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Whitby Free Press, 29 Sep 1993, p. 21

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Whitby Free Pres, Wecnesday, Soptember 29. 1993. Page 21 Buyer cornes- to the rescue of historie house By Mike Kowaei A buy or bas apparently. corne forward to rescue an historic Whitby home slated for demoli- tien. Town council learnod Monday that an uniidentifiod person has oxpreased intereat in purchasing the Fothergill Houso at 1011 Dundas St. W. If the sale dees go through, the 110-year-old building will be spared the wrecker'a bail. But if it cees not, the current ewner has the righit te, demolish the heuse after M ay 1, 1994. In aproinga recommenda- tio 1planning and develop-. ment committee frein the week before, Town council granted a demolition permit te Few-Pet Ltd., ewner of the heuse. Few-Pet wants the heuse either tomn down or movod 50, that it can develop the property for other uses. But ceuncil stioulated that tho houso connot bo àemolished prier te next May This ýwill allow preponents of perserving the l9th century structure seme tino te, relocate the home or find someoeo willing te buy it. However, it appea uniikely that thehbousewvill be deatroyed. During discussion of a miner amendinent te the conimittoo' recommendation, councillor Rosa Batten informed his colleagues that soverai people have expressed intereat in the house. Since last TÈhursday, at least 10 peoplo had centacted the Town'a planning. department about the home, aaid Batten, planning committee chair. «Hopefuiiy we won't have te worry about extra clauses," ho said. Councilior Marcel Brunelle, however, tepped Batten's news. «I received a caîl from a person who absolutely wants te buy the houao,m said Brunello. «It looka like it' a sfe frein destruction,mho said. Bruneilo teid council that ho advised the potential buyer to contact Rick McDonnell, chair of Whitby's Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Commit- tee (LACAC). Eariier this menth a comprein- ise solutien aimed at preserving the house, built in 1883 by John Joshua Fethergill, was reached botween LACAC and the owner. Prier te the agreeinent, Robert Whittington, Few-Pet's solicitor, had tord planning committea that it was obligated te grant a demolition permit even though council voted against it earlier tii Jeýuly, Few-Pet was denied permission te demeliah the house. But ine it had been designa- ted on biatoric structure under the Ontario Heritago Act, officiai notification of council's decision was required within 90 days of on application for a permit. According te the Act, if notice ia net <rovided, thon council is deemeilte have consented te the application. But through inadvertance, Town staff did net provide the necessary notice before expi- ration of the tino period. Brunelle hailed the lateat develepinenta as the «ulght at the end of the tunnel.» «It looked like it would bo demolished. We've come a long way,» ho said. Brunelle, who was compli- mented by Whittington last week for advocating the compromise, returned the faveur by cern- mending the lawyor for "neo- tiating in good faith.» Councillor Dennis Fox, coun- cil's representative on LACAC, aise welcomed the news of a possible buyer. «It shows that the systei does work well if people are willing te talk and compromise," ho said. In addition te allowing tino te find a purchaser, Few-Pet is wil- ling te contribute $5,000 tewards the cost of relocatng the heuse. Crime Stoppera and Durham Regienal Polie are asking -for the public'a heip in aolving a robry which occurred ini Oshawa on Friday, April 23. At 7:15 p.m. a lone miale suspect entored the Bank of Montreal located on the east aide of the Osbawa Shopping Centre. The suspect approached the toileras booth ana handed the victim a wrinikied white piece ef papor and thon announced that it was a hold-up. The robber demanded tho money from under the coin tray and aiso the hold-up note before running from the bank. A bank empe O aw th e suspect get into a 1991 or newer style GM >Chv picp truck clark blue top, Iight blue middle, clark blue bottom with a eiglit-foot box with a «4x4' logo. The truck was iast seon goingsouthbound through the lot towards Elmgrove Avenue. The suspect ia deacribed as maie, white, 25~ yeara old, six foot tail, 190 pounda heavy build with short black hair. Ho wore siiver-rimmed giassea, black basebali hat bleck leather jacket, faded blue jeans and black footwear. Î7o weapon was seen or inentioned. A re-enactinent of thia crime wiil be shown on CITY-TV (channel 57, cabie 7) on Thursday, Sept. 30 during the 6 and 10p.m. news. It wiii also be shown on CKVR-TV in Barrie an CHEX-TV in Peterborough on Friday, Oct. 1, again during the news. Crime Stoppera ia asking anyone with information on thia robbery or any other serioua crime to cail. Durham Reffion banka have been victinîized on soveral occasions and Crime Stoppera would welcome any information regarding these robberies. As a cailer you will not be asked te îdentify yourself or have g o to to court. A cash reward of up te $1,000 is being offered if your tip leada te an arreat. The Crime Stoppera phono number is 436-8477(that's 436-TIPS). Sergeant Grant Arnold is the co-ordinater with the Durham Regionai Crime Stoppera programn and writea thia article te help combat crime. Meranda Waters HENRY ST. H.Sm Henry coachesansd their teama teok ne time in getting back into action this week. Purpie and gold could be seen aimost everywhere, especially on the basketball court. The senior girls' basketball team. played in the Broolin Red and Grey ip Off Tournainent, hosted by Anderson CVI and Henry Street. After losing a gaine apiece te the Port Periy and Muakoka teains, Hawks came back te crush O'Mill 42-34. The niidget girls' basketbal team was aise involved in tournainent play. The finished in third position in the PotPerry 71P ffbeaingteains frein Bowinanville, O'Neill and Port Ferry. Aside frein basketbail, Hawks left their mark at the Trinity College cross-country