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Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1993, p. 7

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Whitby Free Prss, Wedriosday, September 15, 1993. Page 7 Rae Days Ever wonder how Bob Rae and his Cabinet officiais are dealing with the social contract. The following transcript may shedi some fuzz balla. PREMIER: WeIl, that about does it for the fall legisiative plans. What I would like to deal with now is our re-election plans. FLOYD LAUGHREN: Re-election? Cheez, I thought we wuz one-term wonders. Why'd we do ail this stupid stuf if we thought we had a chance of being re-elected? BOB RAB: We didn't get elected to do what is popular. We got elected to do what is ight. Now we must convince the voters that the Right is the way te vote. Right, gays? Right, gais? DAVE COOKE: (aside te Allen Pilkey) Ever notice how he sounde more and more like . -. like .. . rm like Kim Campbell, I can't bring myself te say that nme. .. rhymes with Baloney. RAB: (Continuing) How about some campaign slogans. iàke: Re-elect Bob Rae: The Tough Left Dees What Is Right. Far Right. CABINET CHORUS: Hear, hear. Premier Bob, Premier Bob. .. (Polite applause follows.) FLOYD: Or hew about: The Tough Left: A Rae Day Keeps the Deficit At Bay. Right? BOB RAB: Speaking of Rae Days, perhaps it is time we figureci eut how we are ail going te take our unpaid days. CABINT CHORUS: (Ail, inx unison) Us? Take unpaid dlays? PILKEY: (To the tune of School Days): Rae Days, Rae Days Good Olci Union Fool Days Fighting the Unions and ail their Tricks We showed 'em...- FLOYD: What we here inx Cabinet do is tee important te Jet any of us take a day off. In fact, we're aIl working s0 hard we deserve apay raise. CABINET CHORUS: Pay raise, Pay raise Good olci fashioned pay raise Add up inflation and add three per cent Those were the days when our mincis were bont. DAVE COOKE: Well, if we take Rae Days, the voters sheulci know we're doing everything we can te combat the deficit. Maybe shut down the whole province for twelve days in a row. BOB RAB: Wasn't the past wonderful? But we must get real. Wili voters be satisfied that we have eut our own salaries, tee? FLOYD: Then we shouldn't have te take unpaid days as well. 'Cause that's what those unpaid days really are is pay cuts inx disguise. Do you think anyone really twigged te that? I can hardy believe that the whole public service was tee dumb te figure that eut. AUDREY:* Can a woman of federal persuasion join in this skit?- Gad, this whele thix'g is just like a baci dream. What's the chance that we can ail wake up andi we'1l bo net onIy eut of this skit but Bob Rae wouId ho sharp-tengued Opposition critic again? BOB RAB: Don't we ail wish. But no, join in, Audrey. I was beginxuing te thinik it was my deodorant. AUDREY.- Nething personal, Bob. Itfs just this election thing makes my staff antsy. BOB RAB: Yeah, I heard about you trying te work eut an accord with the Libe-rals, juat like we dici, when was it, Gawd time files! Five, seven years ago? AUDREY: All you had staring you in the face then was the werst depressien since the thirties. Now: oblivion. RAE: Whatever. I May get eut of provincial politics right after the next Ontario lection. If I can time it right, maybe WH1TBYS FIRSI' MOTOR BUS, OPERATED BY JOSEPH BIEARDt 1917 This motor bus is parked on Elm Street, back of the Heard Garage which is now Johnvince Foocis. Heard's bus met ail the trains at the Whitby railway stations andi took passengers to the downtown hotels. Whltby Archives photo 10 YUARS AGO from the Wednesday, September 14, 1983 edition of the WHITBY FREE PIRESS " Anrry protestors heckled Community and Social Services Minîster Frank Drea at Iroquois Park about the closing of the Durham Centre for the DevelopmentallY Handicappeci. " A new wing at Fairview Ledge was opened on Sept. 7. " Town council bas spent $125,000 in repairs te the Kinsnien Park swimming pool in the last two years. " To,%n andi regional counicils have approveci development west of Thickson Roaci and south of Winchester Road at Brooklin. 35 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, September il, 1958 edition of the WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS " Town council has refuseci to pay the 30 per cent increase in water rates charged by the Public Utilities Commission. " Bert Foote and C.L. Jenkins are new memnbers of the Whiitby Planning Board. " Thomas Newmýan, aged 94, a veteran of the Anglo-Burmese War of 1885 te 1887, died on Sept. 4. " Forty-five Almonds area residents have petitioned te have wat.er mains extended te their subdivision. 80 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, Septeniber il, 1913 editîon of the WHITY GAZETTE AND CIIRONICLE " The Town council inspected sewage disposai plants at New Toronto, Oakvîlle andi Weston. " A fire broke out on the third floor of the Kohen Block on Brock Street, south of the Town Hall, on Sept. 5. " A giant advertising sign for Coca Cola is being painted on the north wall of the Hewis Brock on Brock Street Nerth. " The separate school, north of the Catholic Church on Palace Street, bas been brick veneered and new desks have been instailed.

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