b~e ros.Wediiýà sdây.ýtne-3» .-PapYê9 Good Educationis not aPiiee IRXELGN CNTLESCIIOOL Deaf r erlleciParenit, tri eeiigad Are ou oncemcd~~itI tie uality' o education' your aught~ s~ciigadi ojke rY e Nvit h d e t re a l i fl n g r a d e 9 tlw s S e p te -i b e r ? a n Are you concerned that voU u amengltrs prfsed Ch acIsa ad n stutr? UoCs it stress thefudaetasl'duaon W'OUld yoU be iriterested in aSCiOOl tatovdstffan *sinal lasci,, a hihly qualified~ eiae tf n ihaaei tnad Isastr c u e , ae ll gd îsc îP îîn e d a t n o sP h e re d i y r a i g p r o ascrlY rnintiosdaily h nework and adaY edfgpro ex Y and hoo *extensive nonitorlng adealai nfehste lt'5pr Are oU cncened wlietlier your daugI1teF sPl .h.11enges lier to do lier best? t,, rvds WoUl yo be nteested ini a schOOl htpoiC individual attenltionl and supervised study uiee leadfshîP.roue * oppo~UIIIL~~'frils in ail grades to coroe n dtas for gr'n aths and science 'n 1,a stroflg erophasis on copetecYr Ar ,oUcncemnedwletler your daughter's presef hMsIoOlprovides a saie a d rig Ae YiOnmcent for jearning«? ,environ interested in aL school tliat providCs aiyadsl-cniec * ~achflgof thical values Are oU cncened lieter our ~~gters sclio1 ol Tllflunicts~tiyUcerYadfeUnî WOU oU liu e interested in a schOOl that, provides: * regUd staff contact ith the parentse * eelaYrpsfr st udnsno ef gmn at their optimum levelM regular p rf rW n academ ie rnatters communicpotion oatendance and other non- * iniviuaiparent/teacher interviews TIEEIS AN A1, T F, RNATÀV ,For 120 Years TrafaWarCte cO lia poviededucational eclec for yUl viel OpeflingSstijl availaýble for SePte~e 93 -For further inform ation TRAFLGAR CASTLE SCHOOL Daily moming shuttie service for students from Whitby GO Station to Trafalgar Castie School. t 401 Reynolds Ste, Whitby e 1 0 d% 0%.q la y 668-3358 e 0