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Whitby Free Press, 19 Jan 1994, p. 19

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Whitby Fre. Preo, Wednesday, January 19, 1994, Page 19 juniors show well in belle division The Whitby Midas Muffler Junior girls' ringette teain placed third in thele division at the l3th annual Brooklin-Whitby Ringette Tournainent over the past weekend. The junior played girls two to three years older, and surprised everyone with their best teain performance of the year in the opening gine Friday evening as they defeated the Pickering belle teain 7-0. At0mRs Win last league contest The Wlutby ner aton AAM hockey teain,?Spoored by Flyingt ohl aid Cipended ra season play with' a 3-2 win againt Aax- PÎckýe ad. Whitby tock a1Oedwt firet period goalb Matt Taylor, essisted by Ryan Metthews. Ajax tied the gaine nimdway in the second period aid teck the lead,onyt be tied once .gen when Nathan Cotter scordaone pas frein Ryan Farrow. The winning goal came late in the third period as Farrow scored on a pesa frein Cotter. Julian Owen wa outstanding in net for Whitby. Great defensive play frein Justin Potter, Michael Kubryneki, Rob Gawne aid Joeh Turcotte -ontributed te, the =ini Oplyale of a seeson of etugefor the Whitby teani. Tournanient action resuines this weekend as the teain travels te, Peterboroughi. Atotm/ peewee house laue tourmament qorus.d byOp<hatstCub 09 Wh D.27-20, Whhby ATOU ivison A WhkIy Optkiist Ryan eansy Craig Bond Ckono PieFdgolInL Mati aid 3 Anckow Bemoodh 2 Justin Slaradeven WhkbyOptbniiut Ryui Mey3 Ajax Bowbon Jonatha ur*LWd Whâby Audio Muhe Koixynoick 2 Whkby Audio M" .Astalos 5 Kovin ConoIIy Brendon FRas. Dl% Waal Lynde FAC 1 Nicholes Michie 2 Michael Suddon 2 Ryan Trudeau Mark Rinaldi Gary Kiamra Jm*n Murphy Pringis Guardian 1 Christapher Michaud Prinle Guaidian 1 Jonathan Wash Aax Caesly 1 David McCânn 3 Bowmuile Hydro 6 Dave Lames 3 Brandlon Buckiey Jordani Bas DavidGriffin 2 Whitby Audco I<evuî Connely James Elick 6 AjaxBourbon Jonathan Lw* y2 Jeremy BIk Bryon Adans-Deonl 3 Orono Pins Rdge Malt Raid Andrew Beacocli Rya Mea11.2 Andrew Knox Chris Van Dusen In their second gaine, Wbitby and a very strong Ajax squad were tied at 2-2. But Ajax scored with just over a minute te play as Whlitby attempted to hold off the Njax attackers with onily three defenders. Whitby stormed to the attack and with the goaltender on the i f 'J c s I I BO Gi BEN D3 Ajo Scx Bru Km Cim Mad Stu Bac Gr& Du 2 Jon Mil MUA Anx mie Bru Kyk stew Bri Joi Kov Rya Bc Du mm Gra Jo, 2 Orono P om 7 Ajax Bourbon Joremy Black 2 Jonathan Lundy 2 ývision B 8 Bowmanville 1lydro Jolie De Srnkt bench, could not get the equalizer, losing a close game 3-2. In the final gaine againet the Whitby belle teain, trhe teains were tied at one goal each alter the first period of play in a very fat-acd me. However, the belles then struck for their second goal midway threugh the second period, and the juniors came out on the short end of a 3-1 score. Leadingz the Whitby attack was AngeTa Dnn with four goals Home teams rwna yn 4 