Page 22, WhIIbv Frm Prom., Wednoeday, January 6. 1904 ____ ___IA!aIihLT~1I>~RhiL___ ___ BROOKUN. Large room. Cl oset ail amenitles. Available naw. 655-5539. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ton minutes from Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12.* Rooms avaliable for rent. Low weekly rates. Cali 655-5308. ROOM FOR RENT. Fumlshed, share kitchen, Iaundry, parking, phone. Brock & St arr area. V rki adut anly. $90 weekly. Cai a 2 5 W. HOUSIE, APARTMENT FOR RENr? If you had advertlsed hre, 1,0008 like you would b. readlig tlis now. Coli 6684111 OSHAWA. Part laliy furnlshed 3 bodroomn semi-detachod ta share with 2 femralos. Fomalo preferréd. Laundry faciIftles, plkn. $3404Qfot.AvddIekneIaeIr Cati 434-2998 leave message. ROOMMATE - Professional femnale ta sharo house. non-smoker. Whitby, near GO & 401. $3751mo. inclusive. Cati 666-854 atter 5 p.M. BQAT &RV STORAGE. HIGHLAND VAN & STORAGE. BotaRV storage, 90bontspDer foot per month. Whitby - 668-6611. 161 CUBE VAN for hiro, wfth 1 or 2 mon for moving short or long distance. Phono 433-0775. BROOKUN. 2 bedroom apait- ment. Full bath, frldge & stovo, big yard. Phone 655-3281. BROOKUN. Large 1 beroom apartment. Fridge, stove, parking. i&iê + hy 99. al6544 $550. Cati6655-4544 WHUIBY. Newer 1 bedraom. Availabl Feb. t. Includes laurid & utilities, parking. $625/month. %us et door. 666-8264. 1 BEDROOM basement aat ment for rent. UkIIities, laundry, cabi, inciuded. $550/month. Availabie Immediateiy. 430-9694. WHITBY.ý 3 bodroom townhouse. immaculate. Close ta GO Stn. & 401. Privae garage. $950/manth. Cati 839-2887. WHITBY. East contrat. 3 bedroam hous.. $885 + utilitios. Cati 668-6897 or 668-4321. 3 BEDROOM, 2 storey semi. Backs anto Ravine. Rec raam, quiet court. 3 appilances. Oshawa Whtby border. Watk ta schools & shops. $875 per manth. Avaliable Jan.- 15. Cati Carol Chantier, Re/Max Summit, 668-3800. WHITBY MALL/THICKSON RD. Very clean 3 bedroom. Double garage, 50' lot, large patio. No pets. Referonces. Available March 1194. $1.000+..432-2477. WHITBY, spaclous 3 bedroam main f loor with garage, inground pool, frldge, stove anddishwasher. Near GO. Availabe Feb. 1. $975/ monith plus utilit les. Cali 668-1153. WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-611il POWER 0F SALE. q»sdprcprt les avattablo fingshawa from under $80,O00 For mare informadion cail Carai Ros, Sat eRp., Guide ReaIty Llmlted. 723-5281 or 723-6610. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Croativo rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to GOT A CAMPGROUND memn- borship/timeshare? We'li take hi Amerlca's largest oldest resae cioaringhcuse. Resort Sales Internatuonat 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cati 24 houri a day. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS. Straight sida&. Ends opt oas. 20x24 $127, 20x30 $2,619, 25x30 $3249, 25x40 $4278, 30x30 $4527, 30x40 $5.975, 30x50 $7.423, 35x60 $10,074. Ecanospan 1-800-668-5422. BROOKUN - 600 or 1500 sq. ft. store or office space for rent or lease. Excellent location. Arnp le paring. Extra storage. Calli 655-4544, evenings 655-8989. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwali Type - not q uanset - 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 il1,924; 50x90 $16,954; 60x126 $25,883 - other sizes available - Miscelianeous clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. MORTGAGES as low as 5.75% o.a.c. Call Michael .668-7200. Anubis lnvestmonts Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. NATURAL FINE qsnsz waterbed wth h aid, 4 sets cf drawers under bed for storage. $200. 