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Whitby Free Press, 30 Jun 1993, p. 40

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JuIy lst CANIADA DAY CELEr2ATIOM9J With the Incorporated Mlitia of Upper Canada. Freworks at dusk. Cul/en Gardens and Miniature Village FENELON FALLS 1ST ANNUAL GIFT & CRAFT SHOW Offering a wide assormment of hand made gifts & crafts JULY 3-4 - 90 VEN DORS Sat. 1lOam ta 1lOpm & Sun. Noon-5pm FREE ADMISSION.- Fenelon Falls Arena JuIy 3-4, 8am-6pm ANTIQUE EXPlBITION Steamn and gas engines, historlo vehicles, antiques, craits & early trades. O Id Time Music. Fene/on Fa//s Fairg Trounds CON TINUED AT RIGHT> CULLEN G-APP1EN9 RP»TAUPAt\T Elegant Vicorian Styîîng. Fine dining daily. Surtday brunch & dinner butteIs. For reservations, catI 430-2526 THE ANJTPIM HCOUÇ, P19I-PU2ý Enjoy the warm, friendly almosphere of a tradîtional Irish pub. Good food, good drink, good imes. Water Street, Port Perry M\cDONMALPÇ9 Children won't mmnd daytri ping when you tell them y au are gaing to McOÊonald's. Located just ofIf the 401 on Trhicksan aI Dundas in Whitby. Pr2INCL PEgTAUPAMT Greek dishes a specialty. Bistroatamosphere, licensed. 10a9 Dundas St. E, 666-2811 DAUPY QUETM Hot Eats, Caal treats! Take aut ar dine in. Dont forget aur take home frozen boxed treats and Dairy Queen cakes. 668-5342, 1003 Dundas St. E. Whitby MOPE P[TA(PArT9 ON PAGEP» 6. 12 iÉý 15. 1 FLL ENUAVA'ILEDALf JuIy 8-10 91DEWALK< ALE Downtown Whitby. For information cail the B/A 666-4189. JuIy 10 (Sat) loam - 4pm 9I)<TLIAMNUAL mICPŽC.oeým A festival af 1 9th century crafîs and rades. Ramn date July 11. For more information catI 416-546-2872. Dundurn Castle - Hamilton JuIy 13-16 & 20-23 C[ILD~M§AP~T CLA!99E!g Painting, drawing, sculpture, prîntmaking & T-shirt painting for children age 7-12, 1 Oam - 12 noon The Station Ga/lery, Henry & Victoria, Whitby 668-4185 JuIy 14 -18 ARŽT 9[410W - featurtng local Ontario arlists Cul/en Gardens & Miniature Village 30TH ANNUAL ROCKHOUND GEM BOREE canadas Largest Minerai & Gem Show. Over 50 Dealers trom Canada, United Stotes, Mexico and Europe. Field Trps, Swapping Tables. Seminars Lectures . E hibitars and Dealers. JuIy 29-Aug 1 Thurs-Sat 1lOam ta 7pm - Sun ta Spm Aduit $5.50 - Sr. $4.25 - Chîld $3.00 Community Centre Newkirk Blvd., Bancroft (613) 332-1513 WHITBY SUMMER PSYCHIC FAIR JuIy 30 - Aug 2 Psychics, Mysîîcs, clairvoyants, paimîsîs, spiritualists, astrologers, books, crystals, free lectures & demonstrations, free E.S.P. test. Museumi af the Paranormal & Sîrange Psychîc Curiosîties. Hourly Door Przes. Fri. 1-t0pm. Sat. & Sun. i tam-t0pm, Mon. 1 lam-7pm $4.00 - ctiîdîen 12 & under tree with aduli Whdlby Curling Club, t 5 Brock St. N JuIy 31 POLL .I-OW Quinte Hastings Doîl Club Show and Sale. For information, cati 613-473-4862. Curling Club, Marmora. 10th ANNUAL WOOD SHOW Sales & demonsîrations ai woodwarking bools, unique wooden crafîs & custom furnishîngs, jurîed competîrian of furnture carving & turnîng, seminars, "make and take" childens workshop. August 6-8 - Fri.-Sat. 10am-8pm, Sun to 6pm Aduits $6 - Students $2 Durham & District cammunity Centre & Arenia Town af Durham - 401tW ta Hwy 6 North _ 50 mîtles N. af Guelph - Send for brochure: _The Wood Show, Box 920, Durham, Ont. NOGC1iRa August 8, lOam-5pm 7th Annual ANT1QUÇE,/CPAFT QALE Sunderland Agricultural Society, for information 705-357-2474 or 357-2476 adulîs $2, children free. Sunder/and Arona August 10-17 & 17-20 -IlLDfŽwg APT CLASQPEig Painting, drawing, sculpture, prinlmaking & T-shirt painting for children age 7-1 2, lOam - l2noon The Station Ga/lery, Henry & Vicoria, Whitby 668-4185 August 9,10 PIEPITAGE WORK9up Canadian Holiday s and Holy Days. Discover the dîversîty, Iradît ions and celebrations ai aur modemn cultural communîlies. Regîster in advance wîth the Ontario Hîstorical Society, 416-226-9011. Presenîed aI Black Creek Pioneer Vi/age 8Whitby Free Press, June 30, 1993 ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW ORILLIA SQUARE MALL Dealers f romn Ontario - Dopression Glass. Tiffany Lamps. Furniture, Coins & Stanîps, Estate Jewellery, Silver, & Collectîblos. Aug. 11-14 Wed.-Fri. lOam - 9pm, Sat. 9:3Oam - 6pm FREE Aug 21,22 MOP)DL LOAT rŽEGA-T FA 1/12 scalo romoto contrai sait. naval, marchant vessais, yachts, etc Testing their skil in a niapped course Cul/en Gardens Ç Miniature Vilage August 24 MrcPOMALig DAY Face pain ting, f arm anim-ais and Ronald McDonaid perlarmîng lîve with friends Cul/en Gardens & Miniature Village August 26-29 2nd Annual ANJ IOuCq, FAIR~ Setected dealers trami Orîtario, Ouebec, and Nova Scotia. Thursday gala (roservationsl, Fri, 10 30 9, Sat 10.30-6, Sun 1 1-5 - $5 Tra fa/gar Castle School 416-844- 7062 August 27,28 IBLACKçgTCK FAIR2 Demoîîtion Derby Friday evoning & Saturday. cati Joyce Kelly 986-4257. B/a ckstock F airg rounds RIDEAU VALLEY ART FESTIVAL August 27 - 29 Show and sale af original work by Eastern Canadian artists, art seminars, amateur art conlest and show, Fri. 6- 1Opri, SatlO ari - 9prn, Sun 1t0amt - 5pm Aduiis $3 - Si & Siudpiri $2 chrIdren st1 Hvy 42 & Spi ,q S Wî'e5nnron t.n ALSO CRAFI SALE, cHiNA PAINTERS & TOLE PAINTING. M0TLIEP JA(iM<WN)Iý OPEMI kITCJ-CNç9 Stock up your freezer. Whoiesale outlt oalers brand name factory seconds at discount prices. 15350 Old Sîmcoe Rd., Port Perry eSJltG FLEA ANTQUE > Collectibles, crafis, furniture, rare & old books and inuch more. A must (o visit when you're in) the area. Taho( 40 1 EasiIo ta Hy 0,0 & go narulî 4 afles saut? o Cai apbnll(ord 15 r7lçnîoç ,rathoaBnightnn Sat & Sun 10 5 - 705 653 3979 - 705 653-2023

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