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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jan 1994, p. 14

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Page 14, Why Fre. Prmu, Wedneday. Jgnuauy 5.,1094 ROTARY RIE EFFO"RT There was an excellent res- panse to a relief effort in Janu- amy by Whitby and Oshawa Rotary clubs to gather warmn clothes, sleeping bags and blan- kets for refugees in Boania and Ooatia. Doniations filled two roome and vestibule at Nurse Chev-Olds, the drop-off centre for Whitby. BANK ROBBERY The fifth bank robbery in les than a year took place at the Canada Trust branèh on Thick-. son Road South on Jan. 27. Steven Craig Sommerville was later charge in connection with three of th oste robberies as well as 1992 rob bemies at Royal Bank and National Bank branches in Whitby. Another robbery took p lace at the Canada Trust branch on April 27. KINSMEN POOL Whitbýy's only outdoor pool was demolished last, year. The Kins- men Pool at Byroén Street North and Walnut Street was removed after a Town repart indicated that levels cf use were insuffi- cient and that the pool needed $150,000 worth of repairs. TOWN TAX Property taxes increased 2.5 per cent ini 1993. Whitby council appr oved a zero increase in the Tonportion of the municillpa tai bil. The Region poiof the Whitby tax bil increased 2.7 prcent but an expanded local aibase and savingsi garbage disposai coats kept the Durhanx rate at the 1992 level. Public and separate school taxes went up 4.55 per cent. ¶IWEEDIE HOUSE Iii..February, ayenMat- thews, president c the Erin Mills Development Corp. which owns the farrahouse and pro- prty, said that the hous. would be preserved when the develop- ment company builda a 1,600- unit subdivision west cf Coch- ranle, between Rossland and Taunton roads. NEW CAO FOR REGION It was announced in March that.Garry Cubitt would replace retiring Don Evans as chief administrative officer for the r eon of Durham. Cubitt was the Region's social services coin- missionei'. BRAVERYAWARD Craig Green of Whitby, who risked hIàs life to, save a motoriat froin a crash i November 1992 received a national award ot valeur from, the transportation industry and later a medal of bravery froin Governor General Ramon Hnatyshyn. JUNIOR CITZEN Chandra Hunter, founder cf Whitby's Active and Concerned Youth (WACY), in March recei- ved one of 13 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards. SEWERS Work began in the spring on a $16-million project ta extend oewer services ta Broolclin. The province contributed taoward the cost of extending the main sewer p ipe north froin 1aunton Road ta Brooklin. A 1992 study found that 62 per cent of wells in Brooklin were contaminated and 25 per cent cf sèptic systems are inadequate. The new syste clears the way for new develop- ment in Brookihi that, according ta forecasta, could see the Brook- lin x>uation icrease ta 25e000 CENTRE EXPANSION Whitby council i June appro- ved plans for a 6,100-sq. ft. addition ta, the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, althcugh it is not yet known when the expan- sion will take place. The existin location was proposed instead of council's controversial decision in 1990 ta build la 15,000-sq. ft. facility ini Bradlety Park, south cf Manning Road. PLAN APPROVED In late November, Ontario Municipal Afairs Miister Ed Philip formaily approved Dur- hamn Region'a officiaI plan, the document that! will guide land use poicies i Durham over the next 30 years. ARTIFACTS Native artifact alamcst 3,000 years aid were discovemed near Whitby's Lynde Creek Marsh. The importance of the find was not known until studies could be undertaken, so the. site was to, b. protected b y the provincial govermient from further deve- lopment. HOSPITAL <UTS Whitby General Hospital offi- ciais conflrmed in August that many services could be eut un- less a solution was found for the hospital's financial problems resulting from the projected budget deficit '(about $50 000) and the *446,500 needeA as Whitby General's share of the clawback containedl in the social contract legislation. In Novein- ber, the hospital announéed it wauld close 16 beds, as, of Dec. 20, for an indefinite period, while the operating room mmd some outpatient services would be closed froin Dec. 20 ta Jan. 3. WAGE ROLLBACK Whitby municipal workers were hitwith a wm rollback for the summer mnt s,'four days off Without psy, to help offset decreasod transfer payments from the province ta Whitby. CUPE filedi a grievance against the Town for the decision, and Mayor Tom Edwards disagreed with the council decision ta im- pose the wagle rollback. 