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Whitby Free Press, 11 Aug 1993, p. 21

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August Il. 1993, Page 21 CHILD-CARE .-SERVICES MOTHER 0F TWO, ages 3 & 6 will provide chiîdcare in my home. Tentative care, supervised activities, nutritious meals & snacks are provided. I arn on the bus route to St. Theresa's & within walking distance of Leslie McFarfane & Pringle Creek schools. 1 will also provide transportation for A.M. kindergarten to F.M. Heard & Glendu schools. Indome tax receipts provided & references. Cail Lynda, 666-1203. Manning/Garden. LOVING MOTHER AVAILABLE to do daycare in my home. Nutritious lunch & snack. Fallingbrook & Dryden area. 430-3361. MOTHER 0F 2 will provide full-time .daycare in my home. Close to Gîendhu Public School & Fallingbrook park. Rossîand Rd. & Garden St. area. Fallingbrook sub-division. Please caîl 430-1412. EXPERIENCED DAVOARE available. Non-smoker. Large fenced yard. Parks nearby. Brock/Hwy. #2 area. Please cal 668-9990. M a 1 ýr- WHITBY. Complete one bedroon basement apartment. K-Mart andt Dundas. *No pets. First/last. References. $535/month. Laundny facilities available. 723-2871. ÂNDERSON/DUNDAS. 1 bed- room, private entrance, pool laundry, parking. Non-smoker. References. $550 inclusive. 668-5464. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment availabie after July 31. Large livin room, kitchen, frde, stove. Aliutilities included pilus hydre. Close to school, shopping. $595. First & Iast. 668-0629. WHITBY. 2 bedroom Iuxury apartment with baîcony in a quiet area. Walking distance to GO station. Lots o f parking. 433-8689. 7tYvÇeàw ~a wed 4 44*d [e7The Mutua Group HERB TRAN cati for quotation 725-6564 BRUANS Lawnmower >Repair 721-2844 a 725-8709 Free PickUP & Deiiver LAWN MOWER SPECIAL TUNE UP $49.9 $49.9 +.parts S inieriocking stone retaining walis Wood fencing & decks FREE COMPET77VE ESTIMA4TES Written Guarantee Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning sinoe 1986 CALL 666-7777 FOR AN APPOINTM ENT. s -.P APATMENTS...HM$ ***FR N. I ROOMS, FOR RENT WHITBY - Furnished or unfurnished room. Private wash- room, share kitchen. $450. Cali 666-3478. DOWNTOWN WHITBY. Clean, quefurnished room. Available inmedkiately. Includes parking, cabie, kitchen use. Suit mature maie. -$85/weekly. First/Iast. 668-3640. SHARED. ACCOMMODATION ROOMMATE WANTED. Large house, north Whitby. Private V/2 bath, iaundry, parking. Quiet area. Ron or Dave at 723-3074. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Roommate wanted to share 4 bedroom house. Laundry facilities. Female preferred. $300/month. Utiîities included. Mature, quiet working people only please. Caîl 430-7103, leave message. SHARE 3 bedroom Townhouse. Non-smoker. $600/month, includes utilities. Brock & Rossland area. Caîl atter 8 p.m. 668-5753.. ]MAIN FLOOR - 3 bedroom apartment. Mature, stable family preferred. No -pets. Available .Septembeýr 1. Rent reasonable. References. Flrst and last. Evenings, WhitbyU43-7298, days, 1n Toronto Pager 337-3455. El E. v WHITBY. 1 bedroom basement apartment. Parking available. Colour T.V., cable. $450/month. CatI 668-1406. (Dundas & McQuay) WHITBY.. Lgrge 3 bedroomn apartment in T-rîplex. $750 plus -1iities. Available September 1. No pets. 655-8824., BEAUTIFUL 1 BEDROOM apart- ment in basement ef West 'Lynde home. Available September 1. 5 appliances. Close to ail amenities. Cail 666-0171 evenings. BROOKUN. 3 bedroomn available immediatey. $850 per month plus utilities.First & last plus references. Caîl Cheryl, 655-4570 atter 6 p.m. BROOKUIN. Beautifui 1,100 sq. ft. basement apartment on 2 1/2 acres. Large~ 1 bedroom, separate walk-out. Fridge, stove, utilities & parking. Close to amenities. Non-smoker. Pets welcome. First & last. $650. Available October 1. 655-5293. ... .. CIAL..A... F..........R..... BROOKUIN. 365 sq. ft. off ice space. Let us discuss your need. Caîl 655-5539. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MEDICALIPROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 625 sq. ft., downtown Whtby. Ground floor, loads of parking, private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. OSHAWA. Detached 3 bedroom house available September 1. Central location. Close to schools, shppig 2 - 4 pce. bathrooms, f inished asement. $895 + utiltes. First/last. 668-3640. WHITBY CONDO. 