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Whitby Free Press, 13 Oct 1993, p. 31

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Whitby Free Profse. Wecincday, October 13. 1993. Page 31 Carefulfly consider what must be done in Canada To the Editor: Shortly, we will al ha faced with a choice that may affect our lives for several years te corne. The federal élection will rosult in one of the following: a continuation of the prosent, a plunge into the past, or the chailenge of the untried, aiong with a vory grave challenge te our country's future. As we ail know, Canada je a country of 28 million people, spread over a large area with resulting communications, cul- turai and economic problome. We are net a majr country in the world but our politicians have attempted te meke us one at To the Editor. May 1 draw your attention te, Jean Chretien'e statement about hie party's diseatiefaction with Canada'e free-trade agreement with' the United States and prosent a probable ecenerie. Mr. Chretien han etated that ho would seek negotiated emendinents te the exiting FTIA but would net cencel it. Firet: It talces two te negetiate and Mr. Chretien will have te, cenvince Mr. Clinten and hie adminietraters te reopen the agreement te negotiate the changes Mr. Chretien desires. There Je ne guarantee that Mr. Clinten will consent te Mr. Chretienerequest. Second: To negotiate means te, give something in order te get something in roturn. By Brian Mulroney's analegy, Canada je still the inouse sleeping with the herrendous ceste te us. We have alwaye carried much more than our share in the UN and ite agencios, and we have been overly generous in our handoute te the supposed needy. In other words, we have tried te keep up with the Jones. Along with our govorrnnt's many noo-socialist pregreins aveilable te ail, and our crazy epen-door immigration policies, wo find oursolves in a quaginiro of debt in a country whose citizens have lest the reason and the will te do for thomeelves. I, a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant who had the good fortune te ha harn in Canada, te flght for Canada and te work for U.S. elephant and the Yanks are neteriously shrewd negotiaters. It je therefore net very probable that Mr. Chretien and Canada wili gain anything frem a Chretien-negotiated settiement. It je my opinion that Mr. Chretien je only using this as a pioy te appease the votera who are net satisfled with the free-trade agreement. When ne negotiatiens take place or nething je accomplished Mr. Chretien will say "I only promised te negotiate, I did net promise resulte." In this way the wily old fox can deceive hie candidates and al hie Liberai foliowere witheut haing deceitful. For honeet gevernment yeu can roi y on Audrey McLaughlin and Lucy Rybka-Becker in Durham riding. Canada works when Canadiens work. Rocy Grierson Port Perry Is i worth the risk? To the Editor.: Bob Rae becemne Premier because of protest votes, net because ho was wanted. Now, we soc Preston Manning going after the sainekidnd of protest support. L)es enybody want Preston Manning an Prime Miniter? Can enybody naine those who would serve in hie cabinet? Can we afferd a cabinet ful of Rae-like rookies? le Canada worth risking te the radical right? Rose Manning and ie Social Credit Party stele votes in Aihrta, giving us years of expensive iàberal Party governrnenL. Hie reward wan a Sonate seat firom Pierre Trudeau. Hlie son, Preston, wante te give us Liberal Party government, tee, again by steaing votes -- this time eveiywhee west of Quebec. And epoeking of Quebec, Manning wanta te, get rid of it. IL is now clear why Bouchard and Manning voted ne in the 1992 referendum. Both want te tear the country spart; Bouchard because ho wante te ha the firet prosident of the country of Quebec; Msnning because ho wante testrp Canada te the hane end intreduce the Social Credit funny money plicies espoused by hie father. Plesse do yourself and your country a faveur. Two parties in this election are broad-based, consensus parties. Both have governed. One caused our current economic mess through 16 years of high spending, the other by net cutting eneugh. Spotone of these two partes Eter one. Your choice. Consider their platforms, of course. And consfider their leaders Canada je worth your consideration. Proteet vote equale Bob Rae (Preston Manning). A faithful (and hopeful) reader Clair Voyant Canada, new, when forced te go into my old hometewn, feel like an elien in a city of despàir worse thar in the Great Deprossion. These are the resulte of the goernmnte we have elected and lt run loose since the early fifties. And we ail know which parties had power during that time. As far as I cun soc, there je only one party that soome te have the will te talce those serieus probleme on, and that je the Roform Party. The problem i that thoy have ne= eperienco -- but is that bad or gd? No baýd habite te overcome. No arrogance -- yet. The question je, can an inexperienced bunch of politicians control the experienced, cynical bureaucrate? lhe final problem je that in this election we are faced with having, for the first time, a party running whoee