meet. Ail of Heny's rner made an excellent showing but speciai mention goos te Tiln Ambler. In the junior boys' divison, 71m camefirat. Congratulations go eut te ail of Henry's sports teama for their aucceas se early in the season, Keep it up! ' Out with the oid, in with the new' seema te, be Henrys mtte thia year. Tae the environ- mental club, for exemple. They've changed their look as weli as thir naine. Henry Habitat Helpera promiuse te ceai with tho sanie eco-probiema they did last yeer, but in a whole new way. This worthwhile club bas regular meetings and is always looking for new inbers. Why net heip save the pIanot by trtninyeur own beckyard? This pat week the guidance office bas been particulenly busy. Thoy started wi-th visita te the senior atudents, providing university and colege infor- mation. lbey have aise been quite busy hoeting repre- sentatives frein universities and colleges inciuding Ryerson and Carleton te, help seniors make important decisions. To flnd e ut what representatives will be visiting and when, keep an ear open for the announcements and sign up in the guidance office. LetFiday at lunchtime, Henry's student council held this year's firat barbecue. This one was free with a newly-purchased student card. On Fiday night, atudent council had the firat dance of the year. Obviously, Fniday was a busy day. Both activities brought large crowds and were very successful. I remind you that Purpie and Goid Day wiil be held Oct. i. Se Pull eut your favourita purpie sweater and yeilow panta, and show that Henry spirit. Lucie Rochette ST. CHARLES GARNIER Bonjour. The weather keepa changing. One day it' chilly, the next day it's wrm. Oh wel, Iguess itwi even eut in tino. Lest week was a busy oe e t Saint-Charles Garnier. Wednesday was our firat mass of the year. It was great. The music ond the readinga were well doue. Ail atudents Who participated did a great job. Fniday was a nen-uniform day (yay!). Afternoon classes were cencelled because the student council had activities plenned for Us. Each student was p3%ured Up with another student. 'tht.:--rms were taped together and they wore given a paper with a dlue. Thon the students had te, go on a scavenger hunt, te find five different stations. At each station, we get a atamp and a clue te find the uext station. Unfortunately, my partiier and I didn't have tino te finish the hunt, but it was fun because it helped students te get te, know each other. Of course, it was a race se, there were prizes for thoso who finished firat. Congratulations te ail the winners. But 'there were aise conse- queuces te, suffer for those students who didnt foilow the ruies, and untaped theinselves. Varieus 'censequences' were plannod, such as bobbing for potatoos in a bucket of water or puhng petatoos acrosa the gym flor with their noses, or even pouring water fin a cup tied te the hoad of one student into the cup tied te the head of another student. Seme people got very wet vezy fat. It was a fun day. Fiiday night was our first dane of the year. Many people showed up and it was alot of fun. Monday was a prefessienai ectivity day (which ineant we could sleep in). Woil, gotta fly. Aiea prochaine. 4.4Gýj* T Stephanie Dayes ANDERSON C.V.I. Look eut, Anderson! It's net yet a month inte achool and already the halls are buzzing with news about trips, tournanients, tryouts ond much, much more. More thon 25 ACVI students frein grades il te OAC have signed up te be part of an exciting trip to Washington, D.C., Oct. 26 to 29. The group will travel by bus te Washington, where they will have the pleasure of seeing the Whiita Heuse, FBI headquartera and many other fascinating sights. Over the past week, mony of Anderson's students have been raffling off Blue Jays tickets and selling pizza at lunch te raise meney for the upcoming trip. The twe lucky winnera of the tickets were Tracey Miller and Jennifer Johnson. Last Friday, Anderson beld the first achool dance of the year. The Flash Laser Light Show was a great bit, especially for Grade 9 students who had a great turnout. I would like te give a spocial thonka te Dierdre Thrasher and the entire student council for making the dance sucb a success. For ail the graduating students, plans for Prom '94 are already underway. Members of the prom committee are already busy iooking into prices, places and menus for next spring'a prom If any future grads have ony suggestions or questions regarding the prom contact Leaf Wor9leS', co-ordinator for this year's comniittee. Aiso coucerning this yeaz's grada, university and college conferences were heid at lunch in the seminar rom every day last week. Students wero guided through the besics of varieus prograins and sdvised te atart thinldng strongiy about future plans. Anderson athietes are hot aiready. Les Frida, Anderson hosted an ail day boys' soccer teurnamnent. Bot senior and junior teama played very weil, with the juniors winning their division. Also on Friday, the girls' field hockey teain played their firet two gaines of t he year, defeating Eastdaie 1-0. and Donevan 2-0. Congratulations to ail athietes who teokp art, and thanks te everyone who helped out on the sidelines Friday. F'inaily, some remindera for atudants this week. Everyone in sports and clubs, don't forget te buy your activity cards. Cards are $15 and include apecial discounts at selected locations. Yearbooks are also on sale this week, at a cost of $25, with an optional naine erngaving for $4. Students are aise reminded te atart collecting tabs frein pop cana towards buying a wheelcbair for our community. Please urge family and friends te join us in this task. Ail pop tabs con be taken te Ms. Rozon at the phys-ed office. That'a about aIl frein ACVI this week. Keep up the bard work, Anderson -- we)ro off te a great start. FA Leaming -Centre- *Boost your chîld'- grades. * Build %elf-steenl. *Prog rarns in reading, math, algebra. wi uting study skils, lIwmework sl4p- jPort and iemPanagenent.

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