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Whitby Free Press, 26 May 1993, p. 29

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Whitby Free press, Wednesday, May 26.,1993, Page 29 ~ A N T.............N. S__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MA PATIO FURNITURE, 30 sets displayed. Lowest prices guaran- teed. AIl items sold sarateŽ Adams tUquidators,MWhitby M1: 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby, 404-2815. AI PMales Comple Tune-up $3995 Reoenditioned Sewing Machines from $5900 TOPUNE SEW1NG CENTRE 'r:571-1385 400 Klng St W. Oshawa THE BARN YARD -Used furniture, coîlectibles and antiques. Clarke 8th Lino, oast of Hwy. 115, Orono. Open Saturday 9-5, Sunday 12-5. 983-5926. OPENING A BUSINESS? For sale ... best off or: Meridian Norstar telephone system for business. 2 phono sets, conferencing, hands- f ree speakers, headset interface, alternate language capabilities, speed dial, message centre, and many more featuros. For further info, cal (416) 666-8083. ANSWERING MACHINE for sale. Sanyo TAS 340 with remote message retrieval. Takes f ull sized cassettes. Like now. $50. 430-1051 beave message. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionaîs, less than haîf rice. Largo seloction. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. 1980 CORSAIR 35 ft. trailer,. 2 tipouts, full dock, 20 ft. X 8 ft. Florida room, Iandscaped lot. Burleig h Falls (Hwy. .28). Cal 579-4937 aflter 5:30O p.m. for information. MOTORCYCLE INSU RANCE 683-97251 ~ PINE RIDGE INSURANCE, FIBERGLASS -TRUCK CAP from standard-bed Mazda B2000 pickup. Fibrobec model with fibergîass door & sliding side windows. $575. 430-2075. Need a car - Credit problems? w. hav, e es. tae-overs repassessiofls) " 1ai. ta own "a Tke or model "-Cashlot onde - Cati now forkni quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 - Jeif AIR CONDITIONER, 10,000 B.T.U. Good condition. StilI under warranty. Calil ter 8 p.m. 430-9407. SOLO- FLEX body-buildig machine, cost $2,000, excellent condition, asking $750. 430-0222. 10' SATELUTE SYSTEM, Star Track 8 - used only 1 year - $1400. Can arrange for installation. Gary at 293-6220. SOFA & CHAIR, light brown. Excellent condition, $300. Cal 668-5298. PORTABLE American Harvest Jet-Stream Oven. Like -New. Roasts, broils, grills, bakes, f ries. $150 f irm. 723-3731. SEARS ELECTRIC Iawnmower, 18" wido $50 o.b.o. Sump pump, 1V3 HP. $40 o.b.o. 16 x 32 winter pool covor $50 o.b.o. 668-3640. FURNITURE FOR Watorbed, chosterfield, chairs. Caîl 668-9884. SALE. stereo, 2 BAND SAWS (10- & W4). Planer, wood lathe. Bronson's ELECTROLUX, $30 MONTHLY gQA C), vacuums or shampooers. Carnisters, uprights or centrais. 5- year warrantmes. If you're thlnking central, l'Il give you ant estimate before you décide. 686-7840. KITCHEN SET, chesterfield and chair, reclineir chair, ping pong table and a Kreepy Krauly." Cal 430-9427. APPLE IIGS COMPUTER. Lots of options and software. Cal Brett at 666-3592. Make me an off or!! MATTRESSES and boxsprings at haIt price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. APPUAt-CS LICENSED TECHNICIAN at Erro's Appliance Repair. AIl major appliancos, including gas appli- ances. We buy usedi AIl parts q uaranteed one y ear. Monday to saturday, 432-7734. THE ALZHEIMER SOCIETY 0F DURHAM REGION ieils TAKING CARE 0F STRESS a mi oenferenceon nianaglng sress Tuesday, June 8, 1993 Kingsview United Church corner of=Adele at Wilson, Oshawa from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon Koynote Address by Dr. Hank Fraser, Stress Management Workshops Annual Meeting & Lunchean 12:00 non to 2:30 p.m. Speciai Guost Speaker: Paul Tuttie on Opportunities for Partnerships Full day $20 AGM Lunch $10 Regîster by phono (416) 576-2567 fax: (416) 576-2033 Sale, Saturday, June 12 & Sunday, June 13, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Scugog Arena, nort h sido of Roach St. (Durham Rd. 8), Iust west of Port Perry. Free parking. Admission: $250/adufts, $Vchildren L under age 12, f ree). Ref reshments. For more information, cail (416) 985-7346. WANTED TO BUY -Kds used hockey equipment. Caîl 666-0387. WANTED: 1 racing style g o kart. Must be in good condition. W ilI pay big $$$. Caîl 666-3592. 