West Lynde FAC Mark Ranaidi 2 Rlyan Trudeau Jamon Murphy Dek arr Grog Poland sentImoe 5 Whaby Audio 2 Brooklil Concrete Kyle Ruitan Flaul 1 Ajax Cassidy 3 Steve Kendnock Dave McCann Miy Marquardr iBowmanils Hydro 1 Noghan StoUJ 3 West Lynde FAC Gary Kitarura 6 Derek Off 2 Mark RWWIeJ Jool Padme Ma r in"l 6 Ajax Casidy t West Lynds FAC Ryan Trudeau Mark Rinaldi 3Gary Ktarnura Whitby Accuracy John Fazugia2 D Andrew Dole Justin YeIIs Jaye Savdon Bow. Cutting Pott Rlyan lurget Whitby Accuracy John Faffusa O Ksvn Jennings Jyehnon PEEWEE' Divisin A 5 Bow.Cmting Post Ja Nd 1 P. Hope Seis.Chalet2 Chris 0 h Joey Gbbon 5 Bowavile Checkers 2 Kovn Stohouse2 Bradbu~ry Mech. Anoy Muellr 2 Whitby Kinsern Gregg Gil2 Ryaai CIurTpus 1 Bow. Dyktras Deli Pauli Hand Chri Mn Bradbury Mech. Shawn Hnatko 2 Whitby Kinmen Michael Mchor Jason Fow er Bradbury Mech. Shawn Hnatko 2 Michael Orr Justin Morrison Whatby Accuracy Andrew Folis Whâby Toyota Tim Fonnesoy 2 Keith Pearson Whkby Toyota Tio Fonosaoy 3 Kath Pearson 2 Whitby Klnsmnen Shawn Hnedko Stephen Mormon 3 BowDstras Doli Jaluis Rchter 2 Uxbridge Bruine Anthony Taylor John Evarns 2 Uxbridqe Bruina Joe nider 9 2 Uxb11d4o Bruina Jas Snider 4 Bow. Dylstras Dl Song-ami 1 Whitby Kinsmnen 2 Andy Mu"fe Chds Read 3 P. Hope SMwChlloet 1 Ch11. Ough Fiml 4 Vviiibl Kasmên 3 k>rrpjsmff Mahew Gaina Grog Gil and two asjis Cte Challoner with three goals and an assios; Callie Corneal, a goal and four assists; and Shannon Perry and Lindsay Field, one goal each. Other assista went to Tanya ;Canpeau. with two, Luanne MacKenzie, Brea Blight, Ainéley Hunt and LnsyMallard. Tamara Wieiolek played goal for ail three gaines and was a very steady influence in the defensive end as she madle numereus fine saves and continued to frustrate the opposing attackers. junio)rA lacrosse 1DU4 DRAFT RESULTS Select 7s have touürnameèn t Whitby teanis dominated in the 12th annual atom/peewee s t shouse league hocketora nt =atcipated in the Parkwoods 6-5. Andrew Laraniy netted two nd seven o eight semifinalista. exibtin ournament during the and assisted Dean Seton on one. West Lynde Fish & Chips Christmas break, and lied three Bobby Scott hit the mark with emerged victorious in the atom losses and three wins. one and then helped Lariy and division and Whitby Toyota won In the firet gaie, played in Cotter. Healy made an exellent in the peewee section. extreney frigid temperatures, pase to Michael McKenzie who In t he atom final, Whitby West W otb ubt to a tougli Hamilton scored. Lynde Fish & Chips overcame teain 5-2. Randy Welton scored The fifth g aine had Whitby Whitby Optimist Club by a 3-1 one anid assieted Matt Snowden facing Thornhill and the 7es raargin. on the other. confidently took and held the lead West Lynde F'ish & Chips In the second gaine, Whitby to win 4-1. went ahead in the firet period exchanged the lead several times Welton lied a three-point with a goal by Ryan Trudeau. with the Parkwoods Flyere, but gaine as he assisted Snowden on Optimiet Club tied the gaine were not able to hang on to it, two and scored on hie own solo on