580 Mary St. E. 2 bedroom, 1 V2 baths. $850/month. Available immediatelv. Phone 666-9820. WHITBY. West Lynde, three bedrooms, garage, playground, backs onto green space. Schools, shopping, buses, GO t rai n. First/last. References. Application 723-2871. OSHAWA. 2 1V2 store y home. Recently renovated. 4bedrooms, 2 -4 pce. bathrooms. Fridge & stove. Large driveway. No pets. First/last required. $900 + utilties. 436-1681 evenings, 721-2054 days. WHITBY. 4 bedroom house. Air condituoned, large backçyard onto park. Appiances negotiabie. $1,200/month +i utilities. 666-3478. HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR REMf If you had adverdsed he, 1,0009 ike ypu weuid b. reading this new. Cali 6684111 OSHAWA. 3 bedroom, large basement, luxury house & utilities & Central air, central vac. Suitable for family or 3 friends. Excellent neighbourhood. $1,250/rronth. Available from 15th September. (416)502-0841, FAX (416)502-9005. 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Finished basement, appliances gaae, nice neighbouirhood. 311 Garden St., Whitby. $750/montli plus utilities. Immediate occupancy. Caîl 668-1831 after 6 p.m. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset Blvd. (Brock Sti/Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedrooms * 11/2 BathS *5 Appliances *Central Air *Garage *Paved Driveway4 *3 Models *On Site Management *Easy Access to "Go" *Rents Start at $1,000 per month 668-1389 K.C. McCaIl Property Management 666-5794 - 924-1100 FIEALTH/1 MEDICAL NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE - 38 years It Business provides HEALTH PAC for an y trips up ta 180 DAYS. SINGLE & FAMILY RIAIES under a a 73. Si million caverage - DIRECT CLAIM PrIYMENT t'am 5S49 ta $144n. CAIL 1-800-265- 1657 ....SALES AGENTS IPJVOUR AREA NEEDED. BUSINESS SERVICES IREAS, INVENTIONS. NEW PRiO.DUCI S! One nt Amricas leading Invention firme cen hetp you submit ta induslry and exhibit ai National Inventor's Exposition. Caliintie 1 -800-288-IDEA. COMING EVENTS ST. JACOBS CRAFI 0110W AND SALE: Saturdoy, August 28, 9ain-5pîîî: Surîday. Augusl 29, 1Oam.Spm. Adlîs: $3. 90e Vendors. At St. Jacoba Arene and Cammunity Centre, loltow IIwy. 86 norlh of Kichener-Vleiloo. PRAIRIE OYSTER. DOUG KERSHAW, Mac VWseman, Gaad GBithers, Stonewali Jac.kson. Haveicck Countiy Jamboree, Aug. 13, 14 & 15. 17 bande. bigger, baller. Easternr Canadas taigest. (705) 778-5206 ave., (705) 778-3353 days, FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET. SPECIAL FREE auldoor vendung. Wanled: Farmets Market and Vendors. Open Salurday, Stin'ay 10-5. 10,000 sqî1t, indoor space ta serve you Cal (613) 752- 2468. BROCKVILLE '93 Antique Ato Flea Market, August 14-15. Car Show, Sunday 10-3. Ellzabetlown Fait grounds. Rows Corners. Admission $2. Somiething For Evarynne, Vendor nIa (613> 342-3121. VACATIONITRAVEL MYRTLE BEACHI RESOI Vacation Rentas - Fully turnilted condos. Pools, tennis and maie' Gal(packagesl winler rentaIs availabie. Fait rates lîom $327lweak. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800-448- 5653. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIIIES BRITISH PUB. Lite styla, quaint tuisl village, Palrenham. Licenced Pub Rîrsiauiant, patio. 2 lovely 4 bedroom apartro-imîs. Sions Building, land, chales. equipneni, askinq 53(Mi,.000. (6 11) 624-5409. REALIZE VOUR ENTREPRF.IE'JRIAL Potentiai. Distribute a competiliveiy priced consumnabie product Pioduct generaleq ri-peal urdems. Financiai indapendence s in siglîl. Frce iroomalion. Cali (416> 240 1764ý PERFECT TVJO FAMILY Businiess Licanced Rîsleurairt pub. patio, charli--s. equipmirenl 2 huge 4 bedroom aparirnenîts. eaulî lui stone building. land. Askiiig $30r,.000 Open bids. Pakenfiain15113 24 5409. HECK 0F A DECI< Oflera: iow Invsiment - excellent returna - home-based graund-Iloor appartunity - prtoeld territorles - tarrilic training -branded producta ilservices. Dealer Inquiries. 