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Whitby Free Press, 29 Sep 1993, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 29,1993 I TRMNING CALL A j CHILO CARE CHILO CAftE Il CHILI> ~VARE~~ SERVICES PROPUUIONAL SERVICES' SERVICES [I SERVICES MAFUGOLD WINDOW CLEAIING. Specl Fail rate $25. For prompt, courteous and professional service cati Ray 668-0070. -p "14 nuct feHManw dBuÉe - ustom trim REMEBER HE CLD -Dedcs - Gazebes eMdiilerlaetc. Alcan Builcrtng Products at ,.zt2m&c*31w - 655%4418 MGE WINDOW 655-8809 * A MEWN Wor 428-57651 evu ljj~I~ '&i* The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cali fo< quotato 725-6564 RRIFs- ANNITIE Derek Dutka Specîalizing in tax & retiremeënt planning sinco 1986 CALL 666-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT *intertocking stone - retaining walis - wood (encing & dectcs FREE GOMPETITI7VE EST7M4 TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 BOB'E3S CLEANING SERýVICES INO. Chimney Sweeps ($49-95), Caps, Screes. Caret li & wndow cdeanilng. FRE SA 7S 66& S <'OSHAWA 0 DRIVINO I~,SCHOOL Osawa *728-0091 Fui! Drivers Education Courses OCTOBER 9th Saiixdays 4 week COeus OCTOBER l2th Tues. & Thu-s. 4 week coe NOVEMBER 6th Sailrdays 4 week Oeiïs NOVEMBER 9th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week coeuse -PRIVA TE LESSONS - ,vEGtSTERED à APPROVEO BY TNE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE MOTHER 0F 2 will provide ful-time daycare in my home. Close ta Giendhu Public School & Faiingbrook park. Rossland Rd. & Garden St. area. Falingbrook sub-division. Please catI 430-1412. "MOTHERCRAFT CAREGIVER able ta provide fuit time andwry fiee care for your 2 - 4year=i. (Biock/Rosstand) Mary 430-8148*. [Watch'o PrimteHaineDayre The sse that provides... *Unschdued home visits ensure quaiity care for your chiid Fuiiy trained providers ieceive ongoing Agency suppt *Reliablte local back-up covers Piovider iiiness or hoiidays *Com piete insurance coverage *Income tax receipts *Children six weeks" and up *Full or part-time For more Information oeil: 686-3995 a icensed Agency QUAUFIED DAYCARE available ln my home. Watk ta St. Matthew & Ormiston schools. Snacks, references & receipts. Cati anytIme, 666-9382. FRENCHIENGUJSHDUTCH mothe. Daycare in my home for 18 mo. ýlus. Michael Blvd. & West Lynde Sublic Schoal area. Nutritiaus food. C.P.R., First Aid. References. Supervised activities. For interview, Brigitte 668-2594. ROSSLAND/ANDERSON. Day- care availabie in my home for ag es 1 and uir. Loving nurtung envronmen. Walks to park for fresh air & outdooi play. Heaithy meais & snacks provided. Please cati Diane a! 430-8766. CARING MOTHER wili provide a happy environment for your child. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks, craits, stories). Thickson & ibossland. Ask for Debble 404-0815. MOTHER 0F TWO ini downtown Whitby (Brock & Mary aiea) would like ta provide care for your child in a safe, ioving, non-smoking environment. Lots of activities and nu! ritiaus lunches. 666-2092. ni had a very good response ta my ad - a lot of phone catis." E.M. STRESS TOO MUCH? Muscular aches and pains? Arthiitis? Sinus trouble? Colds? i can helpi Cail Mi. Thompson Reflexoîogist, 723-7060. TINA'S FASHION DESIGNS. Custom made wedding gowns, bridesmaids dresses, evening wear, suits, coats and ail aterations. Very affordabie. 430-2537. FURNITURE MAKER/CABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine furniture. Speciaiizing in Eariy Canadian Reproductions, Armoires and Entertainment Centres. Over 15 years experience. Quality woik- manship guarantee. References suppiied. For a fiee quotation cati Gary at 666-1913. GREEN CLEANING by Grandma's Company off ers "knock your socks off" service for al residential homeowners and their pro perties. We are flexible people and oui services extend to ovens, fridges, waiis, iaundy & ironing. AIl cleaners are police security checked. Bonded, insured, Chamber member. 725-9177 (24-hour answering). HANDYMAN - Yardj clean-ups, iawn cutting, hedge trimming, iubbish removai, decks, fences, sheds, doors, painting. Cali Doug a! 436-0398. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, bridesmaid s & grads, suits, etc. Renovation and atteration. Gaîments aiso made from a picture. 