a Ryan Meaney goal. Two going clown 6-4. ettempt. Fox also scored with third-period goals by Mark Kevin Remel assted on two help from Larezny and Seton. Rinaldi and Gary itainura put goals, onebyNcolas Cotter and Thie Whitby teain just înissed West Lynde Fiel & Chips ahead one by Snowden. Justin Fox fourth spot in the tournainent to "ty, and clinch the ,cored on a solo attempt, while and, therefore, played in the chainpionship. Fler Healy, with help from consolation round, again meeting West Lynde's road to the final Walton, knocked in th e lest Thornhill. The result wes the Sterted with an 8-1 wrn over Whitby goal of the gaine. saine, thie time with a 5-2 score. Bowmenville Ontario Hydro, The third gaine of the day saw McKenzie scored twice on his followed by victories over Ajax a we"r group battle with uwni and assisted Snowden on Cassidy & Comnpany and Whitby lilicreet and sffer a 4-3 defeat. one. Cotter scored from Kosiw Pringle Guardian Drugs, by 10-3 Nrlton scored egain on a paes and Lareniy from iàske. and 3-2 margineB respectively. 'rom Snowden. Defenceman Jason King and Jordan Potter In the sermi-final, they faced Jason Velacicli helped fellow were excellent on defence Whitby Audio and came up lefenoe pertner Tim Liske as he throughout the entire tournament stroyig with a 5-0 shutout. cored another for. Whitby. as they helpied out netminders Whitby Optimist Club tied Rounding out the scoring was Michael Leahy and Joshua fellow senil-finaliet Whitby Audio {eely, again froin Walton. Miller. in their firet round-robin gaine. ____________________________________ They followed this with a 3-2 win over Orono Pine Ridge Insurance Bowfm hecem9 BW. utingPot 4 and a 5-1 victory egeinst Ajax DivisionC ABuOWm 2ChJaoso8W tn i 2Bourbon Bayly's. Mark Beille 2 Tyler cimon I the semi-finel, Optimist >wmnvils T-Mac 4 Broodin Concret, 7 Kevin Sonshouse 2 Russel GaiCu aedBoki Cnrt n nt Misons 2 Kyl Rutan 4 Jêf Lie.Cu adBrklnocetad yan orns Bran yan oodtook a early lead on a goal by' wmg Stioc1k smsanliJoshua Johniton Meaney. iciord Service 2 Broolin Conree Bowmar. Chockers 1 P. Ho"e Swho Chalet 2 Kyle utten tied the gaine for wld ~ t Bcr2 Kyetan 2M Damoh Grahaf WIImonBrooklin Concrete later in the Dean rahamfiret period. The gaine steyed tied lLlght Fst 12 BowmavieT-Mac 4 Whitby Accuracy 2 P. HopeSwiuàChalet 2 1- through the second and third mu Ono4 l 2 K eits2Sanndreft Das ChJsOu ri aknRadn Maous 2 ShMandron Pi j CiMMpenode, plus the first overtime avin Iwley 2 Rokie Bilcox peiod. althm BM9IyWubyDvso It was not until late into the uartTurinTimb Toyota 3 Bowmnîib eMr. Sub. 2 second overtime period that Greg TmFennessy 2 Chris PeUdali ckfrdSevic 9Alx LhtFu 5 Jamn Hwter Michael McCrory Polland clinched the win for the mgt Howo 2 Sea:Z L=n2 5Otms em wild Bocafrd 2 Cae upy Algoma Orchards 2 Bownanvih eHoopor,2 >tIUttan uehr yn Soct lukein Mark ThocTuuon 2 Andrew Pito 2 The atoin tournainent nîoet Z Lbke BradONeil valuable player award went te "' Grosy Whkby Toyota 2 AlgorneOrchards2 Rut. druw RaeTim Fennsssey Marki Thoirpeon Wtby Tooa eeee Ch Demi