cottage at the corner of Centre and Pitt streets. 4. Dr. Horace Bascom, Sherifi of Ontario County from 1935 to 1955, lived ai 600 King St. (corner of Kng and St. John stireets). He retired in 1955 at the age of92 and died a year later. REHEARSING ARE SOME of the cast of show,' opens tomorrow and wuns througfl Whitby Courthouse Theatre's annual musi- Saturday, and wiII also be presented June cal revue, 'Razzie Dazzle IL.' The theatre 3-5. Tickets are available at Lafontaine fundraiser, billed as a "good, high energy Trading Post.Pht yMrResWil FePes YARD SALE Christ the King Lutheran Church wifl hold the annual yard sale on Saturday, May 29, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Isuzu/Saturn dealership (east lot), Hwy 2 and Glenhili Dr., Whitby. Ramn or shine. BLOOD DONORS CLINIC The Durham Region works department will hold a blood donors clinic on Priday, May 28, 1:30 to 7 p.m., at their office, 105 Consumers Dr., Whitby. STORYTELUING The Durham Folklore Socie7 will meet on Thursday, May 24r 7:30 p.m., at the Michael Starr Building in Oshawa. New mem- bers an d gests are welcome. For more information caîl Carolyn Hart at 434-1975. WALKING PROGRAM Seniors, with neornatter what walking speed or ability, get eut your walking shoes and jein the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre walking program. Meet at the centre, 801 Brock St. S., every Monday and Wednesday at 8:30 a.ni. For more information, cal the centre at 668-1424. INSTRUCTORS The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre strives te offer a wide variety of stimulating instrue. tional classes te its members. Each year there is an increased demand for incividuals te instruct craft, language, computer, sewing, fitness and dancing classes. If yeu are interested in instructing a seniors cas during the day. Cali Peggy at 668-1424. WIIEELCLIAIR CLINIC The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre and Whitby Community Care will sponsor a community wheelchair servicing clinic on Monday, May 31, 10 a.m. te 2 p.m., at the centre, 801 Brock St. S. The clinic offers free lubrication, brake and other acjustments, tire inflation and complete inspections. Ail are welcome. For more information, cali the centre nt 668-1424. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club will hold the annual general meeting at the Family Trust Building, Dundas and Hickory streets, Whitby on Monday, May 31, 7 te 9 pm. Officers will be elected, club competitien results wil ho available and there will be group Oiide presentations. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, dune 1, 7 te 9 p.m., in the O'Neil CVI cafeteria. For more information caîl John at 725-7962. COUNTRY ]UNE DANCE The Moose Lodge will hold a country line dance te support the AIDS Committee of Durham on Friday, dune 4, 8 p.m., at 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Tickets are $5 per persan and are available at the AIDS offlice, 78 Simcoe St. N. (723-8201) or at the door. Thera will ho dance instructers, and a cold buffet will ho served. JUNE COURSES St. John Ambulance, Whitby branch is offering the following courses te mambers of the community. Standard first aid/CPR: Tuesda.y and Wednes- day, dune 15 a-id 16, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m., Tuc:.sday, dune 8, 15, 22 and 29, 6 to 10 p.m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday, dune 18, 19 and 20, 6 ti. 10 p.m. and 8:30 a.rn. te te 4:30 p.m.; standard first aid/CPIR recertification: Monday, dune 21, 8 a.m. te 5 p.m.; CPR: Tuesday, dune 8 and Thursday, dune 10, 8:30 a.m. te noon or 6 te 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday, dune 18 and 19, 6 te 10 p.m. aor 8:30 a.m. te noon; CPR recertification: June 2, 8, 10, 14, 16, 22, 24, 28 and 30, 9 a.xn. or 1 p.m.; babysitting (ages Il te 14), Saturday, dune 26 and Monday, dune 28, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m.; child lifesaver (ECE students or child care workers): Thursday, dune,10, 17 and 24, 6 te 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday, dune 18 and 19, 6 te 10 p.m. or 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m.; Colours (ages 2 te 7): dune 12, 1 te 2:30 p.zn.; We Can Help: dune 12, 9 a.m. te noon; first aid for youth (ages 10 te 15): Saturday and Sunday, dune 12 and 13, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday, dune 29 and 30, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m.; child care (new moms and dnds): Saturday and Sunday, dune 26 and 27. For- more information, caîl 668-9006 or 668-4159. YARD SALE The 8th Whitby Boy Scouts wilI hold a large yard sale on Saturday, May 29 at the A&P parking lot at Thickson Rd. and Hwy. 2 from 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. GIANT YARD SALE Thora will be semething for everyone at the Whitby Boy Scouts giant yard Ze on Saturday, dune 5, 8 a.ni. te 4 p.m., in the A&P parking lot, Thickson Road South. There will be refreshments, raffles and hot dogs. STEERING MEETING James House Durham will hold its second steering committee meeting on Thursday, May 27, 7:30 p.m., at St. Andrew's Church, 71 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Ail are weleome, especially those interested in seeing an AIDS hospice in the region or who have a few heurs a month te volunteer. HOSPICE MEETING Hosice Durham will hold the annual general meeting on Thursday, June 3, noon te 1:30 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, 201 Centre St. S.$ Whitby. Guest speaker is Heather Balfour, executive director of the Community Hospice Association of Ontario. Lunch is provided at $5 per person. To reserve, cal 435-5242. GIANT YARD SALE A giant community yard sale will be held by Pringle Creek Public School, 80 Ribblesdale Dr., Whitby on Saturday, May 29, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m., in the school parking lot. The sale is in support ef the school band. There-will be bargains on used goods and crafts. Refreshsments will be available. FUN FAIR The first annual Fun Fair will ho held at Col. J.E. Farewell Public School, 810 McQuay Blvd., on Thursday, dune 3, 6 te 9 p.m. There will be games and pries,. refreshments and a food bth. Proceeds will go toward the establishment of a new play- ground. ANNUAL MEETING The thidrd annual general meeting of the Children's Services Council (Durham) Ine. will be held on Thursday, May 27, 6 te 9 p.m., at building 30, Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital. A presentation, 'Make me laugh! Make my day!' wil ho made by Tom Davis. To reserve, ea 1 Cheryl Vanderpluym at 433-4100. LIONESS CLUB The Whitl: ioness Club will meet on Wednesday dune 2, 6:45 p.m., at the Gold 1ûoom at the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. For more informa- tien caîl 668-4944 or 668-2268. GENERAL MEETING The Canadian Mental Health Association, Durham Branch will hold their 33rd annual general meeting on Tuesday, June 1, 7 p.m., at the Michael Starr building (ground floor conference centre), 33 King St. W., Oshawa. Bonnie Pape, CMHA national's directer if programs, will be speaking on 'Reasonable accommodation in the workplace and educational system for people with serious mental problems.' For reservations, caîl Marie nt 436-8760. MEETING The Durham Trillium Quilter's Guild dune meeting will be a pot. luck te hoe held June 1 at Faith Place, 44 William St., Oshawa at 7:15 p.m. For further information caîl 728-3629. JUNE 28TH TO SEPTEMBER 3RD Sumnior IRding Camp Each one week session wIII conslst of: "Teaching ai ridingi skills along wMt riding Iwo limew-s each day. "Instruction of uncderstanding, care and handling ef the horse. Safety arolund the herse and equipmnent & its use. Stable managemrent A herse show & nding gamnes competition on the fast day of each session. Each day's program wili include ~ ~ complete unlimited use of al - Pleasure Valey's facilities: 400' HatdWaterslide S Relier Sktid&no ~îd kating in ~ our Skating Forest Mini-golf - Giant Children's Playground > Haynides- Swimming Pond - ànd meret BOOK NOW - Space is limfted ta 12 riders per session. * Ages 10-15 - Also available for ages 7-j .* Cali now for f urther information 649-3334. 2499 8ROCK RD..R R. # 4 UXBRIDGE. ONT.

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