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Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1993, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 2, 1993 AL-ANON ANNIVERSARY The Whitby Friondly AI-Anon Group will bo ceiebrating its 22nd anniversury on Tuesdar, Juno 8, 8 p.m., at St. Mark s Church house, southwest corner of Byron and Coiborne streots in Whitby. Duve and Eileon wiIl be Al-Anon and AA speakers. AVICULTUIIAL SOCIETY The Durham Avicultural Society of Ontario wili meet on Tuosday, June 8, 7:30 p.m., ut St. George's Anglican Church, R.andlDive and Highway 2, Pickering Village, Ajax. The young bird show wjh ho held. For more information eall John at 655-8367 or George ut 721-8397. CHAR1TY BAZAAR A charity bazaur in aid of Bosnian children will be held on Saturday, June 19, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the Metro East Trade Centre, 1899 Brock Rd., Pickering (Highway 401 aast te Brock Rond North). Stalls are avuitable ut reasonable prices. For more information, caîl Jafer Rizvi (287-9735) or Hamid Rizvi (858-8428). DANCE FOR ALS The ALS Society of Durham Region will hold a public uwareness dance on Saturday, June 19, 7 p.m., at the Oshawa Naval Club, 320 Viola St., Oshuwa. Tickets are $10 and are available ut the door or by calling 728-7243. There will ho a cash bar and light lunch. PC USERS' CLUB The Durham PC Users' Club, supporting local computer enthusiasts, witi meet on Monday, June 14, 7 te 10 p.m., ut r. Oshawa Little Theatre, 62 Russett St., Oshawa. Admission isfe.For mreinformation, contact Barbara Rice ut 434-7420 or Bruce Layeraft ut 728-9351. JUNE CPR COURSES Durham Save-u-Heart is offering six courses in June. Basic rascuer: June 4 and 5, 6 te 10 p.m., 9 a.m. te 5 p.m., June 21, 23, 28, 30, 7 te, 10 p.m.; recertifleation: June 12, 9 u.m. te, 4 p.m., June 22 and 24, 7 te 10 p.m.; infantiehild: June 8 and 10, 7 te 10 p.m.; heurt saver: June 19, 9 a.m. te, 1 p.m. Advance registration is requirad for al courses. For more information or te, register, contact the office ut (416) 666-0995. r Non-profit whch are Daed ln WheIy or have a substantiai Whitby membershlp may place their upcoming meetl!g s or actites on this pagb at no cost. PnAi mon r to>ur I :'- ai oi.;?,I PHOTO WORKSHOPS Durham Photographie Work- shops will be hold on Tuesday, June 8, 7:30 p.m., ut the Minis- try of Revenue Building, Osh- awa. For more information cal Barb ut 579-1010.* AQURIMSOCIETY. TheDurham Region Aquarium Society will mo'ot on Tusay June 8, 8 p.m., in the cafeteria ut R.S. McLaughlin CVI, Oshawa. For more information euhl Wayne Rakostrow at 725-7911 or TY Fisher at 686-7368. DAY NURSERY Brooklin Day Nursery will hold a summer camp progrumn June 28 to Sept. 4 for preschoo- lors (aged 2 te 5) ut a cost of $85 a week and 'big kids' (aged 6 te 10) ut a cost of' $75 per week. To registor caîl Rosemary O'Brien ut 655-3864. WOMEN'S AGLOW Women's Aglow Fellowship, Oshawa-Whitby chupter wiii meet on Thursday, June 10 ut Culien Gardons, Whitby, above the restaurant. Refreshments and fallowship will begin ut 7 p.m., followed by praise und worship ut 7:30 p.m. The cost is $7. Christian vocalist Carol Stickwood will ho the speaker. For more information, eall 723-9458. CESAREAN PREVENTION The Cesarean Prevention, Support and Education Group will meet on Monday, June 7, 7:30 p.m., ut 15 Irwin Dr., Whitby. VBAC and cesurean prevention wil ho the topic for discussion. The group provides information and support for parents or professionals interested in any aspect of cesarean childbirth. For more information, cail 666-9421 or 576-0562. ONE PARENT FAMILLES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association wili meet on Tuesday, June 8, 8 p.nt, ut Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for coffee, cards and conversation. Al are welcome. For more information, cati 436-5089 or 728-1011. Whitby Courthouse Theatre AUDITION NOTICE IIII~for "Into The Woods" A MODERN MUSICAL By Stephen Sondheim Cast needed: 14 femaies. ) i rnge 19-70 9 mates. .Aer Audition dates: June 7th & 8th at 7:30 pmn AT THE THEATRE, CENTENNIAL BUILDING 416 CENTRE ST. S., WHITBY Enter by the north stage door. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 428-3795 or 655-4517 WVH ITB3Y W6it5 LcalArchitecturai Conservation Advsr9Cmnte ÎÎT Herita e WHITBY, ONTARIO SSaturday, June 12, 1993 V10 arn~ 4 pm a Age 16 & older $10.00 ICKETS AVAILAIILE AT: Cards and Cuddles, Whitby Mal Olde Silver Thimble Quit Shoppe e Lafontaine Trading Post Picture This and That - Rousseau Heritage House Ltd. Fr more information, please cal! <416) 668-5803, ext. 322. HULMANE SOCIETY MEETING The Oshawa and District Humane Society witi hold the annual ganeral meeting 0 on Tuesday, June 8, 7:30 p.m., ut the Michael Starr building, 33 ing St. W., Oshawa. All members and intorested parties ara welcome. Cali 433-2022 for information. ANNUAL MEETING The Ontario Biding NDP Association will hold the annual generat meeting to eleet 1993-94 executivo on Thursday, June 3, 7:30 p.m., at CAW 1090 Hall, 140 Hunt St., Ajax. Guest speaker will ho Lynn Jacklin, candidate for Ontario riding. For more information, cuIt Deug Harvey ut 686-2086. DANCE In support of the 1993 United Way campuiga, 1350 CKDO wilt prosent a 'Summer in the City' dance on Saturday, June 5, 7:30 p.m..te 1 u.m., ut the Colonel R.S. McLaughlin Armoury, 53 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Admission te the dance is $10 par person. Tickets are uvuiluble ut CKDO Radio, the United Way offlice, Information Oshawa and at the door. RtEUNION The 129th annuai Pascoe picnic reunion wil ho held on Sunday, June 13, ut Columbus United Church Hall, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa bcginning ut 3 p.m. (ramn or shine). Games, prizes, potluck supper (beverages are supplied). For further information euhl Josie or Phil Pascoe u t 728-4470. BONSAI The Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet ut Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa on Monduy, June 7 (7 p.m. for beginners, 7:30 p.m. general m eeting). The meeting is open te those interested in the art of bonsai. Caîl 725-2045 or 683- 2568 for more information. YARD SALE A 'Spring Yard Sale' will ho held ut Immanuel Christian School, 849 Rosslund Rd. W., Oshawa on Saturday, Juna 5, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thora will ho toys, furniture, clothing, odds 'a' ends and a barbecue lunch. Proceeds te Christian educution. EPILEPSYDURIIAM Epýilepsy Durham Region wili hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 7 p.m., ut the Insmen Community Centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. <Farily Night? will include a clown and. pueppet show, face- pnting, singaong un dprizes. Aili welcome. F or more informa- tion eall 666-992% This wil ho the iust meeting«f the season, the next seuson to begin in Sep- tembor. FASHION SHOW The Womens Growth Ministry wiii hold a fundraiser fushion show on Saturday, June 5, 9:30 a.m. te noon, ut Community Pentecostul Church, 416 Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa. Tickets are $6. For more information or tickets, cati 433-2964. FUN FAIR The first annuat Fun Fair wili ho hetd ut Col. J.E. Farewell Public School, 810 McQuay Blvd., on Thursday, Juno 3, 6 te 9 p.m. There wili ho games and prizes, refreshmonts and a food booth. Procoeds wiil go toward the establishment of a new play- ground. RAFFLE A raffle is being held until Juno il in support of Outreach Abuse Provention, a non-profit organizution dedicated te reduce and prevant child abuse through education. The prize is a four-piece wicker ensemble with cushions from the Grey House. Tickets are $2 euch or three for $5 and are avaitable ut the Outreuch office, 205 Bond St. E., Oshawa, telephone 432-7821, the Grey House, corner of Ritson Road and Bond Street, Oshawa or from the Outreuch car wash on Saturday, May 8 ut Ontario Motor Suies, 140 Bond St., Oshawa. EPILEPSY DURHIAM E ýieps DuhamRegion wil holfits onthty meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 7 p.m., ut the Kinsmen community centre, 109 Cothorne St. W., Oshawu. Thora wiil ha 'Famii Night,' fun for alt uges, thut wii t includa a clown, puppot show, face-punting singulong and prizos. Ail et- coma. For more information cuit 666-9926. This wiii be the last meeting of the season. The nest season begins in September. :1il.i.u 1,4 1 l 1JUne 306 S; O9ENlN~>~ ~ Four days fiIIed with FAIR PGEANT ENTERTAINMENT DOJ1I * & ~SHOWS. EB. 60 PERBY OQOpmBavarian Tent, Midway, Exhibits, Petting Zoo, E Imm Pany Rides, Llvestock Shows & ýCRAFT SfflW& much, much more! SALE . lOOam . ....... .DAY - 11O a TRUCK&TRACTOR PET SHOW .IOp (REGISTRAIION 12:00 NOON) PULl.. ~7:30pm J(<RSEJ .SURED)ORACES -loOpm SQUAE 8.XJpm HARNESS FDDLE & STEPOANCE "NEW TIM4E" 200opm I ,ai 4k Hava you ever seen how an X.ray unit realiy works? Or visited the inside of a kitchen that serves aimost 1,900 meals a day? Or sean how switchboard operators handie upproxamateiy 100,000 catis a week? Oshawa Canerai Hospitat witi hold an open house on Wednesday, June 9 from 5 te 8 p.M. Visiters can sea the compieted expansion and renovation projects that have recently taken place ut the hospitai and view the many dispiays that wili ha presented hy vanious hospital departments. Soe of the areas seheduied for teuring inctude the dialysis unit, radiology, chemotherapy, physiotherapy, nursery, hirthing suites, pharmacy, respiratory therupy, hospitai computer services, nutrition services urea, maintenance and engineering areas, taboratory, intensive cure and coronary care units. For more information, contact the hospital's public relations department at 576-8711, ext. m COUNTRY UINE DANCE The Moose Lodge will hoid a country lino dance te support the AEDS Committee of Durham on Fjiday, Juine 4, 8 p.m., nt 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Tickets are $5 per person and are availabie at the AIDS office, 78 Simcoe St. N. (723-8201) or at the door. Thore wili ho dance instructors, and a cold buffet wiii be sorved. GARAGE SALE The first annual 'Neighbour- hood Garage Sale,' orgaizod by Whitby/ Brooklin Block Parents, wiil be held on Saturday, June 5, 8:30 a.m. te 3 p.m., ut t he Rogion of Durhamlcourthouso parking lot (corner of Ressund and Garden). Two parking spacos can be resorved for $10, and those seiling items cun take home their profits. Craft tables are aiso welcome. Cali Lynda Drake ut 666-1203 for more information. Uimited spaco stiti available. HOSPICE MEETING Hospice Durham will hold the annual gonoral meeting on Thu -rsday, June 3, noon te 1:30 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, 201 Centre St. S., Whitby. Guest speaker is Heather Balfour, oxocutive dirocter of the Community Hospice Association of Ontario. Lunch is providod ut $5 par person. To rosorve, cuit 435-5242. OPEN HOUSE Caragivor Relief Aduit Day program for frail, elderly and disablod aduits is holding an open house on Monday, June 7, 10 u.m. te noon, 2 te 4 p.xn. and 6 to 8 p.m. ut 487 Westney Rd. S., units 19 und 20, Ajax. Evoryone is welcoma. Rafreshments sorved. For more information cuti 427-2315. WORKSHOP & MEETING The Alzheimer Society of Durham Ragion wiIl hotd a mini- conferance, ' Taking Cure of Stress,' on Tuesday, Juno 8, 8:30 a.m. te noon, ut Kingsview United Church, corner of Adelaido and Wilson, Oshawa. Dr. Hank Fraser will uddrass the workshops. The annual meeting and luncheon wiii foliow, from noon te 2 ,0 p.m. Guest speaker will ho Plul Tuttle discussing 'Opportunities for Partnerships.' The cost is $20 for a full day, annual meeting lunch only, $10. Register by phone (416) 576-2567 or fax (416) 576-2033. RIED CROSS MEETING The 1992 annual general meeting of the Canadian lied Cross Society, Oshawa Branch wiil ho held on Wadnesday, June 2, 7 p.m., at HuElisdale Manor auditorium, 600 Oshawa Blvd. N.,, Oshawa. Ail are wolcome. To reservo, cali the Ried Cross at 723-2933.

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