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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jun 1993, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednosday,, Whitby mixed slo-pitch STANDINGS (s ci Jum 18) Advantage 1<00 Kaa Banans Durham Squash ciLi> Ski Shoppe Hermnello Service Don'chefry'> W L T PTS 8 1 0 S 7 1 0 14 7 2 014 6 4 0 12 3560 6 2 70 4 2 7 0 4 Auto Zone 1 9 0 2 Durham Squash 1B Ski Shoppe 7 Don Cherrys 15 Aut4o Zone 14 Herrnetic Service 10 Mr. Transmnission 8 Advantage 14 Koo Koo Bananas Il Ski shoppe 9 Mr. Transmission 6 Durham Squash 23 Auto Zone 71 June 23, 1993 Midgets defeated in tournam.Rent final Whitby fe in the final tournarnent weekend. L-11 to, the borne team 1of a rndget basebal in Oakviîle over tbe ml,&, iii 1.11e czaiU1A U ccz the season for the Whitby teani, sponsored by Network Architec- ture. Mmn Imeson was the starter for Whitby in the cbampionship final but lasted only four innings as the defence struggled and Oakville scored six unearned runs. Ken Calway finished on the niound for Whitby. Meanwhile Oakville pitchers shut down the Wbitby attack, allewing only four hits, two by Are yu hetein your reie.ur :sev.era.lic. p..ag i~~~yo Th eiirsymake now wlafetyricoefor U Make sure ykowalte options before oudecde retirem eSverance DEREK DUTKA David Partlow and one each by Josh Miller and Jereniy Schott. Miller, Whitby's catcher, tbrew eut two runners tryin to steal. Calway was narned Whitby's most valuable player in the final. Whitby bad opened the tourna- ment with an 11-1 romnp over Hamnilton West Mountain as Brad Newport got the pitcbingf victory andlled the ofence with tbree'bits, including abhorne run. Jeff Bremner, Jerzy Aronowicz and Chris Mace each bad two bits while blair Hardy and Dwayne Phaure turned tbree double plays. Hardy had three bits in a 5-2 win over Oakville's B team. Cbris Bulmer gFt the win with belp frem Partlew. Jason Valin, Chris Allison and Bremner each had two bits. Calway struck eut nine in a 6-2 win over Brantford. He alse, bad a bit and drove in twe runs. In the semi-final, Timn Imeson struck eut seven in a 5-1 win Under-9s bounced in Darlingtonfia The Whitby under-9 tier-1 select teain lest 3-1 in tbe chant- pienship final of tbe reent Dar- intn soeccr tourn'im ent. Whitby lest thieir opening gamp 4-O te Durlington before coring back tc defeat Port Hope 5-1, jax 12-1 and Darlington B 11-0. Tyler Mattin scored nine geais for Wbitb:y in tbe tournarnent Durham lakeshore womenls fastball June 9 DL*>é Whftby Suris 7 Kightand Atlas 2 E0 Brooklin Legeon 1 June il Picotte Pirates 12 Dodd & Sater 3 Whitby Suris 15 Bay Sports 6 J une 1E Pîcotte Pirates 15 Tersan Rlebats 14 Bay Sparts 7 Oshé 5 Standings net week - CLEANING OUTSIDE WINDOWS For many of us, cleanîng outside windows means two things - wet sleeves from the cold water running down our arm and getting the ladder to fit windows which are always at inconvenient heights. Fortunately, with the addition of a few convenient tools, you cani now wash windows as high as 25 feet in the air quickly and easily while standing on the ground. Alil that is required is a lightweight telescopic aluminum pole, a window brush and a window squeegee - the same tools