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Whitby Free Press, 7 Jul 1993, p. 2

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Page 2, Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, JuIy 7, 1993 Man arrested in police raid ~ Cocaine, a large amount of cash and a pistol were seized in a raid on a Whitby apartment Iast week by the Durham Regional Police drug squad. r( H E ES E ST KKSl Police executed the 'narcotic control search warrant' at an apartment, at 100 White Oaks Tuesday afternoon; a search tur- ned up seven grams of cocaine, worth abut $1,500 on the atreet, cah.a 25 calibre semi-snxto- matic pso n a knife. A 40-year-old mani was arres- ~X~ I6 9 < I ted and faces, charges of posses- _ - nyReg. sion of a narcotic for the pur- * poses of trafficing, possesion o 9 9 /155 rces of crime over $1,00 * 3dozeuporci aisnr* possession of a restricted wea- aceslok.Pcehdhiscolc n wi Mrop pon, possession of a prohibited FAIRVIEW RESIDENT Bessie Acton and Pacesok.Psoehdh olctn -~-weapon and breach of recogni- volunteer Jo Vissoher look at sorne of Earl at the lodge recently for residents to enjoy. ~Omr~çskIo~,41,zance. Phoeto by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Pres ~hfoe Rat"iwaty satfety concernshee <DfK~ IIF ROM PAGE l. Drive questioned the wisdom of Counciller John Dolstra, howe- bankrupt. CP is hanging on by - RMWUWeUMUUU permitting residential develop- ver, was not convinced. theïr fingenas.ewo'se Doistra poxnted out mat tne -a rsov--an-mm on If Ea 6 »I2doeperSoI Sm h 1' 1380 Hopkins Street Whitby 666- 1177 First time buyers-2 bdIrms., partly fnished bsmnt. and largo eat-in kitchen with walkout ta deck and beautiful 66'x1 64' mature lot. Asking $1 24,5001 EXCELLENT CONDITIONI Close ta schools. exoeptionai 3+2 bdrrm., addition wtud bnt., updated kttch., securtty system and sttuated on a beauliful prvate parktike lt. Lsted at S182.900t deveiopment, said traffic studies prepared in support of the appli- cation have done nothing te ease rosidenta' fears. Concerna about increased traf- fic and the safoty of chiidren who attend two nearby achoola have net been adequateiy addressod, Sandford claimod. «We've got children who have problema. crossing the road now and you want te add another apartment building?" she said. Notin g that there are other rpsas for high-density deve- lopment in the surrounding area Sandford accused council oý ashoving everything inte our neighbourhood." e wan te know when it'a al comngtfe an end?" she added. Cathy Dabberdt of Kiiberry * E. AU DETACHEDt Close ta downtown Whitby aud GO Station. this homne otters 5 bdrrms.. an oversized garage and a huge lot. Listed at $109,900 Cail Rosemary Brown at 433-2121 I just love IV giving away FREE Air Miles" ment se, near te a railway line. Dabberdt, who with -husband Ray lives north of the tracks --"se close you can almoat see the engineer'a face" -- described the noise and smoke from passing trains as «horrendous» and said it would be even worse fer apart- ment dwellera. Dabberdt aIse noted that trains often carr potentialiy dangorouis chemicals and there is always the risk of fire and «toxic spilla» in the event of an acci- dent. "To conaider putting peopie 50 close la irresponsible," sh e said. Former Whitby ire chief Ed Crouch aise, objocted te, tho appli- cation. Crouch, who resides on Regeny Crescent, noted that in addition te, Canadian Pacific, severai public agencies hacd con- cerna about the proposai. Commenta were received from the Whitby fire department, Dur- ham Region and t he Town's pub- lic works department, Crouch aaid. Planning directer Bob Short agreed that the agencies did have concerna, but other titan CP none had outright objections. "ýeey de go on te atate that if it is te ho approved, there are a number of conditions that have te be implemented,» said Short. He aJdIed that CP's objection was standard procedure whene- ver residential deveiopment is proposed near its property. Town spent «a lot of monge in the past year trying to keep «epe«off the tracks» after a Whîtby teenager was kiiled by a train in 1991. He also noted that despite a bylaw which attempted te, reduce their frequency, train whisties are stili an ongoingproblem in residential areas of Vitb. "I don't understand why you want te build an apartmnent building near a railroad track,» said Doistra. Gleibermnan repiied that «any appIication I have had beside GNCP tracks, they have objec- teýd.Thia is net unique." Whenever a rail company is asked te comment on proposais te deveiop residential land which abuts tracks, it has a standard "ne development» response, he added. «Quite frankiy, I don't care what CP says one way or another," aaid councillor Marcel Brunelle. Opposed te, the recommenda- tion, Bruneiie used the occassion te lambaste both CP and the federal gevernment for net honouring« commitments te, buiid a new briae on Gardon Street. "They and the federal govern- ment reneged on their share of the funding and the Town dosen't have the financiai resources for an overpass," he said. "The federal government is Aithough he said traffic and servicing probiems can be recti- fied from an engineerngV perspec- tive, Brunelle stili coula ne-t sup- port the application, "To put people that close te a railw&ay tracek dosen't malce sense, ho said. ; Gleiberman admitted that not ail petential problems associated with the project can be resoived, but that people who move into the building wili do se wîth that knowiedge. «Neoflone18 putting a giin tQ their heads and forcing them te live there,» he said. Although council recentiy approved a-icompréhensive zen- ing byiaw te bring this and other downtown areas inte comformity with the Town's officiai plan, the pro sed site is -still zoned indus- This prompted councillor Den- nia Fox te ask residents te con- aider the alternative. «At some point a person has the right te ask for his lands te be deveioped. If he'a refused rosi- dential, he can corne forward with industrial,» aaid Fox. - A HISTORICAL FEATURE in the Whitby Free Press 1. In what church is there a memorial window to a soldier who died of wounds in the Battle of the Somme in the First World War? 2. Who laid the cornerstone of the Brooklin Masonic Temple on Sept. 19, 1951 ? 3.What was Trafalgar Castle School called f rom 1874 to 1979? 4.Where was the f irst automobile dealership in Whitby? Answers on Page 16 This feature provided by In an article in the June 16 edition, Mary Morrisette was in- correctly identified as a warden at Collins Bay Penitentiary. She is a superiser. The Free Press regrets t he errer. ~AI~ f~,4 Vt X 16~4.~%~W~ / W w . . .... THI 1 ose.*Across FromMcDnl iBROASTED CHICKEN DINNER! $1*OO OFF 1 LB WINGS I 3 Pieces Chicken o MiId, Medium, Hot,I * Fries, Coleslaw, Roll Suicide or Honey Garlie Not valid with any other special. Net valid with any other special. IPlease present coupon when orderlng. Please prosent coupon when ordering. *One coupon per customner. Expires JuIy 31/3. One coupon per customner. Expires JuIy 31/93.

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