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Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1993, p. 18

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Page 18, WMhy Free Press, Wednesday. Novembet 24, 1993 GERONTOLOGICAL The Gerontological Nursinig Association, Durhamn Chapter will hold the general meeting Monday, Nov. 29, 7 p.m., at Witby Psychiatric Hospital, building 27, Gold Room (use main entrance). Kerry Delaney will discusa eider abuse. Door prizes. FASCINATION The Robert McLaughlin Gallery will present ' Fascination' with the Oshawa Barberahoppers on Thursday, Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m., at the Oshawa Civic Centre. Children are welcome. Admission is free. YULETIDE FUNDRAISER TI celebration of the magie of Christmas trees, the Alzheimer Society of Durham Region will host 'Yuletide Tapestry of Treesd on Sunday, Nov. 28 at Trillium Trails, north of Oshawa. The collection of 17 one-of-a-kind trees wiil include everything from a contemporary fabric design te a tree that can be worn as jewelry. Traditional, romantic, old- fashioned and special theme trees will aise be featured. The evening, in aid of, Alzheimer disease research, will begin with a reception and auction preview at 5 pam., followed by a candlelight dinner with a Bavarian menu at 6 p.m. Tickets are $30 per person. For table reslervation» and more informa- tion, caUl the society at 576-2567. ANNUAL NMEETING The Whitby Seniors? Activity Centre will hold the annual general meeting Friday, Nov. 26, 1:30 p.m. at the centre, 801 Brock St. S. Ail members are encouraged te attend. Election of members of the board of directers will takep lace. Advanced polIs will be held\Frday, Nov. 19 and Monday, No. F22 te Thursday, Nov. 25, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. and 7 te 7:30 p.m. For more information, cail the centre at 668-1424. COMMNUNITY IMPACT Focus on the- Family will present the 'Community Impact seminar with Michael Clarke on Saturday, Nov. 27, 9 amn. te 4 p.m., at a new location, Calvary Baptist Church (Rosland Road and Riteon Road North), Oshawa. Registration wiil begin at 8:30 a.m. The ceet is $10Yperson and $15/couple.- A lunch will be provided. For more information and te pre-register, caR 434-7977. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE A New Year's Eve dance will be held at the Knights of Colunmbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby, with entertainmnent by country and western band, the Luniber Lost. Hot and cold buffet. Ceet is $20 per person. For tickets, cali Martin Turpin at 666-1071 or Deug Macean at 430-9621. CHIISTMAS TREES lst Whitby Scouts will selI Christmas trees in the parking lot at Jerry's The. Dru g Ware- house, 3 11 Brock St. N., Witby, Monda yte Fridlay from 6 te 9 p.m. aturdays 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. and Sundays 1 a.m. te 5 p.m., THE DIRTY PAWZ Band will be part of the Oshawa. Tickets, for $5, are availabe by live entertatnment at the second annual calling Claire at 725-2241. Other groups childmen's program fundraising dance held by performing wiIl be Mirror Mirror and Baton the Oshawa-Durhiam Rape Crisis Centre on Rouge. Saturday night, Nov. 27 at Dnilpro Hall, ANNUAL hMEIG The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre wiil hold the annual general meeting Friday, Nov. 26, 1:30 p.m., at the oentre, 801 Brock St. S. There wiil be an election of members te, the board of directors'. Advanced poils continue until Thursday, Nov. 25, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. and 7 te 7:30 p.m. For more information, cali the centre at 668-1424. UNICEF CARDS Unicef Christmas carde are now available at the Oshawa YWCA, 1 MeGrigor St., Oshawa. For more information, cali 576-8880. EMFISY The Eiepsy Parents Support Group will meet Thursday, Dec. 2, 7 p.m. CaRl Diane (683-4070) for location or more information about