'WALLER SIGN Public pressure forced Whitby council ta reverse a Dec. 13 decision rejectm«g multi-way Stop signa on Wa1>zr Street where! a Whitby girl was killed in Novem- ber. Council met in a closed door session on Dec. 15 and approved a multi-way stop. AUTHEIISSWIM The Arthriti* Society's aquatic prograzns wiii be offered at tue Ajax community centre on Fri- days, 3 ta 4 p.m., starting Jan. 7. For more information or ta1egs- ter caîl Patricia Brightwell at 434-7221. OPEN HOUSE An open houa. will b. held at Pringle Creek Community Centre School on Saturday, Jan. 8, 10 ta 11:30 a.m. There will be paramdemonstrations, music bythe Pringe1 rek Jazz Band, rafe, efashenta, visit froin a spcal purple dinosaur, and programn egitration. For mare information caîl 668-0666. THEOS The local chapter cf THEOS, a au port group or the widowed, will meet on Sunday, Jan. 9 2 p.m., at. St. Andrew' Presby- terian Church, ohrane Street, Whitby. For more information cail 668-2648. uPFPRT GROUF iàving with cancer, support group for parents, support group for chidren aged 7 ta 17 deahing with cancer, meets on Jan. 10, 7 ta 8:30 p.m., at Holy Trimity Anglican Church, 91 Kings Crescent, Ajax. Support group for adults meets Jan. 10, 7 ta 9 p.m., Ajax Cricket Club, northeast corner of Monarch and Clements avenues. Meetings scheduled for Dec. 27 have been cancelled due ta tue holidays. For more information cali Lynn Nazarko at 686-1516. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Overeaters Anonymous meets every Monday, 7:30 p.m., at St. Phihip's Catholic Church, 1314 Oxford St. (for more information cali Heidi, 686-0473)- every Tues- day, 8 pm., at Rorthminster Church, imcoe Street North and Rossland Road,.Os;hawa (Linda, 668-8030);; every T'hursday 7:45 p.mn., Hcly Triity Church, 9 1 King Cres., Ajaxi (Deb, 427-8842). AQUARIUM SOCIETY The Durham Région Aquarium Socety wiil meet on Tuesday, Jn. 11, 7:30Op mln the cafe- teria at P.S. MdÏaughlin Col- legiate, 507 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. For more information cali Juin Brown at 655-5853 or Tyr Fisher at 831-0940. CHiLI)CARE The. Durhamn Région Child Came Action Committee wili hold evening focus groups, ta discuss issues affecting chuld care, on Monday, Jan. 10 615 p .m. at the YMCA, 269 iýuen St., Port Pery, nd n Tesday Jan. 11, 6:15 p.m., at Y-PAE, 1400 Bal t., Plckeng. For more iormation call 427-886. l'muDIE HOME The historic Tweedie farm- house, buiit i 1845, was tom down by its, owner, Erin Mille, development Camp., in the fafl after a request ta the Town frorn the Whitby fare departmnent ta, remove the,"unsafe building in the interest of public safety. IIOSPJTALIMRELT Fourteen years after it was first promised, the Ontario government in June anncunced plans ta go ahead with a $181.5- million redevelopmïent of Whitby Pschatric Hospital. Work, on te325-bed hospit4l began! in Novembrad the new building isr sc996.ld ta open ini Deoem- The. Cesarean Prevention Sup- p art and Education Group of Durham Region wil meet on Monday Jan. 10, 7:30 p.m., at 31 Cmnel (5des.,. Ajax. T9pic wili b. 'Medical Interventioâoi.' For m'ore information cali Michele at 683- 4229 or iÀsa at 576-0562. ONE PARENT FAXMLES Oshawa Chapter On. Parent Families Association will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 8 p.m., at Adria Croatian Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. New members and guests always welcome. For more information caUl 436-5089 or 728-1011. NEWCOMEIRS The Oshawa/Whitby Newco- mers'Club wili meet on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 8 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre in Oshawa. Guest speaker wiii b. a represen- tative of tue- Ontario Provincial Police who wiil discuse safety for women. Any ,wcni new ta- the are is weicomne ta attend. For more infôrmation cali Informia- tion Whitby kt 668-0552. ST. JOHN AMBULANJCi The administrative branches of St. John Ambulance in Durhamn Region were recently amalgama- tedinto one location, buût the Whitby brigade at 1517 Dundas St. E. still provides first aid services. Basice rescuer, CPR, firet aid and Heartsaver cqurses are offered at variaus locations in Janulr. A babysitting course beginaJan. 