preservting » Fun for The Entire Fcirnily ýýý q'"O" S ; 0 S Tey - Ab.- Have the Downtown Port Ferry Businesses Gone Mad? You better believe it...-andtiey.vvant youto join themt, SIDEWALK -SALE 10 AM TO MIDNUGHT. WINrq! WNNqWIN! l Balloons containing CASH PRIZES or Discount Coupons to be won just by handing a receipt f»rnm any Port Perry D1owntown BIA. Business to of our-rovîing clowns. Don riight attire and, oneof our Downtowvn Businesses wil[ REWA-ýRDYou!1 ý41 Corne hear our travetling Clown Band aà nId. ~ ~ I into the MOOIPILIGHT MADNESS SpIrit! Check out the -Downtown BIA Businesses inside, &,out for < K Sales and Moonlight Specials aillday andnîght! IT ALL HAPPENS ýONLY- IN D ONNIOWN PORT "PERR-Y FRIDAY JUNE 5 JOIN US' FOR ALL THE FUN!I m"ý 1 -- om Whitby Free Press, Wecfnesday. June 23. 1993, Page 17 rDoris mi etlment House Shoes Çý CHECK OUT THE FIVE BARGANS INBEAUTIFUL SHOPS BARGANS ON UNDER ONE ROOF EUROPEAN COMFORT *ROMIKA *LIBBY *MEPHISTO FINN COMFORT *FLY FLOT, *LLOYD *RHODE *REINBERGER *SALAMANDERý JENNY-ARA *BIRKENSTOCK *BAMA *CLARKS - CONVERSE - K-SPRINGERS Dueen St., Port Perr 985-9611 Books Galore &Mor( 175 Perry Street Port Pcrry 985-8645 2 63 Q yv e nhlS Regularly priced Merchandise after 7pm 6:00 pm to midnight NO TAX on regular priced merchandise only. 9:30 pm to midnight NO TAX on ail merchandise including sale items. 183 Queen St. 241 Queen St., Port Perry 985-1965 25Zà 0740FF fiNE CLOTHING & GIFTWARE_ Skating Boutique & Woolshop 40%OFF Ail Skating &ý Aerabic Wear Free Draw for $50 GlUt Certificate 180 Mary Street a NEED CASH? IS CON VENIENTLY LOCATED AT CIBC 145 QUEEN ST. PORT PERRY - 985-4444 Domestic & lrnported Yarnsý Custom Work 1 0%,OFF WOOL Free Draw for $25 Gift Certificate 985-0842 HANK'S ASTRIES %BAKERY & COFFEE S HOP 204CQueen St. 985-2172 100t OFF; 6 ?pm fi 201%o 1 mvBROCKX DEPARTMENT STORE LTD. 9:30 aril to 8:OOpm 8:OOpm to 9:OOpm - closed for deeper markdowns. midnight A' 4:00 pm - 1200 midnight J+èrbafly Yours &f 9ýa(tu ra roduc t. 15% Store wîde Dscount Corne in and enioy a OopnhiUht M adnesâ Snack 143 Ferry St. - Port Ferry 985-0861 Sale prices on selected furniture. kLL DAY SALE TABLE 7 - MIDNIGHT ail flower arrangementS and Harrison Lamps. 60 Qucen St., Port Fery - 985-8902J THE GALLEY FISH &SEAFOOD - Fish & Chips (3 kinds) - Hambtirgs -'Hot Dogs - Oktoberfest Sausage - Varlous BuIk Foods - Flsh & Seafood Counter 161 OUEEN STREET PORT PERRY, ONT. Fat In or Out- (416) 985-8647 Licensed by LLBO Etitaurant anb UMinins ljunat (anabibn anb Umuib Cuisine Enjoy fine dining in our REMBRANDT ROOM For a Snack or Light Lunich VISIT OUR COFFEE SHOP Hometown Proud PEOPLE COME FIRST1 AT PORT PERRY l.G.A. 278 QUEEN STREET BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN PORT PERRV rg-7.;OqtN04L 1oq cab. MINIITCC .4 1 - F