1-800-461-3651. CARIEER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Soulhweslein Schl of a Auctioneering. Nexi Class: Novenber 20-26. Information. contact: Southwestern Ontario Schaal ai Auctlaneering, R.15. Waodslack, Ontario N45 7V9.(1519> 537-2115. EMPLQYMENT OPPORTIJNITIES FULI-TIME CLEANING POSITIONS avaitable in quatity rosonts. Banfand Jasper, Alla. Subsidlzed aingle accammodations availabto. Contact Allson Plante at Chaleau Jasper*(403) 852-5644 Saturday lhrough Wedneaday. 8:30aîn3:3Opm. PERSONALS MAKE MONEY, LOSE WEIGHT, Imprave Health. Lost 23 pounds, macla 42% profit an aver S3000 ig, sales, 60 days part-lime. Flnd out haw. (613) 582-7243. POETRY POETRy CONTESI $12.000 In prizes. Possible publication. Send one original paem 20 fies or less ta: National Lbrary Of Paetry, Box 704.ND. Oiings Mille. Md 21117 REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershlp or lmashare? We*lI latte hi Amelcaa tlargeat resale ctearinghause. Cali Resait Sales International. 1. 800-423-5967 (24 hauts>. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StraItwatI Type - nol quoneet - 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11,690; 50s90 $16,622; 60x126 $25.375 - ather sires availabte - Final Surorer clearance - Patagon - 24 Hauts 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS: Manutacturers ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 20x3O $2577.00. 25x36 $3,382.00. 30x4O $4,688.00. 35x44 $4.531.00, dOxSo $6.944.00, 44x60 $7,988.00. Straight-sided and atso arch style. PIONEER 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. A cheap Building otteis nu tlexibituty. mîay even cast mare money. TIhe answer lot Ouairty, Irtegrity & Service - FUURE SI EEL. Thousands af people cen't be wrong. Cali 1-800-668-8653. A Z PnE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm, siorage. Commercial, odustriai. New types. steeVwood. quonset. ctadding. For tiue value, action & answers - WalIy (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures. Clip-save. SPAN-TECH SIEEL BUILDINGS LID. - Easy tn erect ai/steel & woodlsleet buildings. OSSII cerltied, larm, resideritiai, industriat, large or smatl. contracting avaiabie, 24 hours. 1-800-561. 2200. Vradcld appercar in mul, ly newapapera in Ontario, or right acrosa Canada, or any ndividuel prov rîce Space j, Lin ad, o aColi This Newspaper odoyl "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE9 'ro rumbi a ,Wdrmark, re athrouqh h.oix iw memb.ship oflthe Ontaio and Canaclian Coatnitry Newspa.i.r Assocations. Central Ontafro 55 newspaers -51I60 tor 25 words -A#l Ontario newspprs. 350 for 25 worlsn Att Canada 572 nempapers -$1.121 for 25 words For further information please cail the Whilby Free Press CasIfieds - 6686111l I Wity FeePres 68-11 * tfoeHours: Morlday.tQýFriday0 arn0to"5»00. m -68059 The 6 ystemn that provides... *Unscheduled home visits -ensure quaîity care for your child *Fuily trained providers receive ongoing Agency, support *Reliabie local back-up covers Provider iliness or hoiidas " Compiee insu ranoe coverage Income tax receipts *Chiidren six weeks and Up " ýFuli or part-timne For more Information Sai: a ioensed Agency CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE 115 FAST - 115 EA5Yî ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL.-1 LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartment in triplex. 1,100 sq. ft . Cable & laundry facilities included. Avaiîable end of August. $850/month. 430-7944. CLEAN & QUIET, 1 & 3 bedroom ap artments. Centrally located. Non-smokers preferred. From $475/month. Cail 668-3011 message or 666-3883. MAIN FLOOR of 3 bedraom bungalow in Whitby's West Lynde. 5 appliances, parking, large f enced lot, near schools, parks, GO gus. Available Au gust 15. $850, share utilities. First/last. 668-8620. FURNISHD EXECU-SUITE One bedroomn & den. fuly furnfshed, including telephone, câble, dishes, linen, parking, etc. 1-416-852-5128 DOWNTOWN WHITBY. 1 bedroomn apartment. $625/month, includes hydro, heat & water plus 1 parkingsace Fridge & stove. Availabeetember 1 or October 1. Cail 728-9679. L- 'Whitby f'ree. Press

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