the new group for parents with children who have epilepsy. DOW"'SSYNDROME The Durham Down's Syndrome Association will hold the annual Christmas party Sunday, Dec. 5, 2 te 5 p.m., at Holy Famuly Church, 91 Ribblesdale Dr., Whitby. Entertainnient by Brian Wiliston. Refreshments provided. Families are asked te bring a plate of Christmas sweets and a non-pnshale food item for the food bank. For more information, call 579-0187. MEN'S CLUB .he Curby Club, a self.help group for mon recentlyr separated or divorced and dealing with emotional, legal, custody or financial matters, meets Tuiesdays, 7 te, 9 pa..,et Christ Memoriai Church, 8i Hillcroft St., Oshawa. For information, call Jeff at 434-7056 or Scott at 623-6870. FUNDRAISING DINNER The Reform Party, Ontario riding will hold the first annual Christmas fundraising dinner Thursday, Nov. 25 at Annandale Golf & Country Club. The reception will begin at 6:30 pan., foilowed by a roast beef dnner at 7:30 pam. Tickets are $35 per person. For more information, eaUl 427-3358 or 686-0278. CHRISIMAS DANCE The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre wiil hold the annual Christmas dance on Saturday, Dec. 4, 8 p.m., at the centre, 801 Brock St. S. Music will be p irovided by Phil James. Befreshments and cash bar. Cost is $4 at the door. For more information, call 668-1424. LWVING WITH CANCER Living' With Cancer support groupa will be held Monday, Nov. 29: adulte, frienda and farnily group, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Ajax Cricket Club, northeast corner of Monarch and Clemonte avenues; parents of children with cancer and children aged 7 te 17 dealing with cancer either personally or with a parent or sibling, 7 te 8:30 p.m., at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 91 Ings Cres. OPE~N BOUSE St. AndreW's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane St., Wihitby wilI hold an open house te, honour Bey. W.J.S. McClure and Mrs. McClure on SaturdayNov. 27, 2 te 4 p.m. Bey. MeClure willbe retiring after 32 years as minister at St. Andrew's. Ail are welcome. COMUNITY IMPACT Focus on the Family (Canada) Association will present the Comxnunity Impact seminar te, pastors, community leaders and lay-leaders in Durham Region on Saturday, Nov. 27, 9 a.m. te 4 p.n. at Bitson Road Alliance Church, 605 Ritson Rd., Oshawa. Registration begins at 8:30 amn. Cost is $10 per person or $15 per couple. Lunch will be provided. To pre-register, cali 434-7977. alil;î 1 Ce cIIt )ho Kws & bz ici s BAZAA14CRAKTI, BIRESALE A bazaar, cr..t and bake sale will be held rthursday, Dec. 9, 9:30 a.m. te 4 m.n. at Whitby General Hbspitel, second floor. There will b. an assortment of crafts, hand-knitted and baked goods. Proceeds te the Durhamn Region Sexual Assault Care Centre. For more information, cail Joan at 430-2572. CRAYI' SALE An art and craft show will b. held at St. May the People Church hall, 532 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa on Saturday, Nov. 27, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. Thore will b. more than 40 vondors, offring flowers, Sies, carda and doco- rations. Admission is free. COUNTRY CRAFTr SHOW d Cântry Christmnas in Columbus' craft show will be held Saturday, Nov. 27, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m., at Columbus Community Centre, Simcoe St., north of Oshawa. There will be candles, choclates,. floral wreaths and arrngemments and folk art. Refreshents will be availablo. Admission is $1 for aduits, children aged 12 and under, free. Proceeds te the Rose of Durham. COLLEGE CRAFI' SHOW Durhami Collogo will hold its annual Chiistmas craft show and sale Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 27 and 28 at the Oshawa campus. Tho show is open froni 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. cach day. Admission is $2 at the door. Thero will be more than 100 vendors. For more information, call 