434-7045. FIREWOOD. Excellent quallty hardwocd. Seasoned , vey dry, api.Honest measurement. Fi1re up wlth coz?. heat. Free delivery. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at hait price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. WEDDING DRESS, sie 12. EngagemenV/weddirc ' band set. Best cMers. Cai 668-5512 after 6 WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD for sae. Dry. hardwood, kindIln haif face cords, face cords, us' cords. Pick up or. deliver. 905-649-3183. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionais, less than hait price. Large select ion. McKeen Furnit re, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. LAZY BOY CHAIR, $75; freezer, 7 cu.ft., $75; mlcrowave aven, hardly ever used, $70. Ail in gaod condition. Cai 655-3772. FABRIC VERTICALS wlth valance, 72w x 84 i - $89; 84w x 84*1 - $89; PVC - $49 & $59. Other sizes avallable. Also, shades& mini binds. Cati 428-0937. SEWING MACHINE epairs to alilmakes 1NDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC In-home servSc avabable 111 DUNDAS ST. W, WHITBY Peter 006-12281 I WILL BUY your unwantod tems. BEFORE you throw out or hide them ln your basement. Cau 728-8485, beave a meà sae. 1981 tADILLAC Eldorado Barritz. Excellenit condi n. $2,500 firm. Cali 430-9154. FIBERGLASS CAP, fits Mazda shortbox - pickup. Verga conition. Asklng $275.240-2075. AH sizes. Instaillation and Computer Bianclng also available WHITBSY TIRE 103 Dundas St. E. (OM d MW.12Hy2 Phon. 430-8900" NSed a _rv- Credft problems? Lmuss to own any rmak ormol *Cash for as -*Cali now fodipa <potas LEASEGIUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 - Jsff ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, pooir' driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can holp. Phone 666-2090. TOY POODLE PUPPIES. Availabie now. Cali 655-3217 or 666-8103. BEER. NO TAXI $6 per 24. Al Ingredients, eqln ont and knowlodgeaalbet Brewski's 'Orne Brew, 1204 Simca. St. N. 404-0621. Open 7 days aweK Servcem S L- - CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Residentiai and Commercial Cleanlng (ask about aur X-Mas specials) *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION FireMWateu/Smoke Cleanup and Restoration (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE DEST WILL DO' 43&60 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning sinoe 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMVENT The Mutual Group HERB TRAN 668-9669 s432-7216 RRIFS- ANNITIE GICs RRSu Fnfaflcic- Corporatin, UCENSED TECHNIGIAN at MORTOAGES Errcl's Appilance, Repair. W. ll-major apliances, * l t 2 d' t 9 % Debt Conso lida *o m ncle d *Prime Rates - Pre-Oualifing uad Il ars guaraeed an. Jîn 432-7734. 57-80 r66640(o. iîa NEED TO KNOW SOU ETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY OALL SINCE 1930 LTD. PHONE 668-6497 Our hostesa wiii bring gifts and gre.ting, aonJ with heipul communlty information.j R.P.M. Relame prcperty main- tenance. Residont laI snow reoavai & lawn maintenance. Seniors' dhscunt. CatI John -or Frank -at 668-7689 or 433-0787. SPANKYS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. Reeidential MnW service. Bock_ eariyl Book nowl Phono Jim at 668-6803. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping. snow removal serviées Don't get caught ln the cold. Bock nowfo eavetrouh clanng($35),& s (905)428-1305. The Lifesaver course is designed to teach essential ifesaving first aid skills to people of ail ages. Three and a haif hours of your timne could save a lite. Cal! St. John Ambulance for details. CalUs Today @(905) &M-63901 I edm ma CALL A 4, mà h..,- 4, 1 1 am