the professionals use. Simply mix a solution of Swish Sparkle glass and window cleaner in water, apply the solution to the window with the brush, remove the brush f rom the friction fit polo, attach the squeegoe and squeegoo the window dry.1 You wiIl have an entire panel of streak free sparkling windows in less than 2 minutes. And there's no trampling through flower gardons, no wet sleeves and no f alling off ladders. t's easy, inexpensive and the kit lasts a lifetimne. Come on down to Swish Clean-it Centre. We're the experts in cleaning and maintenance. ~~ Extended' .SaturdaY Hours ~9am to 5pm CLEAN-IT CENTRE 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224 Hanet Plastics 8 0 1 17 Advanitage Telecom 8 2 0O 16 Hughes Hawks 6 4 0 1E Mester Bedroom 4 4 1 9 Shewan-Rapoport 3 4 3 9 LabPats 4 5 0 8 Movioa 1 6 O 2 BLUE UGHT DIVISION Waierbed Cae B 2 0 16 Marigold Mtors 5 3 O E0 The Move Shop 5 5 0O 1E AucoinlteSting &Air 4 4 t 9 lan Barron Motors 3 6 0 6 Cire Tai 1 6 2 4 Pruderitiai Insurance O 9 O O Scores amnd MYPS J une 13 Pruderitiat tInsurance 1E Steve Stton Hughes Hawks 21 Bob Thurier Aucoint-leating &Air 16 AHorwood Lab Rats il Bon Smala The Movie Shop il Moviolas13 Circte Taxi 7 idiard Matin Shewan- Rapoport 7 Walerbed Castia 29 Mitre O'Neil Masteredroom l 5 Marlgold Mtors 6 Peut Reynolds Haniet Plastics 1 E bPame Juras 14 Hukghes Hswks 15 Glenn Annis Circle Taxi 3 Labelis 21 Nmoriss PriadetialIriurance 4 Larry Lutting J une 15 Shewu,-Repopt 17 BilEkElmbre Wdlerted Cas E 1DGene Ringuette Harnet pasics 19 Jirs Longhurst lm Barron M4otors 8 NelPearce AdvanIe Telecoms 20 RPn Hurt The Movie Shop 6 Ross WiaTsofi &d-&easn Toucwnutent Score. Macter Bedoom E2 M&Avols 4 Advntage Telecom 8 HaretPlastis 7 Fbuh Advutago Telecom i 9 Mer Bedecom i 3 Homo nia hîtiwç carutuiner - Dwrad i t ~ * _ wea cored six. ei Bl B.J. Bcoeshdtbexgas Ciaran Tolson dtwo, Lmas CiRdoand hMile o wrimen echan. ie oema n aulRngrad ae Crs taunsener tang fae Wbib henealeeDavid Mefr Wan a twhl oai hu idMoutns. In w gin shthenetataais Isbawga thre nscrdayails tbree goals in a 3-2 win. Durham Co-op basebaRl (ne oftJuiW 20) Pringle Creek Il 6 0 O 46 12 Pringe creeki1 4 2 0 46 8 Northview Il 4 1 0 6 8 Northviewl1 3 1 1 52 7 Willow Parkl1 3 i 1 56 7 Rossland Ridgel1 3 2 0 43 6 Oshawa Creek 3 3 0 63 6 Rssland RidgelIl 3 3 0 70 6 ormnond Woods 2 3 0 54 4 Consaderatiori 2 3 0 59 4 East Whitby 1 3 1 96 3 Oshawa Valley 1 4 0 65 2 willowPark Il 1 5 0 93 2 Athot reeni 0 6 1 99 1 (RA - runs against> Week 6 Oshawa Creek 12 Rosstand Ridge Il 22 Athot reen 4 PningteCreekIll13 Willow Park 2 PinleCreekl 12 Ormond Woods vs. conslderalian raned ouI) Rossland Ridge I vs. Willow Park 1 (rained out) Whitby basebal SOUIRT A June 14 Whitby Audio 9 KP. Gopy 5 J une 15 Rotary Surre 9 Sizalar 6 Doug Freeman CA. 12 Michel fInsurncme 9 Durham Dadge Ml White Rose 2 J une 17 Sizzws 7 KP. Copy 6 Doug Freemnan CA. 14 W.C. Towen 6 Jung EB Whitby Lianse 1E Whiby Audio O Kiremen 4 Vick Insurance 3 White Rase 10 Michel Insuranoa 9 Rotary Sunuase 14 Swish MartemniS 5 SureS rge "uea ade91 D- Fmeman C.A. Sizzler 7 Wlstby Audio 6 )iGrnen 4 KP. Copy 3 Wedi & Culera 3 White Rose 2 Michel kisurance 2 Swsh Mairternce O 1 W.C. Town Vick kmisuanoe