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Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1993, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. September 22, 1993 CALL AUDATOAjCHL AE CIOCR OOi I . .O.B. .O.. .L.S.R. CE. .ERV.CES$RVCSFR EN FUSSY DUSTER Housecieaning wilt "Fuss With Your Muss" ta, your satisfaction. Enjoy your quaiity teisure time with famiiy and frends. Cati (416) 668-0323. l[NTERIOR PAINTING. Fast dlean service. Free estimates. Cati Mike at 655-3791. THE SHINtNG. The utimate cleaniyg experience. For a free hosceaning estimate phone Sherri at 416-655-5592 or Wanda at 416-432-3002. COMPLETE KITCHENS, bath- rooms, rec-rooms. Ait your drywaii needs plus textured ceiliings. Guaranteed workmanship. Ca!l Dieter, 430-1207. 011 OSHIawAÀ 10 DRI VINO SCHOOL Oshagwa * 728-0091 Fui! Driveërs Education Courses OCTOBER 9th Saturdays 4 week course OCTOBER l2th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course NOVEMBER 6th Saturdays 4 week course NOVEMBER 9th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course -PRIVATE LESSONS HIGH SCHOOL DRIVERS ED. IS ALIVE AND WELL FOR 93/94 Registrations at your local high schoot Cati 728-0091 for further details I4EGISTEPEO à APPROVEO BY THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE- Derek Dutka Specialîzîng in tax & retrement planning sînoe 1986 CALL 666-777 FOR AN APPOINIMENT GUITAR LESSONS. Beginners and advanced. Acoustic or e ectric. Cai Lou 666-1979. LAMINATE TO PRESERVE and protect your Posters, Certificates, Educationai Materiai, etc. Several film thicknesses. Also availabte - ceriox binding. Cati: 666-2182. START the school year off on the right foot. Teacher with experience in speciai ed witi tutor grades 1 - 10 in tanqug e & math. Reasonabie rates. Cail 666-8215 at er 6p.m. FIRST LESSON FREE. Guitar tessons from teacher wiith 15 years pprvate experience. Bachetor of music Degree, specializing in classical g uitar technique and repertoire. Begin ners ta advanced students. Cati Fred at 666-5166. TUTORING ait subjects ta OAC level. Reading, writîng, tanguage iearning disabilities ad math speciaimsts. Corner Stone Counsetiing & Tutoring. Educa- tionai services for ail a ges. Au plaisir de vous servir en français. 432-9223 after sohool. WANT TO LEARN the guitar? Begin now! Local, highty qualiiied teacher with years of experience teking students for ciassical, folk/rock. Phone 430-0935. DRUM LESSONS. Private, at home tessons for beginners or advanced. 25 years experience. Member in god standing with Toronto Musician's Association. 430-2075. F .SHOP IN THE CLASSIFIEDS!I You'Il save lime and mopey fl you shop the ad in the classifed sectf dii frsf If s the place f0 find the b4g barga r4 jýau're looking fnr. ca* f fon~ Itrloaokngtn DcCks * Ret.aimng Wall s 0 Renovations * Treec Rcmova.l 985-0412ý 68 1-5365' *inîerlocking stone- relamning walis -wood tencing & decks FREE COMPETITI VE ESTIAM TES Wnitten Guarantee 666-9690 I 'MOTHERCRAFT CAREGIVER able ta provide fuit time and worry f ree cane for your 2 - 4 yearold. (Brock/Rossianid) Mary 430818"u. Speciatizing in Eariy Chitdhood- Education. For Peace of Mnd.- Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 MOTHER 0F 1 with Montessori teaching experience wiit provide iovn9 care and educationat activities in my home for chiidren auges 2-6. Nutritious snacks& lunches provied.ThicksonlRossiafld. CatI Nancy 723-8752. DAYCARE in my home. Former eiementary schooi teacher witt provide warm, loving environment. Ages 3and up. Cati 666-9835. MOTHER 0F TWO in downtown Whitby (Brock & May area) wouid like ta provide care f or your chiid in a safe, ioving, non-smoking environment. Lots of activities and nutritiaus lunches. 