721-3052. BAZAAIR, BAKE SALE The Windsor Place Scniors' Association wiIl hold a bazaar and bake sale on Saturday, Dec. 4, 10 a.m te 4 p.., at 315 Coiborne St. W., NWitiby. There will b. a white elephant table refreshmente, grab bags and crafts. P(YTTEBY SHOW & SALE A Christmas pottery show and sale wiil be presented by the Ajax Pickering_ Potters' Guild on Friday, Nov. 26 (7 te 9 p.m.), Saturday, Nov. 27 (9:30 a.m. te 5-30 p.m.) and Sunday, Nov. 28 (11:30 am. te 4 p.m.) at Turning Point Pottery Studio in the Pickering Becreation Complex, Vafley Far Road South (south fHgbway 2). Thero wiil b. door prizos.Adniision and parking are fre. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Brooklin Day Nursery will hold the annual Christmas bazaar Saturday, Nov. 27, 10 a.m. te 2 p.m., at 14 Church St. in B3rooklin. There will be a fish pond, face painting, children's crafts and clothing, baked gooda, white oiephant and crafts. A hot lunch will be available. Admission is free. Donations of - non- perishable food items wiil be accepted. For more information, eaUl Tracey at 655-3864. CRAFSHOW Col. J.E. Farewell Public School, 810 McQuay Blvd., will hold its lOth annual craft show on Sunday, Nov. 28, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. There will more than 40 tables of crafts. Admission is free. Proceeda from table rentais will be used for school projects. CRAFTISHOW Brooklin Mom's Morning will hold a craft show on Wednesday, Dec. 1, 9 a.m te 6 p.m., at Brooklin United Church, Cas- souls Road. There will be Tuni- bleweed crafts, Doddlebug crea- tiens, country collectibles, stuffed aniai, lace, wooden miniatures and jewelry. Sundlay. Dec. 5,12,19 g am - 5pm mroEtTrae Centre FREE ADMISSIN I For extiibitoç info. cali I 428-7610 LIONESS CLUB The Whitby Lionesa Club will nieet Wedneadayl Dec. 1, 6:4 nim., ini the Gold Boom of the tentennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. For more informa- tion eau 668-4944 or 668-2268. CROICES IN CIDIT The Cldbirth Education Association of Durhami will t Chaice in Childbirth' on 7éd , Dec. 1, 7 te 8:30 p.m., at S. McLaughlin High Sohool, Stevenson and Rossland roade, Oshawa. The public information seminar wil be of interest te ail expectant parents and those planning a pregnancy. Speakers will reet information on prenat am a options, including tests; choosng a physician/midwife; and developing a birth plan. Admisasion is fr-ee. For more inomton, cail 420-3890. CRRITMAS FUNDRAISER The Oshawa & District Humane Society wiil hold a Christmas fundraiser for the care and protection of the animais in Durham Regin . n Saturday, Dec.4 an SunayDec. 5, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the, shelter, 199 Waterloo St. (off Ritson Road South), unit 2, Oshawa. Pets' phoo ta) vith Santa, $5. Tere willi 3 a bake sale and raffles. tickets and information, cail the shelter at 433-2022. ANNUAL SALE The Whitby Salvation Army Home Lengue will hold their annual sale on Saturday, Nov. 27, fromil a.m. te 3 p.m. at 122 Kent St, Whitby. Lunch v-:11 be served. BUnIDNG SELF-ETEM The Family Education Resource Centre of Durhanm House will hold 'Building Your Child's Seif-esteeni,' a workshop for parents of children aged 1 te 10, Thursday, Dec. 2, 7 te 9 p.m., at Holy Cross Catholic School, 357 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. The cost is $8 ($24 for a series of four workshops). Pre-registration is required. For more information ,and te register, eall the contre at 579-2021. ONE PARENT. FAMILlES Oshawa Chapter One ,Parent Familles Association will meet Tuesday, Nov. 30, 8:30 p.m., at Lavai Community Centre, corner of Lavai and Salisbury streete. Guest speaker will be Andrew Francom froni Metropolitan iàfe discussing financial planning and insuranoe for the single parent. For more information, cal 436-5089 or 728-1011.

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