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Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1993, p. 2

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Page 2, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 3, 19W3 FIRE SAFETY CONCEÇRNVS_ By Mile Kowalsld An historic Wbitby farmhouse has been demelished in the inter- est of public safety. Acceding te a request from the Whitby lire department, Town council last week agreed te issue a' demolition permit for tho James Twoedio Hous on Coch- raeStreet. As a resuit of council's deci- sien, proceodings te have the bouse dosignated under the Ontario Heritago Act were hal- ted. This aiiowed the jroperty owner, Erin Milis Development Corp., te tear down the 148- year-oid building which had been ruled «unsae for firefighter entry" by the fire department. But in return for the demoli- tien permit, which was exorcised lato last week council placod a number of conditions on Erin Milis. The developer must1prepare an architectural record ef the struc- ture whicb wili be kept in the ............ ...... . . .. . . . . SIDING..WINDOW.. DOOR Ç ID$T G0F INORSQUALITY EXCEPTIONAL SIDESPUT! 4 bdrms., 3 bathrms., C/A, CN. hot tub, 2 fireplaces & an inground pool, situated on a gorgeous 75'x343' ravine lot. Utedat $222,200. REALIOR ROSEMARY BROWN Hall ef Famo Centurion 1987, 1988, 1989,1990, 1991, 1992 * PACIOUS ACURL TLI N %.îdrrrQ I All brick 3 bdrm. home wtlh 4 appliancesa Spaclous 3 bdrTTL 2 bathrmn.tawnhouse. locsted contrai air. hardwood ficors & lenced yard close to GO stafion &waldng distacWas I W * backing onto greenbelt. Clm o schools& AsdngSl143,900. * shopping. Asklng $129.700. ICALL ROSEMARY BROWN 433-2121I 'l JUST %* LOVE GIVING AWAY FREE AIR MILES.' Whitby archives.1 If reasonabiy possible" Erint Mills will aise build a replica of the bouse te accomodate retail,( office or restaurant uses witbin( the commercial compenent of itsi proposed 1,600-unit subdivisioni for the area. Built in 1845 for James Twee- die, a Scottisb immigrant who farmed the proerty until it was sold te, the edland family in 1918, the bouse was one of the oidest brick homes ini Whitby. It lator became known as Twin Stream Farm when the Kerr fazniiy loased the land and home fromn the Medlands. Eventually soid te Erin Milis, the last resident was moved eut by the developer in 1992. .Since thon, dam age from van- daliim and fire hadf become se froquent that last year the lire departnient recommended the bouse either be demoiisbed or stops taken te prevent anyone from enterrng the promises. An eigbt-foet chain link fonce was erocted around the bouse and ail the buildings were boar- ded up. Security guards aise patrolled the property on occa- sion. But in February vandals broke througb -tho fonce and ulled several boards fromn the =uld- ings. Thon last July, arson was sus- pected in a fire that destroyed the nearby barn. This was fol- lowed by another lire in August that danxaged the summer kit- chen and roof of the bouse. Since access te the 'propertyis along a short dirt road running from Cochrane Street and across a wooden bridge over the Lynde Creek, this made figbting lires extremely difficult. In a report te, council Fire Chief Tony Vandoleweercl said the building was in sucb a "dila- pidated condition» ho would ne longeor send firefighters into the bouse. Altbough ho did net pioad for it te be spared, Rick McDonnell, chair of Whitby's Local Architec- tural Advisory Committee (LACAC), told council of Fire Tools from L$49,95 LACAC's «frustrations» in trying te save the home. While not critical of the Town or the developer and, in fact, complimenting both for their offerte, McDonneli said steps must be taken te ensure that theý toiEn isvandalism,ucouncillor "Yf not for vandals this would have gene as smnooth as s3ilk,» ho said, roferring te attempts"te move the house. Noting that vandaiism bas THE TWEEDIE HOUSE WAS BUILT IN 1845 same fate doos not befali Whitby's other old buildings. If an eld bouse is te make way for new development it must be protected from vandalIism until a decision is made on eitber mev- ing the building or refurbisbing it for othor uses, McDonnell said. (Erin Milis had considered sel- ig tho Tweedie Hous as a private residenco, but te do 80 the developer would likely have bad te relocate the building else- whore Within the development. (lIn its current location, the bouse was ýccupyîg what would be two sorviced lots and te beave it there would bave been tee costly te any potential buyer.) "Once development is te take place we need a tenant ini there as soon as possible te keep watcb on it,» said McDonnell. "When it site empty it invites vandals,"he said.. «What caused you te be bore NORWOOD ,by Heritage $14o~per mont O.A.C. THE 1 STOVE DEN A Division of Taunton Pools & Spas " Save On Heating Bis " Heats 1,OOOsq.fl. " Canadian Made " No Down Payment become more froquent in recent years, I)rumm said teugher mea- sures are 'noeded te combat the problem. Ho recalled that about five ears ago two youths wbo had ben guilty of dstrog ro perty were breught before coun- cil and publicly adnionisbed for their actions. "I can assure you tbey'vo net been back,» ho said. The judicial system must clamp down harder on vandals, an angry Drumm insisted. "rmüfed up with judges who sap these people on the wrists andsay ddn't be' a. bad boy,' said Drumm.» Town officiais, in conjunction witb LACAC, will explore vani- eus measures te discourago van- dalism and trespassinq on vacant properties of an histerical signili- cance, council decided. $12*95, OPEN: Mon.-Frl. 1O-GThurs.-FrI. 10-8 Sat. 10-5 Durhayns 1Largest ShowroomI .Coior Your WorId"ý I Cali Pave orSandrO~ 1 Ve4eýme ?4e7wa GELLED FLAT CEILING LATEX l7~3.785 L AFTER SALE PRICE $35.92 1916 Dundas Street East, Whltby Offer Expres Nov. 30M9. MARK YOUR CALIENDAR!I cHRIsTm AS PRF;ESENGEý Country Coîlectables & Craft Sale Nov. 13 &c 14,1993 R.H. Comish P.S., Port Perry Door Prizesl Info: (905) 985-1616 xx*.ýii.ý..-,... V.A.i- . 12! S Lanada-s liest l'ami cN: ýi aupaper % aitic - tr c ii 1 m

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