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Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1993, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednosclay. September 15, 1993 v ut Mamn aksvoters to break with trdtion By Mike Kowglold Referai Party Leader Preston Manning brouight hie pouliSt- style message te, Durhamn Rgion last week. Campaigning on behaîf of local Reform candidiates for the Oct. 25 federal election, Manning cal- led on Canadians te «seize the initiative" and abandon their tra- ditional approach te politics. They, and net politiciens muet set the agenda for the eeion caznpaign and any party which clingate the old way orfpolitick- in~es ses at its peril, Mannng "I'm convinced Canadians want te break with this tradition of havin liticans tell theai what theelection is al abut, Manning teid about 100 enthu- siastic supporters in Oshawa last Priday. «They are sick and tired of words that don't mean anything, of poiticians that don't stand for anything, and of election cam- paigns that don't mean any- thing,» he said. Flanked by area candidates, including Don Sulivan (Ontario riding) and Ian Smyth (Durham riding), Manning expressed his desire te draw a «lear distinc- tion" between the traditionai parties and Referai. He promised that hie party's platform wiii reflect what votera tell Referai candidates durmng the campi.be cc plsd This 2 bw acomliie A GREEN TIIUMB IS A HELPING HAND TO TUE ENVIRONMENT COMPOST WOIIKSIIOPS ANI) DISTRIBUTION DAYS * Information Workshops *Special Manufacturer Giveaways *Sale of Subsidized Composter Units ... $15 each LOCATION IIOLIANI)BILDIING (CENTRE 1277 Wilson Road North Oshawa 725-4709 (>GS LANDSCAPE 1>0-lT CENTRE 5515 Thickson Road North Whitby 655-3304 REKKER (;ARDENS 2 km west eof Bowmanville on Hwy #2 623-2300 VIEVEEN'S NURSERY 468 Mara Road Beaverton 426-7067 NEWSCASTL'IE LUMBER LIMlTEl) Hwy #2, east et' Milîtreet Newcastle Village 987-4713 SH ERIDAN . REîS 1M[I) The Home and Design Centre 1755 Pickering Parkway Pickering 428-6316 DATE F EVENT S;iturda;iN, Septeither I Stî, 1993 Yam to ipm S,,turd,iy , Septeibr 1811t, 1993 9am te 3pm S.îturdaN . Septeîilwr 25th, 1993 9aun to 3pm Sa> urday, .Octoher 161ih, 1993 lOam to 3pmi Sa> urday, Octoher 23, 1993 9am te 3pm (Sale of Composter Units and Information Workshops OnIy) (X (li., ut )c-23rdc. 1993 IOam to 3pm Residents can pick up the composter of their choice for just $15 during regular hours at ail of the locations listed above as well as Beaverton Municipal Office, Cannington Municipal Office, and Sunderland Municipal Office. Questions about Durham Region Waste Reduction Programs? Caîl 668-7721. NEW STYLES NOW AVAILABLE Ibis pregram is subsidized by the Ministry eof the Environment and Energy :DURHAM.: NATIONAL REFORM party leader Preston Manning says his party's platform wiIl reflect what party candidates are totd by voters during the campaign. Photo by Maurce Pither, Fme Press through a variety of means such as setting aside a portion of every Reform rally te aliow the public to ask questions of the candidate or to comment on the issues, Manning said. "We want to make it se crystal clear thqt even the dumbest cern- mentator or disinterested person can understand what we are about so they won't be able to say there is ne difference bet- ween the parties," he said. By Oct. 25, peopie will be able te distinguish between "burnt eut Refermers (NDP), reluctant Reforiners (Liberali, pheney Reformners (Censervatives) and the real thing,» sad Manning. While emphasizing the "people first» aspect. ef Reform's cam- paifn, Manning said the party will ase concentrate on four major themes fom nw until election day. These include the need for a balanoed budget; revamping the criminai justice systeai; revitaliz- ing the agriculture industry and reforming Canada's politicai sys- teai te make politicians more oki union hall accountabie te their constituents. Allowing veters te «rire" their Member of Parliament threugh a recail petition should he/she net reflect their wishes is one exam- pie of the latter, Manning expiained. "This is what we mean by offering substantive policies rather than superficiality and fluif," he said. Manning urged Canadians te pose tough questions te ail party leaders and their candidates over the next six weeks. "If you ask shallowr questions, you get shallow answers,» he said. For instance, «How is a good job with a reod income created in the 1990sT That's a substantive question," said Manning. "Whort is the role of govern- ment and what is the role of the private sector? Who has the lead role and who is suppertive?" he asked. Referai has been asking these samne type of questions or the last two years and will Mut for- ward its own answers ater in the campaign, Manning said. «But the;,other parties wiil only respond if they hear themn frem you. Speak in a way that makes poiiticxans respond,' hie said. Deciaring that Reformi is breaking with tradition in this campaign, Manning said uçana.. dians wiii only get what they want if they break with tradition as weil." Noting that Referai has candi- dates in 96 of Ontario's 99 rid- ings and 200 acrose Canada, excluding Quebec, Manning said, "les m-'-<fIIraiconviction that many (&nadians who want te break with tradition wili fEnd a home in the Referai Party. Underscoring this dlaim Man- ning took note of where Friday's raly was being heid -- the former retirees centre of Local 222 of the Canadian Aute Workere union which now serves as the cam- pinoffice for Oshawa riding Reform candidate Andrew Davies. "The NDP is ne longer the voice of the working people," said Manning. To prolonged appiause, ho added, uThat is why the Reform fia g is flinga. on t he old union ha iL. Oshawa, the former head- 'quatrs of (former) NDP leader Ed Breadbent." Following his remarks, Man- ning answered a few questions fromn the audience. On the issue of defence, ho said Canada's "military mission"n must be re-defined and sugges- ted that the armed forces oniy be used in matters of national sovereignty. Manning did net indicate whether he supported the contre- versiai multi-mullion dollar heli- copter purchase which has caused somne probleais for Prime Minister Kim Campbell. In response te a query about immigration, Manning teuted his artY's upro.immigration» stand, b ut said the economy and labour force must dictate how many immigrants are permitted each «eýIf the government can prove it wiil be a net economic beneflit te Canada then it (levels) should increase," he said. As for making it more attrac- tive for business te invest in Canaýda Manning was concise. "Te iggest thing governaient can do is get its ewn spending under control te the point l giving tax relief (te business). TI t will make it good for invest- ment." i77D DURHAM REGION 1

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