723-3259. Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peaoe of Mnd. Perry House Day Care Centre Ld. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and repair on draperies at an affordable price. For your f ree in-home shopping and estimate cati 432-1714 alter 5 p.m. or teave message. Customer's fabrics are welcome. PAINTING -. WALLPAPER. Cati Jim at 666-1030. HANDYMAN - Remove or move, clean yards, basements, ou! trees. T.V. Towers removed. Cal 655-3004. LARGE MOVING VAN with driver for hi. Private or business. Phone 430-1080, leave message. CUSTOM DRAPES, valances and co-ordinating accessories. Many styles and fàbrics to choose - Your fabric welcome. Give a cal today. XPressionz - 666-3762. HANDYMAN SERVICES - repairs, improvements, paint ing or any other jobs around the home. Very reasonable rates. Seniors' discount. Cai 666-0288. COMPLETE KITCHENS, bath- rooms, rec-rooms. Alyour drywall needs plus textured ceilIings. Guaranteed workmanship. CatI Dieter, 430-1207. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Ail kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Fiee estimates. Over 40 y earsi experience. 430-7568, Whitby. PHOTOGRAPHY - Distinctive quality portraits. Studio or in-home. Babies, children, families. Packages from $29. Also: weddings, christenings, groups, boudoir, copy & restoration, executive, pramotional. 427-9164. HANDYMAN SERVICES/ODD JOBS. No ;ob is too smali. Providing quafity and service at a very affordable0 c. our satisfaction wilI not be compromised. Cail 666-4187. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repars. Al makes. Fail special, compiete tune-up from $24.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For f ree fik-up & delivery catI INTERIOR PAINTING. Fast dlean service. Fiee estimates. CatI Mike at 655-379t our ad could appeer In communify newspapers in Onfario. or rlght acrosa Canada, or any Si Individusi provrince. Space là Llmif cd, so Cai This Newspeper Todayl J "ýCROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"U rTo àeaffi a rtdormar*et t, o v ho ftvtseregonal nmrrbecahp ol th i ~Onitao me Cascan Coenmr.vtNewpay3er Asaociatiors. I C*ntral Onarim 55 newspapers- $160 Iof 25 words - Ai Ontaria newspapers - $30ltn25 ecl c AS Canada 572 newsap m -81,121 for 25 word. f: For turther Infomaton please oel the WhitbyFree Press Qassifieds -668-61 11 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - ITS EASYI ONE cALI, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL. rFIRST AID TIP WOUNDS AND BLEEDING " Direct Pressure to stop blood flow " Elevation to reduce blood flow " Rest (o slow the circulation. Apply direct pressure wiih the hand over a dressing if availabie. If the dressing becomes biood-soaked, do flot re- move it: add another and continueagl pressure. When' bleeding is con- troiied, maintain pressure and secure dressings with bandages. Maintain elevation and immobilze the injured imb. 4668-9006 S<.JhnAmbulanoe I Whit yFe rs 68-81......u. Mnayt FiIa19:0Arnto500 pm: Fax 668-0594 1 py university vverKS 1 1 r Concept Securities àd COMING EVENTS PORT ELGtN WORLD PUMPKIN Weigh.Oit and Pumpkiniasi '93. October 2 & 3. Fun far the whota lamity. For a (tee Infarmtion package catI 1-800-387- BUSNESS OPPORTUNITIES SL'PPLEMENT VOUR tNCOME. Disiribute aur producis or rais. your own worms or castings, Nagara Boit and Ecotogy, 5513 Etcho Rd., RR#13. Wettsndpori, Ont. LOR 2J0. (416) 38666661 or 1-800-S63-8128. MENIWOMEN DISTRBUTORS WANTED. Audt-Card! proiecin connumers on car tepaits. tovesiment S975. Everyihing yau need ta gel started in your awn business. (416) 930-8573. Sam-4pm. INSTANT ACCESS U.S. MARKETS. (300 mites tirm Minneapolis). Fart Frances, Ontario. border camrnunity, seetis manutacrudng/matrtirrgreoit Ideas. Itnemsted? Coti Franki Myera. (807) 274-5323, fax (807) 274-6479. EXTRA INCOMEt 0mow balwamrîin your basemeni or garage. Odores peration. 