Whihby Frec Press. Wednesday, November 17, 1993, Page il Christmas concert isfrt hwby coi The Durham Philharmonic Choir, directed by RoPbert Phillips, will launch its inaugural season with a concert on Sunday, Nov. 28, 8 pM., at St. George's MemorelfChurch, Centre and Bagot streets, Oshawa. The program, 'Music for the Cbristnm Season,' will feature Camille Saint-Saëns ' Christmas Oratorio' which will aiso highlight several vocal soloista from the CINDERELLA (Cheryl Marek) is taunted b y her stepmnother and two ugly stepsisters (from left, Laurel Campbell, Wendy White and Liola Limeback) in a scene from the Whitby Coufthouse Theatre"s presentation Audiions for Fotprints on the Moon' Durhamn Shoestring Performers wiIl hold e public audition Tuesday, Nov. 30 starting et 7:30 P.m. Actera ahould be prepared to audition until 10 p.m. et the Arts Resource Centre, behind Oshawa CityHall. ele interested in woidng on other aspects of the production are elao welcexne to attend. Performance dates for the third production are Feb. 24, 25, March 3, 4 and 5. 'Foozprints on the Moon,' by Canadian pleywright Maureen Hunter, is e thought-evoking drame of human relationship and was nomineted for the Governor General'a Literary Award for Drama. Director Ann Syme will cast the five roles: Joanie (in her late thirties), mother of Carol-Ann (aged 16 te 18), Dunc (in Isa late thirties te early forties), Beryl, Joanie's best friend (aged 35 te 45) and Boone, Joenie's ex-huaband (aged 35 to 45). The opa naet the train statioCoulce, in a prairie tewn where Joanie's life is about te be revealed. Producer Carolyn Wilson bas acrips available for advance readinga. To borrow a script or for further information, oelil 725-9256. area. Other musie will include Gustav Holsts's Christmas Day,' the< rie' from Charpentier'a $Md -tea for Christmas, 'And tii. Glory' froni Handel's of 'Int the Woods.' The «"funny, whimsical and highly entertaining" Stephen Sand- heim musical runs Th- through Saturday and Nov. 25 through 27. Tickets are available at Lafontaine Trading Post. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whihby Free Pres RKthard Do= uss, ecdsRe n rneWr'sa ' dsmed film adaptation of Neil Smon's Pute nze-erfwlg comedy dreded by Mariha Coofidge. A magstsl,mu51seevyae d0se 1sy W93 CoêkM99. rom « Krere">m Mo99Rq5or. 5.990.9rW3 LaYo9 a,4d0",g., C99'999 T9599 99H«" V490 AâIN erM 9. COLiMI _ _ff 'Messiah,' as well as variaus carol arrang mente. Tcketa ar $10 for adulte, $8 for seniors and students, and are available et Wilson and Lee Music Store, 87 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Dises and Data, Whitby and from choir members. For more information, cal 728-1739 or 721-9290. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F Ar(D SMOKING BY-LAW ~~ 900 B0NAGORO AVE.ý Reservation -Hotine 7666-9280D Wesà t Ly':inde Vidéo 273 MICHAEL BLVD.: Reservation Hotlifle 430-0992 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whity bas passed a by-law to reulate smoking in indoor public pae. Te intent of the by-law is to provide a healhhly indoor environment for the public and, at the same tUme, make provisions for those persons who do smoke. Tih. by-law wlii corne loto force and take effeot on January 1, 1994. INDOOR PUBULC PLACES WHERE SMOKING IS REGULATED Art Gallerles and Museums Smoking in the public portion of any art galler or museum 15 prohibited. Buses Smoking in any sohool bus, public transport vehicle or handi transit bus is prohibited. Dey Nurseries Smoking in the public portion of any day nursory is prohibited. EatiqqgEstablishments NO less than 25% of the indoor seating area of any eating establishment is to be designatod as a *No Smoking* area. Elevators, Escalators and Stalrways Smoking in any elevator, escalator or stairway in any building. wilh die exception of a privato residence, is prohibited. Financlal Institutions Smoking in the public portion of any tinanciai institution is prohibited. Halrdressing Parleurs and Barbersieps Smoking in the public portion of any hairdressing parlour or barbershop is prohibited. Hospîtala and Health Car. Faclithies Smoking in any hospital or heahh care tacility is prohibitod except in a dosignated smoking area and such area must be fully enclosed and separately venhilatod dlrectiy to the outside. Leundromats Smoking in the public portion of any laundromat is prohibited. Municipal Buildings Including Rscreatlonal Facilities Smoking in any municipal buildin g or recreational facility owned and oporated biy the Town of Whitby is genorally prohibited. Public Wsshroerns Smoking in any public washroom is prohibited. Roception Aras Smoking in any public lobby or public reception area is prohibitod. Retal Stores Smoking in the public portion of any retail store is prohibited. Schoeis Smoking in the public portion of any school is prohibited. Service Unes Smokinq in any indoor service lino or at any indoor service couniter is prohibited. Shopping Malse Smolking in any common area of any shopping mail is prohibitod. Taxlcabs Smoking in any taxicab is prohibited excopt whon ail persons in the tadcab are smokers. Theotres and Concert Halls Smoking in any thoatre or concert hall is prohibited. Transit Sheiters Smoking in any transit shelter is prohibdted. "MO SMOKING" SIGNS Every proprietor of any building or any area in which smoking is prohibited under the by-iaw is reqiired to post "No Smoking" signs se as- to be cleauiy visible and legiblo in ail aroas where smoking is prohibited. OBRMA71ON 0F PROPRIETORS AND THE PUBILIC Every posetor is required toamotorro any porson who is smoking in an roee mkn is prohibited that the smokig activity is in vioiation of the law. Evr propriotor who fails or neglects to pertorm tis duty is guilty oftan ottence. Every person who fails or neglects to comply with the provisions of the smoking by-law is aise guilty of an offence. Every person who tails or neglects, Io comply wih tho by-Iaw, upon conviction is hiable Io a fine et up to $5,000.00, exclusive ot costs, recovorabýe under the Provincial Offences Act A compkot copy ofthtei smoking by-law la avallable for public inspetion eithe Clek's Departroont during regular business heurs, Monday to Friday. Furdho Information regarding the. smoking by-Iaw can be obtalned by contactlng the Claeks Delpartment DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK- M