MAOSOUITO WEST Whtby JayceeS 1Q B BOO Ward e Rogers CataleTV 5 Y Jure 8 Plaqu Attack 7 S Whitby Optirrass PPO I Ssod Movie Il F Top Ouaity Col. il Boalord Service 8 F Ootwig Systou 6 J une12 minoqup Ud. 14 WhâbyJauyes Ila Whitty FitghtrsEm1 1 Sizztor 4 1 Top Ouaity COL. 5 1 Giolairig Systomn 141 liloafmArt 4 Wbatby Optanis1 PJhiby Fitrighter 5 ied Movie O ,nequip Ltd. P150 togers CaleTV 6 iizzlsr 0 mtaqueoAltack 3 WIhiby Jayceen i1 wity Optiffids 1 Mînoqtip Ud. 2 Blmers Art 9 Piaqaso Attact 2 Rogersçà* TV 1 Whitby Optirrios 3 IvreonHadiltonhe bes INewort B renier dShott ebr bacwo ew ortandrove in twoh runs ao.Ndes tdo was named M ndVP. eonwa LEAGUEÏW In league a gis j WItby wgenplay1-3 tAjaro, thir rec 13 ordt f is in a many gaeds. fv in na ary te tans ednght tery hdthe emsnlesand ait doer, and resglesto ases, doube d o usnddrovbes, srn. o usan rvei Maebd orbisad rv inc threeourndbrener hade inthree bitsndpor strck o inee battesNveinnigstandou Scho btteritchdmte final twoan- nnS.ht iée h ia w n n Witby plays in a tournament in Streetsville this weekend. Imeson and Newport were selected to play on t he eastern Ontario youth team that com- peted in the Blue Jay tourna- nient in Toronto -- an opper- tunity for scouts te view the top talent in Ontario. The EOBA defeated Niagara district 7-1 and the National Capital team 9-8 before losng to Metro 6-4 in extra innings. Adva nage Te e adadei ded advantage on defence in win- ning tbe Whitby Men's Slo-Pitch League annual rnid-seasen tour- nament over the weekend. Advantage, battling- with Hanet Plastics for first place in tbe Blue division of the league, won ail three of tbeir round- robin games on Saturday te advance to the playofTs on Sun- day. Advantage defeated Labratts 23-O inte quarter-finals and then beld down the powerful Hanet team in an 8-7 victory in extra innings. In tbe final, Advantage defea- ted Master Bedroom 9-3. Advantage bad qualified for the povincial champiionsbips te bebeld in London over the Labour Day weekend. Juras M Whrtby Fsatiht5f5 Top ouamy col. WhbyJayoses Whâby Optirriasta Systerr June EB Floem Cabe TV seleat Mci. 10 BDOWd 3 OkonîsasAt 3 Siulor 3 Whtby Figtger 8 Mioqlp Lid. 15 W h XWb Optirride 7 Bisamer Art 0 Whitby Joom st.-àm Whitby JayeSm Top Quakly Collision Whltby Flrefghters Local 2036 Godwng Systenuresow»= Sirzlor Becord Service Cortre BOO Woed Malote MireuiLtd. Bloomr Art GaIIery Ptaque Attsck Rogers C"ieTV Whitby optimasta 12 0 e 612 l 8640E1 645191 46 019 480 19 2 637 2 8105 01111 J uneeE Si. Clair Paint I-Ighlard Van Si.ClairPait Whitby Toyota J une 14 I-IghIaM Van SaisaCh"to iWiby Toyota J15un. 15 June 1E St. Cà an Jwune 17 Tao Se*r Burger June 1E Dy& lodi 9 DUIOdEASaTe 12 Bracain CycIO 12 Dynes àLloyd E2 TiO Steak Berger 13 Star Ave Brger e Star Ave*Berger E8 yns à Ld l B ro M ' 1 c y ce 9 Design Markting a C ani en Tire 10 MuS Mode 19 Broalalydo St. ciar Paint & Papes 9«" sChiot whitby Toyota CarUrtaiTa. Duot & Sater Star Ave Beger HigNowd Von a& orffo Doign a Wînug r 1. Whitby men's slo-pitch es of Jura. 20 BLUE DIVISION Serving Whitby and Oshawa since 1986 666m'RRSP 114 DUNDAS ST. E., SUITE 202, WHITBY Financial concept Group m

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