pelicios are the complote division of our country. The Bloc Quebecois could prove te bo the most serieus problem facing Canada in many years. The thought that they might become the officiai opposition in the House of Commone le frightening. Once again, only one party has se, far addreesed that problem during this election and that je the Roformn Party. In short, they Say, "Quebec belonge in Canada. We want Queboc in Canada. If you really want eut, thon go -- on your own with ne support from Media not giving the facts on Medicaee To the edfitor: Since the prose han failed disgracefully in clarifying the issues in the recent nastines over Medicare, please shlow me te offer some fhrte. The press and ail political leaders know that Medicare in Canada je a feur-tier system. The firet tier consiste of the average Canadien. The second tier consiste of these patients who know somebody in the health care system who enables the patient te, jump the queue in seeing a specialiet or getting a CT ecen. The third tier consists of these, such as Premier Bourassa, who cen afferd te skip the waiting linos completely and seek their heaith care in the U.S. The feurth and Most shamolose tier consiets of that exclusive club of MPe and senatere who bypass Medicate entirely. These hypocrites, like the nomenklatura in the former Soviet Union, have their ewn dlinic, equipment and hospital. Why does the prosse nt report this? The prose and ail the political leaders know that Ontario, under an NDP government, has established user focs of a sort. Fer exemple, physical exeminatiens required for such things as employment, driver's licences, or echool admissions are ne longer cevered by Medicare in Ontario. Patients must pay cash for these "non-essentiai" services. Quebec, for menthe new, han been advocating user focs for some medical services. Why does the prossenet report this? The prose and ail the political leaders know that there siznply je neither universel accese nor full portability of Medicare in Canada. For exemple, 0H11> does net recognize the health cere coverage of visitere te, Ontario frem Quebec. OHIP will reimburse physiciens treating patints romail provinces excopt Qeec.Wydees the prossenet reprths Canadiens need full disclesure of the facte in order te vote wisely in the election. The prose ehould ha presenting these facte and cxoing the shemnelees hypocrisy andrcent of Mr. Chretien, Ms. Campbell and Ms. McLaughlin who will report te, their private ciic in Ottawa should they fali Mi. S.J. Stern M.D. Ajax e LEGEND TOWNSHIP 0F BROOK LJDURHAMRDN SONTARIO RIDING LAKO~E ONIP the rest of Canada." At last a party that ie expressing what many Canadians outeide Quebec feel. Enough ie enough, alread. Se here we are, with juet days left in the caxnpaign, surrounded by media hype. The media are no longer willing te mest inferrn but ineet are doing their damnedest te shove their viewe down our threats. By the look of the poils (and when were they right last?), we are headed for a Europoan type of minority gevernment, with one of the major groupa a « seditiouf? party. We appear te be in trouble. One of our probloms je that many Canadians join a partyand vote for it without thinkîng. 1 joined a party this year but 1 arn not now able te vote for it because of its views on some of the items mentioned above. Se I suggest te ail Canadians, consider what you believe must be done in Canada, look for the party that baeks the policies you want and vote for it. Remember, unemployment je a serieus, debilitating problom but ne gevernment ever produced long-term meaningful employ- ment oxcept the Communists -- do we want that kind of ompllement? Reducod debt, leading te reduced taxes and lese government, wili enable the private sector, the only ones able te produce long-term, moaningf'ul employment, te do just that, in fields that last. W.J. Gaiger Whitby Payeng polities with our future To the Editor: If I had a nickel for every time the old style politicians promised te mako a change ... rd probably owe it ail in back taxes. The old style politiciens are prornising te change the eystorn. The question je: Would it neod te be changed if they had been doing their jobs properly? Haven't these same peple ben responsible for managing (or mismanaging) Canada's resources for the lest 20 years? Now, on the verge of an élection (but on the brink of financiel disaster), the three main parties each claim te be capable of returning te Canadiens the future that meet of us believed was our birthright. These are people piaying politice with the future of Canada and if we are net careful, we will soîl our own and our children's birthrights te the highest bidder -- regardless of hie or her abillty te meet the payrnents. Ites net a gaine anymore. Shaving a (helicopter) penny and ca]ling it a (Conservative) dollar won't help eny more than the philosophy of (IÀberal) debt reduction through (tex dollar) spending increases. If you are one of the millions of Canadiens who etruggles te meet hie or her own financial responsibilities, you are etill one of the slent (responsible) Just a pioy

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