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Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1993, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 8, 1993 INFORMATION SERJES The Durham Region Heaith Department and the Glazier Medical Centre wiil sponsor an information seies for individuals caring for an aduit family member or friend. The six-week program will ho heid on Wednosdays, Sept. 15 to Oct. 20, 7 te 9 p.m., at Glazier Medical Centre, il Gibb St., Oshawa. To registor, cail the health dopartment at 723-8521 or 686-2740 (Toronto lime) or tho medical centre at 579-1212. PHOTO CLUB Whitby Photo Club will hold its first meeting of the soason Monday, Sept. 13, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Family Trust building, i-ckory and Dundas stroots. There will be a presentation of the new program and a travelogue of Florida by Peter Toxnblin. New membors welcome. For information, caîl 666-4467. CESAREAN PREVENTION The Cesarean Prevention Support and Education Group of Durham Region will mot on Monday, Sept. 13, 7:30 p.m. at 1112 St. Andrew's Court, Oshawa. The topic for discussion will be 'Relaxation & Visualization for Childbirth.' For more information, contact Lisa Westen at 576-0562. BEGISTIRATION Registration for Sparks, Brownies and Pathfinders will take place Monday, Sept. 13, 6:30 te 8:30 p.m., at Ail Saints' Church hall, C entre Street entrance, Whlitby. For more information, calI Bey Allen at 666-3674. BEDPAN BLITZ The Whitby Lionesa Club will hold a Bedpan Blitz on Süýurday, Sept. 11, 10 a.m. te 4 ptni., at Whitby Ceneral - Hospital. Proceeds will holp purchase new oquipmont for the hospital. BIG SISTER ORIENTAION Big Sisters NOW will hold its next orientation on Wednesday, Sept. 15, 7 p.m., at 179 Kfing St. E., Oshawa. Caîl 436-0951 for more information or te rogister. NOW has more than 40 childron on the waiting list in need of a Big Sister. SUPPORT CROUP The Head Injury Association of Durham Rogion will hold a support group meeting on Wodnosday, Sept. 15, 7:30 p.m. at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa (parking in rear). Everyone welcome. Survivons Croup on main floor. Family and caregivers group upstairs. If you need assistance with transportation cali the office at 723-2732. REGISTRATION Registration for classes in bEnglis as a second language wilI oheld Sept. 9, 1to 3 p.m. at St. Mark's United Church. Classes for aduits and pre-achoolers will ho held Tuesday and Thursday aflornoons, and are free to landed immigrants (bring immigration papers te register) and pre-schoolers. Programs are YARD SALE FUNDRAIER The Pregnancy Help Centre, a non-profit organization, will hold a yard sale Sept. 18, 8 amn. te 1 anm.at the eentre, 127 Perry St., Whitby. For more information or te make an appointment, oel 4310-0805 or 1.800-461-2371. wha0 THEOS The local chapter of THEOS will meet on Sunday, Sept. 12 at 2 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane St., Whitby. THEOS is a support group for the widowed, and al widowed mon and women are welcome te attend. For more information cali 668-2648. ASTHMA OUTREACH This fali the Lung Association continues ita Asthma Outreach Program for asthmatics living in Durh Region. Sessions will ho held Mondays, Sept. 13, 20 and 27, 6:30 p.m., at CLOCA Club House, 110 Whiiting Ave., Oshawa. Respiratory therapista will review different aspects of qsthma and its troatment, and hands-on assistance will ho given on the use of inhalera, peak flow metres and other breathing devices. For more information, cail the association at 436-1046. