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Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1993, p. 8

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Page 8, Whitby Free Press. Wedresday, September 15, 1993 Shuttie- service reduced Wbitby Transit is scaling back its evening shuttle from the Whitby GO station. Because of heavy passenger leade frem the 8:04 p.m. and 9:13 p.m. GO arrivais, twe buses have been used, ene serving the east side of town and the other the West. But G(4Ys decisien te limit train service te Whitby te rush heurs only lias cut passenger velumes, according te a werks department report te operations cofmittee, 'se the use of twe buses every heur isn't needed te, maintain the schodule. Effective Se pt. 20, a proposed sehedulo has the evening shuttle operating from the GO station hourlv. depnarting at 8:04 p.m., Whitby Mail on the way back. A bus would de part frorn the Centre again at 9:40 p.m. and malce the sarne stops. The change answers a "con- stant request te provide servce later into the eveningfrem the m ajer hoppin g flacilities," acordîgta, works directer Tony Hancock Tereport aIse notes that, binning today trnit users can purchase ticicets and passes at two new locations: Meney Mart at 106 Brock St. S. and Cash 'N Dash at 701 Dundas St. W- The number ef people riding Wihitby Transit continues te in- crease. Ridership was U,ýp 19 per cent mA1tb business * ~ Tut exhibit at mail Replicas of treasures from King Tue's tomb and reproduc- tions of Britain's crown .ewels will be on display at the Whiby MaIl Sept. 20 te 25. Carey Troke, president of RoyalT Exhibits of Perth, Ont., owns dozens of the replicas, genan authentic look with a 24-karat gold finish. Works, representing the trea- sures frorn the tomb of the boy 9:13 m,101 m,1:3pmi Ma ad 16.9ý per oýent in 12:13 a.. and 1:13 a.m. June, fromthe saine period last A second bus would beave the year. It dropped 1.9 percent in B ankl holds GO station at 8:04 p.m., arrive at July because summâer schoolT Oshawa Centre at 8:40 p.m., and runs were not done this yearU n e W a stop at Kendalwood PIaza and according te the report. li ie ay Two hurt inaccidents bnabecueRan o Two workers were hurt in separate industrial accidents Wednesday evening in Whitby. A 67-year-old Roseneath man fell from a scaffold while working on the new Sinclair Secondary SchcolfDurham Board of Educa- tien headquarters. The victimn and another man were working, on a scaffold about four and a haîf feet off the ground, police say, when the co-worker heard his nartner veli. and turned te soe him lying on the floor bleeding fromn the head. Ho was rushed te, Oshawa General Hospital with severe facial ijuries. Police later interviewed the victim, but ho was unable to tel them what caused his faîl. Several heurs later a man fell off a large garbage bin at the Pringle reek IGA plaza at Anderson and Manni*ng.streets, injuringhis back andrIbs. Police say the 29-year-old Ajax man chrnbed atep the bin, which was filled te overflowing, se ho could take some garbage off the tep and cover it with a tarp. He shpp ed and foul. fe was taken te Whitby General Hospital complaining of pain in his back and sore ribs. The Ontario Ministry of Labeur is investigating both in- cidents. CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN OFWHIT.BY ... ..PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. LEASE PROPOSAL: HEYDENSHORE PAVILION Te Parks and Recreation Department is currently inviting written proposais for the lease of the Heydenshore Pavillon. lnterested parties may obtain a lease pro posai package at the Whitby Municipal Buildring, Parks anid Recreation Depatent (lower level). Closlng date: September 30, 1993. Noe: To our present clients, ail confirmed permits will be honoured. RECREATION AT ITS BEST o CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF.WHITBY 1993 FINAL TAX NOTICE The fourth instalment of taxes for 1993 is due and payable September 15, 1993. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby barik without collection CIags or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whit%ï O=tarlIn addition, taxes may be paid by telephone through T Bankine or Canada Trust EasyLine. If you have flot received a tax bill and you are responsible for Payment, please contact the Tax Department at 868-5803 to obtain the neoessary information. If payment s flot received by the due date, penalty will bo added on the first day of default and the first day of each calendar month so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 1-1/4 per cent per month, or part thereof. LYNN PIKE SUPER VISOR 0F REVENUE ADVERTISING POLICY The Whitby Free Press is a business which derives almost ail its revenue from advertisiflg in one form or anotfher. For obvious seif-interest, we want our clients* advertsing to work. Our policy is to reach as many homes in Whitby as possible (usually more than 99%) and to provide local high-interest content that ensures that people read the paper and hence te advertsing as well. We urge readers to patronize our advertsers in order that we can provide even botter coverage in