Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wodnesday, January 19),1994 Littie problem w*th big JOb of constructing hî*gh school, headquarters The ByMarkSinclair High School/Durham Board of Education headquarters project is expected to be totally completed by mid-August. 'Were actually one to two weeks ahead of the expected achedule," says Ted Beauchamp, manager of facility desin and construction for the board. eTts over 50 per cent completed (now)... and the contract wil bh substantially completed (95 per cent) by the middle of June." The time between June and August will ho spent "commissioning and getting the bugs out of a very large building" and if things continue goï well, "we'1l be weli ahead of botho¶0 those dates." Between 50 and 125 people are working on the 369,000 square foot building (the headquarters is 172,000 square feet, the school 197,000 square feet) at any one time. So far the only significant problem they've had is soft soiin afew of the parking areas ho says, which was easily corrected. Overaîl, it's been quite a peasure to work on a job this size wihsitl problems." They're already answering the phono "giood' mornn, Sinclair Secondary School" at principal Kay Egan's office. Egan, Who was most recently prncFipal at Dr. F.J. Donevan Collegiate institute in Oshawa for four years, says geparations are well underway for inclair's first students. Ail but one of the department heads were hired just prior to Christmias and two vice-principals were also hired last year. "We've already visited elementary and 'secondary achools and sent letter. out to every student who's in our area (Rossland Road north to Broolin)." Sinclair will bo a highi-tech school, says Egan, "with somow*here between 275 computer workstations when we open; there will ho a fantastic opportunity for students." She's expecting 800 to 850 students the first year and 50 to 55 staff, "although it's really hard to say."0 There will only be grades 9 to il and grades 9 and 10 Frenich immersion the tet year. Grade 12 and OAC classes .11 in September, 1995. Whivby renich immersion students currently" attending R.S. McLaughlin Collegiat and Vocational Institute in Oshawa will transfer te Sinclair and Wgifted students curren'l attendin (Yeill may also go teo Sinclair..n "That's under discussion right now and I hope we're g oinget a decision on that next month.1n Tho school is expected to have 1,700 students and well over 100 staff within five te six yeas and will likely ho the biggest high school in Whitby. WhtyTransit has conunitted to havine buise te the new school well. in advanoe of its scheduled openxng. Studont registration hogins next month. Photos by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press rt V~ ,~