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Duplicate bridge for novice playors is heid every Tuesday, 7:15 p.m., at St. Andrew's Community Centre, 346 Exeter Rd., Ajax. For more information, call Gail at 725-4163 or Donna at 683-5759. LA LECHE MEETING La Leche Loague Whitby will hold the monthly breastfeeding spotmeeting Thursday, Sept. 9. The tepic is 'Nutrition and Weaming.' Mothers, babies and expectant mothers welcome. Cali 723-0542 for more information. La Leche is a non-profit breastfeeding support group that provides friendly, knowledgeable assistance frm mothers with personal nursing expoience. NEWCOMERS, CLUB The Oshawa/Wluùtby New- corners' Club will hold the general meeting Tuesday, Sept. 14, 8 p.m., at the Arts Rosrarce Centre in Oshawa. An international evening is planied, with food samples from other countries. Anyone new te the area is invitod te attend. For more information, cali Information Whitby at 668-0552 or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. ANNUAL MEETING The Whitby chapter of the' Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario will hold the annual meeting on Monday, Sept. 13, 7:30 p.m., at Region head- quartera, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, room B15. Al are welcome. FRED JOHNS Iooks like he's ready to head off on patrol in this beautifully restored 1953 Chevy, much like the ones used back then by the Oshawa Police Department. Former members and friends WOMEN'SAGLOW The Oshawa-Whitby chapter of Women's Aglow Feliowship will meet on Tusay, Sept. 9, 7 p.m., at Culon Gardons, aboyé the restaurant. Guest speaker wiil ho artist and Durham Board of Education trustee Patty Bow- man. For more information cali 723-9458. TERRY FOX RUN Volunteers are needed te heip orgadnize the Terry Fox Run te ho hoi in Whitby' on Sunday, Sept. 19. Caîl Marilyn Peck at 666- 2888. PARKINSON CROUP Parkinson Support Croup, Durhamn Region Chapter will hold the goneral .nmeeting on Monday, Sept. 13, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mark's, United Church, Whitbhy (corner Coîborne and Centre streets, south doon entrance). Parkin- sonians and their families and the - public are welcome. Wheelchair accessible and free parking. For more information or for these requiring a ride, cal 430-8375 or 666-8576. Non-pfi commiunlty roup whlch are basedIn Wlbor have a su ltnia] Whltby membershlp may place their or activiges on ths page at no cost. %Aoft mmaJow n0 I F rway et Sp m AVICULTURAL SOCIETY The Durham Avicultural Society of Ontario will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 7:30 p.m., at St. Ge'orge's Anglican Church, Randaîl Drive and Highway 2, Pickering Villa ge, Ajax.,for more information caîl John at 655- 8367 or George at 721-8397. EASY ACCESS The Whitby Easy Access Asso- ciation wiil meet on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2 p.m., at the Swis Chalet Restaurant, Dundas Stroet East, Whitby. Those phy- sically challenged, and their fam- ilies, are welcome to attend to addross their concerns, of accessi- bih7 and improve their quality CENTENNIAL CE[EBRATION The Canadian Club of Durham Region, in celebrating Canadian Clubs centenniai, will hogin the annual series of speakers Tuesday, Sept. 14, 6:30 p.m., at Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Guest speaker will ho D'Arcy Jonish, senior writer for McLeans, who has interviewed and written about many of Canada's tep business people, peliticians, writers, athletes, entertainers and academics. Ail are welcome to attend. For reservations or membership inquiries, cal 571-2679 or 668-4335. of the depariment are invited to a reunion Sat. Sept. 25 at Colonel R.S. McLaughlin Armories; cali.Johns at 723-5947 (home> or 579-1520, ext. 204 (work> for tickets or more information. Photo by Mark Reosor, Whitby Free Pres EPILPSYDURHAM Epilepsy Durham will meet on Tueaday, Sept. 14, 7:30 p.m.. at the Kinsmen communiy centre, 109 Coîborne St. W ,Osh- awa.The requested tepic will ho on behavieun, in ail age groupa. The guest speaker is from the Family , Education Resource Centre,< Ail welcome. For -more information caîl 666-9926. CHILREN'S MEETINGS Whitby -Christian Assombiy, corner of Rossand-, Road, and Brock Street, will hold children's meetings Monday, Sept. 13 te Friday, Se pLt 17, 7 p.m. each evening. 