Robert Middet on Nemi MacDonald ht TYta dfte ookinCocrle14 ja Lgh Fut Wily oyta 2 BowmanvleHooper 0 Whtby Kinsmen 4-3 in overtime Wh utn4 R"rnyKvnurtbyi oaathrilling end-to-end peewee afin Ham 3 Mks Miron final in which both teams hed mn Abbey 3 omnilsM.S> el rues 2 Algoma Orchards 3 omnieM.Sb2 many :pportunities te win. vinTion Nemi MacDonald 2 ChrisPollak 2 Teturnament MWP (based ,an sonTj. radoreon round-robin play) in the okioni Service 7 BowmarieT-Mac 0 Boewtiui Mr. Sth 2 Bomavulle Hoapers 0 peewee ae group was awerded te, wi Becklord 3 Niko Anastassakis Sann Pilp fWib chel Domalo 2 Ted Eeywes SannPls o hi amt HO"e AccuracyPls rudhan fl..iv nnC Pet Maniu <Gueb>h Jr. B) Sooai Fo"bes(<. Sound) Cjia4Thqfu' dlnd) Shawn Bushey <lirihur) Rus Flemning (Mikan) Don Deoio (Miden Jeremy Hanm MNTL> Deryl Vwwnoorso (NOTL) Chîle Mutin <BrarÉtord> Jais Crinldmw(odn Grahm Akkan(Hno) Grog Virgin <Mauluhen) KyIe Atucle<M»Non) Chr.s Krobch (London) Brad Scipharo Mkiilc) Chris Lawtan <Mam) Jeff Dahefly <Mukhun> Paul Acursi<elham) George Brunt (Tr= 4ga Rager Paradis (Pelham>) Rob Fawoott (Mild4 Jamo Dion <Windsor). Jason Monrad <Oakvillo> Joli Bllanchard (Mardiar) Mike Fishlelgh MPelin> NO seloobton John Quirlan (IndenRNer) Chrîs Landona (Fer g ) Lom Paieordgk(Mi), An&ew Baxlor <aldon) P.t DOre ehain) *Wednesday dart league LABATTS LUE UGNI DIVISION (lise'o) Staunifge W L PTU Bake Furnkure "Ffinlku 92 38 02 Dodd & SoerBralo 76 54 76 Whtby Trophy Home 72 68 72 FU>rlaUngTocoo c 72 58 72 ClarennCoeoras 62 68 62 Gar CppnuSevie. 60 70 60 Pem FoamInternaiona 49 81 49 Daryl Norton Service 37 93 37 Camnesplayed BadmrFurnuro FU>rcdlng Tochnic2 Daryl Norton 2 Claremnt dCars 4 Perma Foaro 4 Top 10 scorers John MoPherson AI Pindar Gorge Day Todd Barbour GayCwmdnge JonLqorte Tom GariM Tony Van DoYen Bob AinsWo Ployer ef the eek LA5ATT8 CARLSBERG DIVISION <lUxd) Staadngsl W L PTI RloysErdorpd"e50 28 50 Dosratta office Services 40 38 40 ki-Une.9tore Fixtures 40 3B 40 Nional Trust 26 52 26 Ganne ployed ln- Une S&ore Dmsiatta Office 6 NaionalTrust 3 Roys Enterpime Top a écorers Scoit Lorier David Raid Wayne Thom Joy Hum* Susan Cmrreer tan Day CisPd Ployer ef the wnk 110 Athol Street, Whitby Bicycle Sales & Accessorles Repairs Done To All Makies Take advantage of Creeds Cycle VWNTER FULL TUNE UP SPECIAL Includes Front & Rear hubs, bottom bracket and headset overhauled, gears & brakes adjusteIront & rea wheels trued Now $55.99 Reg. $80.00 Parts Are Extra Sa Get those Bikes out of the Shed or Garage and Head fpr CRDEEDS CYCLE Some Bikes and Accessoies are also on Sale until Spuing 430-7806 * 430-1480 1 1 urim Mon VI Round on* Kltchowe-Waterloo Tororto #romi ScabJ Sarnia Bd Whmtb Six Naons caIb.<rm Tororto> K-W om ngevaws a. cetharbi 110" two Klther-Wgdoo Toro orn affi u Burfihgton Peteib. O<trm Whitb MieMeauga Samy. «rom Six Nat.> Toronto Orangevle Round tir» Kllchener-Walerloo 1 80affioKaugh 1 Sarnia Burfington whltby Tororito Orom Miss. 1 Six Naîiom s Tororio Bimoipton Sing. rm Paterb.1 Orang"e 4 S.Caharnes F

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