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Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1993, p. 1

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e 0MB to hold prenhearrng o warehouse Pla ByMikeKowalgld A préminaryhearixiq into thé fate of two controvérsial rétail waréhouses proposéd for Wbitby will be héld néit wéék. Thé Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) has schéduléd a pré-héar- ing conférence té deal with an application te build Pricé Club and Aikénhead's outlets on Vic- toria' Street, asat of Thickson Road South. Thé meeting, which will be held ini thé Whtby council cham- bers at 10 a.m. Wédnesday, will attempt te résolve procédural and rélated matters that would othérwise prolong thé événtual 0MB héaring. Individuals or organizatiéns wishing té maké présentations at thé hearing, must attend thé conférence so that thé board can détermine théir status for thé Sic thé hearing proises te bé a léngthfy onée tethé numbér of objections filed agist théeproposal, thé board op9ted téholid théeprélixinary session, said 0MB offciaI Caro- line Fenn. "If it's a simple mattér there's né neéd for it. But Uieits a complez issue involving lots of parties, it's (conférence) a fre quent occurrence " shé éxelamned. In addition té deermiming who will participate in thé hearing, the conferencé will deal with several éther topics including: * identification olissues; * duration and start date of the hearing-, * directions for preflling of witnéss lists, expert witnéss statéménts and writtén evidence; * hearing of motions. No actual évidence or formaI statéments in support of, or against, the application will bé héard at thé conférence. It has alniost beén a forgone conclusion that thé 0MB would be forcéd te décide whether thé waréhousés* will be built in Whitby. Opposition te thé proposal begzan building beforé Whitby and Durham Région councils approved rezoning and official plJan améndinént applications permitting thé projéct éarliér this year. Sévéral local businésses and chain stores havé objected té thé dévélopmént for a variety of réa- sons. Invar Industrial Ltd., which owns thé 22-acre vacant site on thé north sidé of Victoria Street east of Thickson, wants te builci two stores which would house Pricé Club and Aikenhead's -- two unrelated wholésale/retaill warehousing operation.~ Price Club sa mrcn owned chain which does not catér to thé gênerai public but operatés on a restricted member- ship basis. About 55 per cent of its sales corne froni food, with thé remain- der coming froni non-food and deprtent store-type items. Aikenhead's, owned by the Molson Companies, is a building supplies and garýdén centre BER PAGE 8 SEAN MULDOON enjoys a drink ater completing the i 0-kilometre route in the Terry Fox Run in Whitby on Sunday. More than 200 people, including an 82-year-old woman who walked the route, either walked, ran, cycled or skated (roller blades), raising at least $8,000 for cancer research, with more money yet to corne from pledges. Organizer Marilyn Peck says she received plenty of help from volunteers and local businesses to stage the second annual event in Whitby. Muldoon was accompanied by cyclist Lynn MacPhail oGergetown(ht tleft). Photos b arcePf ,Whlty Free Press SMOKING-BYLAW Pub owners expreiss concerns By Mark Reesor A proposéd smoking bylaw being considered b y Whitby council could put local bars and restaurants out of business, say concernéd business owners. 'Thé bylawl which is pattérned aftér a modél smoking bylaw prepared b y Durham Region, would regrulate smoking inia wide vsriéty of public places, everywheré froni buses and taxi- cabs té rétail stores, barber6h<>ps and hospitals. Smo ,n in buses, day nur- sériés,"élévatérs,esatos stairwa , banks, laundromats financia institutions, municipa facilitiés, réception areas, stores service bnýes and theatres wouîd be banned completl suy bwl Bingo sid pool al n ol nglyscould permit smo an i né more than 50 per cento thieir promises, suad «ating establishments" could allow smoking in no more than 30 Per cent of their usablé floor space, in an area separated froni non- smoking areas by at lasat two métrés; an y oser and thé two areas would have te bé separated by a barriér at laset one and a half métrés taîl. Non-smokérs alsa, havé thé right té a dlean entrancé. They cant be required te walk tbrough a smoking area té gét té a gnon-smoking section. That presents serious pro- blems for people such as Adrian Downs, new ownér of thé Pro- spect of Whitby, who says close smokers. Hé wonders how hé can section off his establishment te meet thé ternis of thé néw bylaw. "And iflI do také my 25 per SEE PAGE 2 Tray, ilourhiWhitby Saturday tion of Chiéf-us ofPlcoraid Indy racing star Paul Tracy is nalinga pt stop in Whitby on Satuaaymorning. bTont And he'll be joîned byTont Maple Leafs contre Doug Gil- mour as thé clebrities joîn thé first Ontario Chaniber of Comn- merce Motercycle Ride for thé Prévention of Child Abuse. Tracy, Gilmour sud Métro Police Chief Biul McCarmack are scheduled te be in thé parking lot behind thé Whitby municipal building from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Tracy is léading thé ridé, expected te include 1,000 moter- cycliste, along Highway 401 froni Toronté té Kingston. Local rési- dente are inv'ited to meét Tracy sud Gilmour during their brief visit te Whitby before they con- tinue thé ride. Thé Ontario chamber, Rotary clubs (including thé two in Whitby) sud thé Ontario Associa- thé ridé,that will léavé Skydomé at 8:45 a.n. and arrivé at Fort Henry in Kingston at 3:30 p.m. Registration is $25 per inoter- cycle and rider, and $10 for each passengér. Al proceeds go te thé Instituté for thét Prévention of Child Abuse. Régistration forms are avail- able at ail Royal Bank branches. For more information caîl (416) 921-3151.

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