the future. We aiso stress creativity. We will provide our professional expenience to advise clients on ways to make their advertising more effective, but tor a product that cannot be repossessed. there are no guarantees. We strive to avoid errors. but when we make them. a correction wîiI be made in a subsequent issue or a discount offered. The newspaper's tegal iabiity is only for thie actuai sriace occupied by the error. Advertising is sold according to the space tl occupies. No additonal charge is made for artwork or tayout and hence the newspaper retans thie copyright on att ils onginat work The newspaper reserves thte frght Io refuse advertsing which il finds objectionable or detrnffleftal to ils business Canada, Dundas and Anderson streets, Whitby, will hold the annual United Way barbecue Thursday, Sept. 23 and Friday, Sept. 24 frem il a.m. te 2 p.m., in the banka frent courtyard. Hotdogs and hamburgers, denated by Mr. Burger, Oshawa, are $3 each. Soft drinks, denated by Wheelies Roller 'Centre, Whitby, cost $1. Bank employees offer hememade desserts for $1.50. The full mean ia $5. There will be a bean-bag toss, at $2 a throw, fer prizes denated by local merchants. Alproceeds will be donated te UnitedWay of Oshawa-Whitby-Newcastle. Business club meets Sept. 22 The Durham Business and Professional Women's Club will rneet on Wednesday, Sept. 22 in Pickering. Nancy Bass, from the North Toronto club, will discuss 'Fem- inism in the Nineties.' The meeting, at Regalis res- taurant, 1305 Pickering Pkwy., starts at 6 p.m. (reception). Cost is $25 for members, $30 for non-members. 25% donated Whitby dentist'May Daemi is donating 25 per cent of ail new patient fees collected in October to the Heart and Stroke Founda- tion of Ontario. Daemi, whose father died of the disease, is at 112 Athol St., unit 200, in Whitby. king Tutankhamun as well as 5,000 yars of E tian history, incluze the gm1den throne chariots, royal diadern, funeral mask, golden sandals, pendants and golden shrine. Housing starts totalled 120 unita for the Oshawa census metropolitan area (CMA) in August, down 21 per cent fromn Truck torchedl A truck sitting on the lot at Sunshine Aute Sales was set on fire Saturday niglit. The 1985 MC Jimmy, which belonged te, a salesperson at the Brock Street North car lots, was terched around 8:47 p.m. and «pretty well burnt eut,» according te, Inspecter Jini Fishley of Dur- hamn Rgional Police. Sorneone froin the Royal Hotel, across the street from the lot, feuglit the blaze until Whitby fireTfighters arrived to extinguish Police were given the descri- tien of a suspect. Inspecter Fish- loy says there>s "sorne sugges- tion" of a ongoing feud between the trucks owner and the sus- pect. Fumdraising car rally A 'People Helpin g People' car rally-scavenger hunt will be held in Whitby on Saturdiay, Oct. 2. The rally, a fundraiser for Ronald McDonald Flouse, is being held by McDonald's in Whitby and the Durham-Lakesh- ore Area Council of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union. The start point is Iroquois Park. There wilI be a maximum of four people per car, and car s can be decorated for the event. Cost is $10 per person, or $36 per full car of four. For more information cali the OPSEU office at 666-2296, Peggy at 668-8436 or Karen at 404- 4034. Representing 900 years of Brit- ish histery and royalty are gold and jewelle d implements of state, royal coronation regalia, British imperial crowns, and works of art. the 152 units recorded a year earlier, accerding te the Canada Mortgage and Housing The 'Auust total is aise down frein the previeus month>s totai ef 163 units& 'IThe lower number of housing starts last month is due te a slowdown liasisted rentai construction," said Tom Va]ks, market analyst at CMHCe Toronto office. 'While reduced assisted rentai construction is- lowering the everail level ef construction, single detached starta have been rising througheut the sununer months. "This indicates that the new homo market is improving. Because the cost of home ownership in the Oshawa area lias plunged by mr than 30 per cent in theps fie years, it lias become a good time te buy for many people."1 Single detached starta totalled 92 units in August, versus 64 units in the saine period a year earlier. Multiple unit starts tetalled 28 units compared with 88 units last year. The August 1992 tota included 80 assisted rentai umits while this year's total included only eight 4ssisted rentai imita. "If intereçt rates romain stable in the ceming months, we expect te see continued strength on the new home market this fail," mentioned Vaika. "However, total housing starts wiIl be lower as a dedline in assisted rentai unita will enly be partiaily offset by an increase in single detached unita." Strong nýew home market mi spite of August decline PRIME COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE In downtown Port Ferry approx. 3000 sq. ft. Air conditioned. Lots of private parking. Suitable for retail or restaurant development in the downtown core. Reasonable longterm lease available. Cali 436-3025 d

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