10w Invesimont. Matret goranleedi Frea information. Earty Bird Ecotogy, R 6,Smithvile, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416> 643-4252. HOME BASED BUSINESS. Fui/Part Trme providing essential matrketing, pronnotonat producis & services ia businesses, governimeni agencles, actroats, etc. Baoming indusiry. Profiable. repeai sales, ongoing traininglsuppi. easy ta leam. txvestmeni 51,500 v 1- 800-361-4332. SALES HELP WANTED CHRISTMAS CASHI EAAN EXTRA MONEY in your spore ime with an exciing career in tastriani For your grae starer kiti please call (416) 637-7591 for delamîsi EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES CAREERIBUSINESS OPPOATUNITIES IN THE NINTIES. Succesul lmage/cosmetics consultlng Company eopanding in your area.... Compreltensiva training; unimited incomne potential. manageriat positions availobie. Cl (Caiteci> Personnel Manager. (204) 326-4247. (204> 326-654. Steinbach. SUNSHINE VILLAGE SKt Resori, Banff, Aberta, requirex enthusiastic nividuels, commitled ta service excellence, for varioux seasanal positions. Bau 1510. Banff. AB.. Toi oMo. (403) 762-6513. AGES 18-30 WVITH agricullural erpenienca la iv./warl, wilt faily ni Australie. New Zeatand. Europe. Japon. Css&etoils contact 1-13M.263-1827, 0206-1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary. AB, T2T 0E2. BUSINESS SERVICES TIRED 0F EAANING PEANUTS? Maie millions in exort wih ltle or no maney. 10w risti aralegies. Government hetp avoutable. Fra* 24 haur information. (416) 609-706.4. CAREER TRAINING EARN '<OUA CERTIFICATE IN PERSONAL TAX PREPARATION: Basic end computer courses by xeli- sludy. Frea brochure. Cet 1-900-563-EARN: fa04) 254-6172; write: Jactis Institut@. 902-167 Lombard Aveuna, Winnipeg, MoitoaeP3B OW 1. CHEF TRAINING. Fulllimre 17 tit. Dipoms Pragrams ollenng besi training in CokingtPasiry A Desserts. Student taons & Job Placement. O UBRULLE FRENCH CULINAR'< SCHOOL. Vancouver. (604) 738-3155. t- 800-667-72". -i -J 1LEAAN AIJCTIONEERING ai the Souihwestem Schol af Auctioneering. Neot Class: November 20-26. Information. contact: Southwesiern Ontaaio School of Auctioneering, 1, Woodstocti, Ontario N4S 7V9. BOOKKEEPIN'li AND INCOME TAX CERTIFICATE COURSES. Fru. brochures. No obligation. U & R Tex Services Ltd., 1345 Pembina Nwy Winnipeg, Manitoba, AIT 286. 1.800-665-5144. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ...with our great home- study cour se. Cali for a FRIEE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Waiag nSchoot. 2006-38 McArlhur Ave., Ottawa, ON, Kl16R STEEL BUILDINGS BRADLEIGH PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS praud made in Canada for rural, industria.I cammerci. Orawings ttt buildings construction. Labour avoutable. Ira estimâtes. Catt (705) 431-6777. DEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwatt Type - nat quanset - 32x54 $7.744; 40072 $11,690; 60x90 $16,622; 600126 $25.375 - alter sizes avaitabte - Final Summer clearance - Paragon - 24 Naurs 1.800-263- 8499. ONTARIO MANUFACTURER lias limited number at pro. sized ait steel buitdings for sale nt eoceptionaîy REDUCED prices - tirst came, tirai serve. No middteman. Pionteer 1-800-668-5422. HARVEST SPECIAL an &Qattleet buildings: Ouonaeis, S. Models & Conventionais. Many sizes ta chooce tram. For quaity service and lntegriiy cati FUTURE. 1-800. 668-8653. VACAIlONITRAVEL MYRTIE BEACH RESORT Vacation Reniais - Futty turnîshed condos. Poote, tennis and moal Golt 1pactiages/ winter rentats avaitabte. Fatt raies tramt S32liweeti. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800-448-5653. PERSONALS ORIENTAL LADIES SEEK correspondence wiih gentlemen for triendship. marriage. $2 for postage hondlring bririgsitree intopati. Thre Fnerrdship Office, Box 5248. Station A, Calgary. 12H IX6. REGAIN the vitalty and feshness attlife thet yau liraught was buried forever. Buy and rend Ctear Body, Clear Mind. (416) 925-2145. 700 '<ange St., Toronto. Mdv 2A7. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membarship or timesheret Watt taIre ill Amenicas lerçeet rass e inghouse. CatI Resari Sales Interationat 1-600-423-5967 (24 OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avaitabiiiy. For information an baih. witie: Praporiies. Depi CN. Box 5380. Sin. F. Ottawa K2C 3j i. ADOPTION OUR LIVE S witt naeterbit complet@ witlrout diti. pomlg oftraîsing and toving a chid. Pregnant? Adoption may b. th. arrswer for us bat,. Pleese cal cotIect (416) 737- 6573

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