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Bessie and Stafford Cosway invite you to attend an "Open House« in honour of their 5Oth Wedding Annivorsary to be held at Brooklin U nited Church Hall on Saturday, J une 5, 1993 f rom 2 - 4 p.m. Best Wishes only pleaso. Sharpenmng ushawa. i723-7307. ____________ ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gotting auto insurance because of FILTER QUEEN VACUUM. Liko age, poor driving record or ____________ new condition. Just completely suspension of licenso? Perhaps we congratulations ta Aima & Petgr 1Meea sorviced. $0.4815.can hl.Poea6-00 I.. ynm s odnHl.5 il o eagrave wha ceiebrataedtheir $30. 48-159.hel. Pono666209. H... Mynam isJoron all I ill 50TH WE DtNG ANNtVERSARY ______________________ be 1 year old May 24. I am a holy ON MAY 22, 1993. ________________________ _______________________ terror, but 'm also a lover. 1 love Ail iends and faminl are invied ta attend an *mmy, Daddy, Nanna and bei?ýg heid in their hanaur on LAND CAPU G LA D$CA UMO ampy Frank. H appy Birthday to Satu rday May 29,1993 fromli te 4pm me ai the 9DDFÏLLOWS HALL inPart Perry. ........Wih lve and besi wshes from the (amiý DO VUR ON Ladscaing.SPANKY'S PROPERTY Mainten- R Birch cîumps and singles, ance. Grass cutting t o genoral ........ A TIUE, n mountaiifÎ, and blue spruce. maintenance. Treo bruhgabe, I& OL CTB S COLLECTB E Phone 655-8088. etc. Residontial/ commercial. ______________ i LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding, Spring clean-ups. Renovations of 9ardens, rock gardons, plant ing, firewood. Free estimates. Dutchway Land- scaping. (416) 649-3183. *Fertilizing GST lnsect conitrol PE Free estimates Lic. prof essionals AWS -Work guaranteed 50XO*e10%/0serbors' discount SERVICING OUF*-(AM IECiION SINCE19MG 433-7484 TREE CUTTING & trimming. Fully insured. Free estimatos. 433-7140, or 725-3609. DALE'S TREE SERVICE ,Ctting *Pruning -Broken branches. Caîl 728-4587 anytime. FOUR SEASrJNS Landscaping, Gardening services. Fonces, docks, soddinq, eavestrough cleaning, rotaining walls, lawn cutting, tre re.noval. 10% seniors' discount . Caîl (416) 428-1305. INTERLOCK REPAIR & SEAL Re-level sunken aroas, spruce up old jobs, instaîl pisa stops, etc. Reasonable rates. Qàuality work. 668-2742. srr triait awn and gardon service (Landscape Ontario HORrICUUTURAL iRADE5 ASSIXIAIN free estimates 623-9711 e 434-9428 L GARAGE--------AGE- YARD SALE - Stafford Crescent. Several homos. Saturday, May 29 - 9 a.m. Take Thîckson or Anderson north, turn onto William Stevenson - Stafford intercepts. Don't miss il! YARD SALE - 1115 Greon Street, Whitby. Saturday, May 29, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rain Date, Sunday, May 30. r AUCTiONÉERS GARAGE/CRAFT SALE. Various household items, and homemado craîts. 31 Glenmount Court (West Lynde). Saturday, May 29 - 8 a.m. GARAGE - CRAFT SALE. 12 lngram Court, Whitby. Saturday, June 5, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday, June 6, 9 a.m. - 4 P.m. The peopleof aithty and suraurKllng areas .nbay aflendring auction sages. Lot lhem knaow about yaur next sais by adcv.rting ln the <mat widely <mmd paesmaln Wh,,y - The Whitby Fr.. Prost, CU"sagoie. Call: 668-6111 USED TftRES Ailsizes. Installation and Comnputer Balancing also available WHITBV TIREr 103 Dundas St. E. <aof ".<o 1y 2 & wy. 2) Phone 430-8900 governmcnt Iicensed professionals specializing in property maintenance trce and shrub pruning Iandscaping ~ \~$~Ç94«~Ott Itur~ Ms~yJ~Frkay1z00arn a 50O~m*F ax 668-0694I m l r- 1 à 1 1

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