1oelHeimnbecker, a children's -specialiat, will ho directing activities.. -Ail are welcome. < ICHRONIC FATIq1JUe CPR COURSEIS The Durham Regffli Chronic' Durhami Save-a-Heart will 'FatigueýSyfdrom&U'E."Siipport- hold he fhiowig tr~~ Crup w meet on Wodneaday, course in oWiby tBasincuerSept. 1.5, 7 pm.at A.E. King (1ours)FindAity asic ept.10,6 Memorial &Comp1oxKingsway 10 us) p. ndSriday, Sept. 10,9 oCollege, Oshawaâ. For more infor- 10 .m.andSatrdy, ept 11 9 mation cal Renee Leahy at 655- a. te, 5 p.m., Tuesday and 4398.' Thbursday, Sept. 21, 23,'28, 30» 7 te 10 p.m., $48.60'persen; INFORMATION MEETING recertification of basic rescuer The-Refonm Party of Canada wil (ie hours>: Saturday Sept. 25, 9 hold an election ldck-off public arn. te 4 p.m.,$34.0/w sen information meeting Thunsday, infant/child (six heurs):- Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m., HM Ajax Wedneaday, Sept. 8, 15,- 7 te 10 room, Ajax COmnmunity Centre. p.m., $31/person; heart saver Ontario iding candidate Don (four hours), audy Sn.1, Sullivan will speak on the a.rn tei p.., 2&pese 1 Referai Party platform fer the Advance -registration - - <--rd 1wupcoming federal eleoonM IIare 66raucor0e995cin more information, call 686-0278. dance on Saturday, Sept. 18 at- Heydenshore Pavillon. Music complimentay buffet 'and cash? bW rm lketi ,are- $25 p-rCou le Beth Whyte at 668-5678. 'l imq FASHION SHOW Hand Me Downs, a kids secondhand clothing store, ýand Two Gais, a ladies' wear consign- ment store, will hold a fali fash- ion show on Monday, Sept. 20, 7 pou. at St. Josep h's Church, 110Mary St. N. (at Beatrice), Oshawa. The event is a fundrai- ser for the Children's Wish Foun- dation. The show featuros chil- dron's, ladies' and maternity wear, and there will be booths of Mary Kay Cosrnetics, Tupper- ware, Countr Craft and Dis- covery Toys. Tikets, $5 each, are available at Hand Me Downs locations et 1051 Simcoe St. N. and 375 Bond St. W., Oshawa and at Two Gals, Taunton Mn Simcoe, Oshawa. Cali 725-KEDS fer more information. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet on Sunday, Sept. 12, 12:30 pim., at the Arts Resource Centre bohind Oshawa Oit Hall. For more information callEarl or Sharon MacLean et 728-1352. REGISTRATION Registration for 8th Whitby Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will-be held Thursday, Sept. 9, 7:15 p.m., at Westmidnster United Church. Leaders are required at aIl levels. GARAGE SALE The Reformn Party's 'Blockbus- ter Garage Sale' will ho held on Saturday, Se pt. il at the party's office at 235 Bayly St. W. (oppo- site McDonaldes), Ajax: To donate items or for more information, caîl 686-0278. SCHIZOPHRENICS Ontario Friends of Schizo- phrenics, Durham chpater, will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 15, 7 te 9 Pm. at Whitby Psychiatric Hosptal~uiling30auditriumn. Gues paker is Michael Bay, director ofthe Psychiatric Asso- ciation of West Toronto, who will diseuss 'How to interpret the Mental Health Act? F or more information cali 404-1301. AMPUTREs' MEETING A meeting for amputees and .., potential amputees te exchange idoas, suggestions and concerns. will be held the second Tuesday of each month, beginning Sept. 14, 7 EM.,at the Mchael Staff uinlding,K1ing and Centre streets,, Oshawa. TIhe aim is te offer support and encouragement. For more information,ý caîl Bey at 623-1939 or Barb at 579-6204. ONE PAiRENT FAMILIES The Oshawa Chapter of One, Parent Faniilies Association will meet for coffee, cards and conversation on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. New menibers and, guesta are welcome. For more information, cali 436-5089 or 728-1011. PRE-SCHOOLPLàAY GROUP Fun for pre-schoolersl A break for mom!I Roots & Wing has atonies, crafts, gamnes. Cheerfu play centres include kitchen,

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