666-2092. ROSSLAND/ANDERSON. Day- care avaitable in my home for ages 1 and up. Loving nurturing environment. Waiks ta park for f resh air & outdoor play. Heathy meats & snacks provided. Piease catI Diane at 430-8766. BABYSîTTîNG in my home. Any age welcome. Thickson & Manning area. Cati 579-2801. WE ARE LOOKING for a warm responsible canegiver for aur three daughters (age 6 yrs, 2 y rs, & 6 months) In aur home. Non-smoker only please. References. required. Burns/Athoi area Whitby. Cati 668-0114. RNA MOTHER, CPR quaiified wiiI give your child the eattentioonit deserves. Nutritiaus meas osa educationat activities & outdaars. References. Garrard & Rossiand. 576-9040. FRENCWIENGUSH/DUTCH mchr. Daycare in m y hrme for 118 ma. ýIlus. Michael B1Id. & West Ly nde ubic School Piea. Nutritious food. C.P.R., First Aid. References. Supervised activities. For interview, Brigitt-3 668-2594. CARING MOTHER will pravide a happy environment for your chitd. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (waiks, crafts, stories). Thicksan & Ibssland. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. 81WANTED. Part-time daycare (Il - 8a.m. - 5 p.m. day per week>, for 2 boys,. 6 ma's. & 4 1V2 yrs. in my home. (Otter Creek) Beginning mid Oct. Cati Cheryl at 430-0152. UVE IN HOMEMAKER required. JKitchen, housekeeping and nanny ,duties. Minimum wag e. References required. Cati 428-9420. QUAUFIED DAYCARE available in my home. Waik ta St. Matthew & Omîtston sohoots. Snacks, references & receipts. Cali anytimne, 666-9382. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE availabie. Non-smoker. large fenced yard. Parks nearby. Brock/Hwy. #2 area. Please cali 668-9990. BANNI WI* ML Keep the hard earned cash in your business by jonng BARTER WORLD today' BUSINESS PEOPLE TRADING OVER "65W DIFFERENT PRODUOTS AND SERVICES WITH BUSINESS PEOPLE. cabie, phone, iaundry. Use of facilities. $100 weekly. Stan & Byrorn St. N. 430-2598. ROOM FOR RENT in new house. Brock St. & Rossland Rd. Looking for a clean, quiet individuai. $350/mo. References. Cali 666-1680. FURNISHED room for rent. $260. Wetf are, recipients accepted. Non-drinkers. 668-2767. DOWNTOWN WHITBY. Excep- tionai dlean, q uiet, furnished room with parking, kitchen use, T.V. on cable. Suit mature maie. Shifts welcome. Available Sept. 30. $85 weekiy. First/iast. 668-3640. LARGE BRIGHT ROOM with skylight in charming Victorian country home in picturesque Ashburn. Share a kitchen & bathroom, use of Iaundry & parking. $350. per month, non-smoker. Cai 655-5397. WHITBY. Furnished room. Kitchen and iaundry priviedges, T.V. cabie, parking. Quiet mature mate. $85J week. 666-1618. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE TS FAST - TS EASYI ONE cAti, ONE BULL DOES UT ALL. cAREER TRAINING HEALTH 1 MEDUCAL LEARN AUCTIONEE RING ai the NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE - 38 years in Southwestern Schooî oI Aucîioneering. Nerf Business provideg-HEALTH PAC for any trips Class: November 20-26. Informatilon, contact: Up fo 180 DPAYS. SINGLE & FAMILY RATES Souîhwesfern Ontario Schooî of under age 7:3k$l million coverage - DIRECT Aictionerrring, R.R 05, Woodsfock, Ontario CLAI M PAYM E' T from $49 Io $1440. CALL N45 7V9.(519) 537-2115. 1-800-265-1657 ., SALES AGENTS IN VOUR Ai'rA Kirac-rcu OPEN VOUR OWN TAX PRACTICE: Earn Ceriicie n tncome Tax Preparalion. Manlavcompul e4,applicaîi'ons. Free brochure. Cali 1 -80056 -EARFN Fax (204)254-6172; Write: Jacks jmstitute, 902 - 167 Lombard Ave. . Winnplp~3BOW 1. BE AN INTERIOR DECORIATOR.... wilh our greal home-sîudy course. Cali for e FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Sheffield Schooî, 905-38 McArlhur Ave.. Ottawa ON KIL 6l2ý BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ... wiIh our greai home-sfudy course. Calfor a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829 The Writing Schooî. 