15 for those qged il ta 16. Cali 434-7800. JAMES BOUSE The. committee for James Houa., a proposed AIDS hospice for Durham Region, wili meet Wednesday, Jan. 12, 7:30 p.m., at St. Andrews Church 71 Sim- ca. St. S., Oshawa. qhe 1994 year agenda wili include a mein- bership driveand -incorporation. For more information e aul 404- 2102. BLOOD DONOR CLMCI A blocd donor clinic will b. held at the. Whitby Branch 112 Legion hall, Byron Street South, on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1 t 8 p.m. LEGAL AIDADVICE 'the monthllegal aid advice clinie will b. heldTruiesday Jan. 11, 7 ta, 8:45 p.m. at the. Whitby Public Library, bndas Street West.Apiniet muet b. made in person at tue Whitby Information Centre, 900 Brock St. orby clhig the. centre at 668-Ob52. Cientreiv a pri- vate and confidential 15-minute appointinent with a lawyer pro- vided by the. Ontario legal aid office ini Oshawa. The service is available ta anyone and there is no charge. OKIIS-TRAINING Ontario Premier Bob Rae hel- wta "officily" oenDurham egs kilîs trainig centre in Whitby on Nov. 18. 8cm. course had begun as early as lustJune, but most of thé 3,000 students did not bégin classes until late August due tô workers putting the finishing touches on the for- m~er Cadbury chocolate factory. FLAG 1»MES DOWN At the end of JuIy,ý a W;hitby propert.y management ffrm remo- ved a email Canadian flag flown býa family at the Bassett-Boule- yard condominium they rent. The board of directors of the condomiium comptez said the fiag was againat the toe of the lease. LIVIG WELL NIOGM A_ pysician will discuse sleep dcisodr tythe. Whitby Seniors' Jan. 13 at 1 pml. Everyone is welcome ta attend. Admission is $1 at the door nd refreshments will b. served. Cail 668-1424 for fuirther information. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will. meet on Sunday, Jan. 9, 12:30 p.m., at the. Arts Resource Centre b.hind Oshawa City Hall. For more-information call Earl or Sharon MacLean at 728-1362. LAA LECHE La Loche League Wiiitby will hold a breastfeeding' support meeting on Thursday, Jan,183, 9:30 a.m- The to 'c is 'Nutrition and Weaning.' Mothers, babies nd expectant, mothers are wel- came. Caîl 723-0542 for'more information, includlng location. AVICULTURALSOCIETY The ,Durham AvicuÜltural Society of Ontario will meet on Tuesday Jan. il 7:30 p.m., at Swan'sKMarina, Liverpool Road South at Lake Ontario, Plcker- ig. For.more information cal John at 655-8367 or -George et 721-8397. BECOND-UAND SO0E The ,Durham HEALTH ,(Help End AUl LethalTdbamc Hazards) Network, will iiold its next meeting on Tuesdgy, Jan. il at 7:30 p.m. The netwcrk is a volunteer group of citizens who support tougiier municipal rqgulatiopa ta .control second-hand smoke ,ipublic places. The primry focus is to protect the health c children nd affected employees i public places. Interested citizens froin ail Durham municipalities are encouraged to join. Caii (905) 571-782 o oeifrain BONAI The Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet on Jan.-11, 7 pan., Faith Place, 44 Wfim St., Oshawa. For more information, cail 683-2568 or 683-5135. EUCHR Euchres are held b the odd- 't9y*1" ionla*1.50. MI welcome BIRD TOUR The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority wili conduet a tour cf the bird feeder trail at Lynde Shores Conservation Area, Sunday, Jan. 9, 2 p.in. For more information, contact the authority at (905) 579-0411. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 1994 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS REGISTRATION 0F CANDIDATES Areyou interested ln running for local goverment? The Municipal Elections Act. RS.O. 190e.M5, nrcs rqIres evey Ponson wtio intends Ia be a adi ate i u i municipal elections to file a Notic ei gstration with the Retuming Offli. If yuplan ta seek office un the 1994 municial lections for Town Couricil, the Durham Board of Educatuon, the Duham Regian Roman Catholio Separate School Board or the Whtby Hyro-Electric Commission, yau must regîster with the Reuming Officer befare you spenid or muse maney for camnrpagn activ tes. Until you are regustered, your campaign organzabaon cannot ramse money or ncur any expenses. Also, you cannat spend any ai your oevn maney, or that of your spause, on your campaign before registratin. Rogustratuon forms and related information can be obtained tram the TownCierk's offic. DONALD G. MKAY, CLERK AND RETURNING OFFICER THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2M18 PHONE (905) 668-580

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