1985-38 McArlhur Ave.. Ottawa ON KIL 6I2. STEEL BUILDINGS BRADLEIGH PRE-ENGINEERED BUILO';4GS Proudîy made in Canada for rura!, indcuslrial, commercial. Drawings wifh br.ldings. Const ruct ion labour avaifable. Free esfimafes cali (705)431-6777. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm, sforage. Commercial, industrial. New types. sfeeV/wood, quonsef. cladding. For true value, action & answers - Walfy (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures. Clipsave. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel SirailwalI Type - nof quorîsef - 32x54 $7.744: 40x72 $11.690; 50x90 $16622; 60xl26 $25,375 - oîher sizes avaifabfe - Final Sumnier clearance - Paraqorî - 24 Hours 1-800-263- 8.100 ONTARIO MANUFACTURER has limifed nutmber of pie- sizpd ail sfeel buildings tnt saler ai exceplionally REDUCED prices - lirsi corne, irai serve No middIeman Pioneer 1- 800 G68-54122 HARVEST SPECIAL on ail steel buildings Ouonsr'is, S-Mrrdels & Coinveniionals. Many sizes fo rfroose from. For qualîfy. servicei and rrriegriy raIl FUTUnE STEEL 1-800-668- grr,l VACATIONITRAVEL MYRTIE BEACH RESORT Vacation flenls - Fuîfy lurnîstied condos. Pools, tennis and more' Golf packages/ winîer renIaIs available. Fait retes trom $327/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800-448-5653. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME. Dîstribule our producîs or ralse your own worms or castings. Niagara BaIl and Ecoîogy, 5513 Etcho Rd., RR03, Wellandporl, Ont. LOR 2J0 (416)386-6661 or 1 -800-563-812B. DRESS FORI SUCCESS' Fashion Networls coming fo your area seeking Consultants end Managers. excifing career eaming substanlal income on your own schedule. Low invesîment. Cal1-800-461-1552, Full or Part lime Incomne Opporluniîy. High D ,emarnd Unique Houseîrofd Producî. Excellent Fund flaising Program. Wrie Dixon- Reid 4532 Donegal Drive. Mssissauga, Ontario LSM 4G9. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baiîworms in vour basement or garage Odorîess operafion. Low invesimnent. Markef guaranfed!Frea informat ion. Earîy Bird Ecology, R R.1 Smifhiville, Onfario, LOB 2A0 (416) 643-4252 BUSINESS AGENTS f0 sell Gril s, Jewpffery and Handcrafls f rom "Around The World. $10 f0 view 215 page cafalogue (relundable). Mama-Lees, Box 258, Reachvillp. Ontario 1 4J 1AO. (519)423-6784, WANTED experiencea aginfs or menorial deafers f0 sell memnorraîs from Whofesaîe Farfrrry Ouflef Ph Berniard (204)338-3938. Faxý (204)338-1049 Wnnipeg, MB YOUNGS MEMORfALS A STONEWORKS PERSONAL MEET SOMAEONE PNICE - now! Town and Counfry inirodurîrons for friendrfip. daîînq. marriage.Ifhe sysfern reafly worksf 26 succCS'frrti Yeats Confidonfiafi Mr Gordon. Yo utad crraldapprar inr ronrmunifyrne wspapere in Qrrfaui,rr i rghf Ac ron Canada, or f ny indiividrr.ifprvinre» Çparr, le imir.d. C'li This Nr-wptpr-r Todayf "C&ROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" Toiroachra wrder market, ad'Vreo hror~ughoire t io.rMimembeshp oflihe Ontario aaed Canadtar, Community Newsp.'per Assoctri.ons. Centrral Ormarro 55 nelwsope»rs -5S160 lfo 25 wards - Ail Ontario î..wsp,çcfs - $350 to- 25 colOis AlilCanada 572 newspaprs - $1.121 for 25 words For furfher informa!ion please cali the Whitby Free Press Classifieds - 668-111 Office Hours: Moniay to Friday, -900+ arn o 5:00 ýPmn*Fx6809 Whitby Free P re ss 668-6111 I a LANDSCAPING eV rý by University Wlerksl, .. Financia mommomm C oncépt securitios bu-,"54 -ýd bv F C G Bd edea CALL A jj, .19- il '11U IIIAwýv TI à il Quality Replacement Windows frorn Alcan Building Products at INCRE151BLY LOW INSTALLED PRICESI MGE WINDOWC>rjý57ý65 1 1 -l -à Fax 668-0594 1

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